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PostgreSQL在何处处理 sql查询之四十八

2013-06-04 17:00 525 查看

* subquery_planner
*      Invokes the planner on a subquery.  We recurse to here for each
*      sub-SELECT found in the query tree.
* glob is the global state for the current planner run.
* parse is the querytree produced by the parser & rewriter.
* parent_root is the immediate parent Query's info (NULL at the top level).
* hasRecursion is true if this is a recursive WITH query.
* tuple_fraction is the fraction of tuples we expect will be retrieved.
* tuple_fraction is interpreted as explained for grouping_planner, below.
* If subroot isn't NULL, we pass back the query's final PlannerInfo struct;
* among other things this tells the output sort ordering of the plan.
* Basically, this routine does the stuff that should only be done once
* per Query object.  It then calls grouping_planner.  At one time,
* grouping_planner could be invoked recursively on the same Query object;
* that's not currently true, but we keep the separation between the two
* routines anyway, in case we need it again someday.
* subquery_planner will be called recursively to handle sub-Query nodes
* found within the query's expressions and rangetable.
* Returns a query plan.
Plan *
subquery_planner(PlannerGlobal *glob, Query *parse,
PlannerInfo *parent_root,
bool hasRecursion, double tuple_fraction,
PlannerInfo **subroot)
int            num_old_subplans = list_length(glob->subplans);
PlannerInfo *root;
Plan       *plan;
List       *newHaving;
bool        hasOuterJoins;
ListCell   *l;

/* Create a PlannerInfo data structure for this subquery */
root = makeNode(PlannerInfo);
root->parse = parse;
root->glob = glob;
root->query_level = parent_root ? parent_root->query_level + 1 : 1;
root->parent_root = parent_root;
root->plan_params = NIL;
root->planner_cxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
root->init_plans = NIL;
root->cte_plan_ids = NIL;
root->eq_classes = NIL;
root->append_rel_list = NIL;
root->rowMarks = NIL;
root->hasInheritedTarget = false;

root->hasRecursion = hasRecursion;
if (hasRecursion)
root->wt_param_id = SS_assign_special_param(root);
root->wt_param_id = -1;
root->non_recursive_plan = NULL;

* If there is a WITH list, process each WITH query and build an initplan
* SubPlan structure for it.
if (parse->cteList)

* Look for ANY and EXISTS SubLinks in WHERE and JOIN/ON clauses, and try
* to transform them into joins.  Note that this step does not descend
* into subqueries; if we pull up any subqueries below, their SubLinks are
* processed just before pulling them up.
if (parse->hasSubLinks)

* Scan the rangetable for set-returning functions, and inline them if
* possible (producing subqueries that might get pulled up next).
* Recursion issues here are handled in the same way as for SubLinks.

* Check to see if any subqueries in the jointree can be merged into this
* query.
parse->jointree = (FromExpr *)
pull_up_subqueries(root, (Node *) parse->jointree, NULL, NULL);

* If this is a simple UNION ALL query, flatten it into an appendrel. We
* do this now because it requires applying pull_up_subqueries to the leaf
* queries of the UNION ALL, which weren't touched above because they
* weren't referenced by the jointree (they will be after we do this).
if (parse->setOperations)

* Detect whether any rangetable entries are RTE_JOIN kind; if not, we can
* avoid the expense of doing flatten_join_alias_vars().  Also check for
* outer joins --- if none, we can skip reduce_outer_joins(). This must be
* done after we have done pull_up_subqueries, of course.
root->hasJoinRTEs = false;
hasOuterJoins = false;
foreach(l, parse->rtable)
RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(l);

if (rte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN)
root->hasJoinRTEs = true;
if (IS_OUTER_JOIN(rte->jointype))
hasOuterJoins = true;
/* Can quit scanning once we find an outer join */

* Preprocess RowMark information.    We need to do this after subquery
* pullup (so that all non-inherited RTEs are present) and before
* inheritance expansion (so that the info is available for
* expand_inherited_tables to examine and modify).

* Expand any rangetable entries that are inheritance sets into "append
* relations".  This can add entries to the rangetable, but they must be
* plain base relations not joins, so it's OK (and marginally more
* efficient) to do it after checking for join RTEs.  We must do it after
* pulling up subqueries, else we'd fail to handle inherited tables in
* subqueries.

* Set hasHavingQual to remember if HAVING clause is present.  Needed
* because preprocess_expression will reduce a constant-true condition to
* an empty qual list ... but "HAVING TRUE" is not a semantic no-op.
root->hasHavingQual = (parse->havingQual != NULL);

/* Clear this flag; might get set in distribute_qual_to_rels */
root->hasPseudoConstantQuals = false;

* Do expression preprocessing on targetlist and quals, as well as other
* random expressions in the querytree.  Note that we do not need to
* handle sort/group expressions explicitly, because they are actually
* part of the targetlist.
parse->targetList = (List *)
preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) parse->targetList,

parse->returningList = (List *)
preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) parse->returningList,

preprocess_qual_conditions(root, (Node *) parse->jointree);

parse->havingQual = preprocess_expression(root, parse->havingQual,

foreach(l, parse->windowClause)
WindowClause *wc = (WindowClause *) lfirst(l);

/* partitionClause/orderClause are sort/group expressions */
wc->startOffset = preprocess_expression(root, wc->startOffset,
wc->endOffset = preprocess_expression(root, wc->endOffset,

parse->limitOffset = preprocess_expression(root, parse->limitOffset,
parse->limitCount = preprocess_expression(root, parse->limitCount,

root->append_rel_list = (List *)
preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) root->append_rel_list,

/* Also need to preprocess expressions for function and values RTEs */
foreach(l, parse->rtable)
RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(l);

if (rte->rtekind == RTE_FUNCTION)
rte->funcexpr = preprocess_expression(root, rte->funcexpr,
else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_VALUES)
rte->values_lists = (List *)
preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) rte->values_lists,

* In some cases we may want to transfer a HAVING clause into WHERE. We
* cannot do so if the HAVING clause contains aggregates (obviously) or
* volatile functions (since a HAVING clause is supposed to be executed
* only once per group).  Also, it may be that the clause is so expensive
* to execute that we're better off doing it only once per group, despite
* the loss of selectivity.  This is hard to estimate short of doing the
* entire planning process twice, so we use a heuristic: clauses
* containing subplans are left in HAVING.    Otherwise, we move or copy the
* HAVING clause into WHERE, in hopes of eliminating tuples before
* aggregation instead of after.
* If the query has explicit grouping then we can simply move such a
* clause into WHERE; any group that fails the clause will not be in the
* output because none of its tuples will reach the grouping or
* aggregation stage.  Otherwise we must have a degenerate (variable-free)
* HAVING clause, which we put in WHERE so that query_planner() can use it
* in a gating Result node, but also keep in HAVING to ensure that we
* don't emit a bogus aggregated row. (This could be done better, but it
* seems not worth optimizing.)
* Note that both havingQual and parse->jointree->quals are in
* implicitly-ANDed-list form at this point, even though they are declared
* as Node *.
newHaving = NIL;
foreach(l, (List *) parse->havingQual)
Node       *havingclause = (Node *) lfirst(l);

if (contain_agg_clause(havingclause) ||
contain_volatile_functions(havingclause) ||
/* keep it in HAVING */
newHaving = lappend(newHaving, havingclause);
else if (parse->groupClause)
/* move it to WHERE */
parse->jointree->quals = (Node *)
lappend((List *) parse->jointree->quals, havingclause);
/* put a copy in WHERE, keep it in HAVING */
parse->jointree->quals = (Node *)
lappend((List *) parse->jointree->quals,
newHaving = lappend(newHaving, havingclause);
parse->havingQual = (Node *) newHaving;

* If we have any outer joins, try to reduce them to plain inner joins.
* This step is most easily done after we've done expression
* preprocessing.
if (hasOuterJoins)

* Do the main planning.  If we have an inherited target relation, that
* needs special processing, else go straight to grouping_planner.
if (parse->resultRelation &&
rt_fetch(parse->resultRelation, parse->rtable)->inh)
plan = inheritance_planner(root);
plan = grouping_planner(root, tuple_fraction);
/* If it's not SELECT, we need a ModifyTable node */
if (parse->commandType != CMD_SELECT)
List       *returningLists;
List       *rowMarks;

* Set up the RETURNING list-of-lists, if needed.
if (parse->returningList)
returningLists = list_make1(parse->returningList);
returningLists = NIL;

* If there was a FOR UPDATE/SHARE clause, the LockRows node will
* have dealt with fetching non-locked marked rows, else we need
* to have ModifyTable do that.
if (parse->rowMarks)
rowMarks = NIL;
rowMarks = root->rowMarks;

plan = (Plan *) make_modifytable(parse->commandType,

* If any subplans were generated, or if there are any parameters to worry
* about, build initPlan list and extParam/allParam sets for plan nodes,
* and attach the initPlans to the top plan node.
if (list_length(glob->subplans) != num_old_subplans ||
root->glob->nParamExec > 0)
SS_finalize_plan(root, plan, true);

/* Return internal info if caller wants it */
if (subroot)
*subroot = root;

return plan;


int            num_old_subplans = list_length(glob->subplans);

对于这个 num_old_subplans ,在我的简单查询sql 文执行的时候,都是 0:

Plan *
subquery_planner(PlannerGlobal *glob, Query *parse,
PlannerInfo *parent_root,
bool hasRecursion, double tuple_fraction,
PlannerInfo **subroot)
int            num_old_subplans = list_length(glob->subplans);


if (list_length(glob->subplans) != num_old_subplans ||
root->glob->nParamExec > 0)
SS_finalize_plan(root, plan, true);



而且,subquery_planner 只被调用了一次,root->query_level 值为1(入口参数为 NULL)。

/* primary planning entry point (may recurse for subqueries) */
top_plan = subquery_planner(glob, parse, NULL,
false, tuple_fraction, &root);



root->hasRecursion = hasRecursion;

if (hasRecursion)
root->wt_param_id = SS_assign_special_param(root);
root->wt_param_id = -1;

下面这段:也是 false。因为我没有使用 WITH

* If there is a WITH list, process each WITH query and build an initplan
* SubPlan structure for it.
if (parse->cteList)


* Look for ANY and EXISTS SubLinks in WHERE and JOIN/ON clauses, and try
* to transform them into joins.  Note that this step does not descend
* into subqueries; if we pull up any subqueries below, their SubLinks are
* processed just before pulling them up.
if (parse->hasSubLinks)


* Scan the rangetable for set-returning functions, and inline them if
* possible (producing subqueries that might get pulled up next).
* Recursion issues here are handled in the same way as for SubLinks.


* inline_set_returning_functions
*        Attempt to "inline" set-returning functions in the FROM clause.
* If an RTE_FUNCTION rtable entry invokes a set-returning function that
* contains just a simple SELECT, we can convert the rtable entry to an
* RTE_SUBQUERY entry exposing the SELECT directly.  This is especially
* useful if the subquery can then be "pulled up" for further optimization,
* but we do it even if not, to reduce executor overhead.
* This has to be done before we have started to do any optimization of
* subqueries, else any such steps wouldn't get applied to subqueries
* obtained via inlining.  However, we do it after pull_up_sublinks
* so that we can inline any functions used in SubLink subselects.
* Like most of the planner, this feels free to scribble on its input data
* structure.
inline_set_returning_functions(PlannerInfo *root)
ListCell   *rt;

foreach(rt, root->parse->rtable)
RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(rt);

if (rte->rtekind == RTE_FUNCTION)
Query       *funcquery;

/* Check safety of expansion, and expand if possible */
funcquery = inline_set_returning_function(root, rte);
if (funcquery)
/* Successful expansion, replace the rtable entry */
rte->rtekind = RTE_SUBQUERY;
rte->subquery = funcquery;
rte->funcexpr = NULL;
rte->funccoltypes = NIL;
rte->funccoltypmods = NIL;
rte->funccolcollations = NIL;

因为我的简单查询中没有集合运算,所以这里面 inline_set_returning_functions 相当于什么都没作。


* Check to see if any subqueries in the jointree can be merged into this
* query.
parse->jointree = (FromExpr *)
pull_up_subqueries(root, (Node *) parse->jointree, NULL, NULL);


* If this is a simple UNION ALL query, flatten it into an appendrel. We
* do this now because it requires applying pull_up_subqueries to the leaf
* queries of the UNION ALL, which weren't touched above because they
* weren't referenced by the jointree (they will be after we do this).
if (parse->setOperations)


对于我们的简单查询,这个 (rte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN) 也是不能成立的。

* Detect whether any rangetable entries are RTE_JOIN kind; if not, we can
* avoid the expense of doing flatten_join_alias_vars().  Also check for
* outer joins --- if none, we can skip reduce_outer_joins(). This must be
* done after we have done pull_up_subqueries, of course.
root->hasJoinRTEs = false;
hasOuterJoins = false;
foreach(l, parse->rtable)
RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(l);

if (rte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN)
root->hasJoinRTEs = true;
if (IS_OUTER_JOIN(rte->jointype))
hasOuterJoins = true;
/* Can quit scanning once we find an outer join */


* Preprocess RowMark information.    We need to do this after subquery
* pullup (so that all non-inherited RTEs are present) and before
* inheritance expansion (so that the info is available for
* expand_inherited_tables to examine and modify).

接着看 preprocess_rowmarks,对于我的简单查询SQL文,其实是直接return 了。

* preprocess_rowmarks - set up PlanRowMarks if needed
static void
preprocess_rowmarks(PlannerInfo *root)
Query       *parse = root->parse;
Bitmapset  *rels;
List       *prowmarks;
ListCell   *l;
int            i;

if (parse->rowMarks)

fprintf(stderr,"parse->rowMarks is true.\n");
* We've got trouble if FOR UPDATE/SHARE appears inside grouping,
* since grouping renders a reference to individual tuple CTIDs
* invalid.  This is also checked at parse time, but that's
* insufficient because of rule substitution, query pullup, etc.
fprintf(stderr,"parse->rowMarks is false.\n");

if (parse->commandType != CMD_UPDATE &&
parse->commandType != CMD_DELETE)
fprintf(stderr,"+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+directly return!\n");

* We only need rowmarks for UPDATE, DELETE, or FOR UPDATE/SHARE.
if (parse->commandType != CMD_UPDATE &&
parse->commandType != CMD_DELETE)



* Expand any rangetable entries that are inheritance sets into "append
* relations".  This can add entries to the rangetable, but they must be
* plain base relations not joins, so it's OK (and marginally more
* efficient) to do it after checking for join RTEs.  We must do it after
* pulling up subqueries, else we'd fail to handle inherited tables in
* subqueries.

* expand_inherited_tables
*        Expand each rangetable entry that represents an inheritance set
*        into an "append relation".    At the conclusion of this process,
*        the "inh" flag is set in all and only those RTEs that are append
*        relation parents.
expand_inherited_tables(PlannerInfo *root)
Index        nrtes;
Index        rti;
ListCell   *rl;

* expand_inherited_rtentry may add RTEs to parse->rtable; there is no
* need to scan them since they can't have inh=true.  So just scan as far
* as the original end of the rtable list.
nrtes = list_length(root->parse->rtable);
rl = list_head(root->parse->rtable);
for (rti = 1; rti <= nrtes; rti++)
RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(rl);

expand_inherited_rtentry(root, rte, rti);
rl = lnext(rl);

这个 expand_inherited_rtentry 也是直接return了:

static void
expand_inherited_rtentry(PlannerInfo *root, RangeTblEntry *rte, Index rti)
Query       *parse = root->parse;
Oid            parentOID;
PlanRowMark *oldrc;
Relation    oldrelation;
LOCKMODE    lockmode;
List       *inhOIDs;
List       *appinfos;
ListCell   *l;

/* Does RT entry allow inheritance? */
if (!rte->inh)

/* Ignore any already-expanded UNION ALL nodes */
if (rte->rtekind != RTE_RELATION)
Assert(rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY);
/* Fast path for common case of childless table */
parentOID = rte->relid;
if (!has_subclass(parentOID))
/* Clear flag before returning */
rte->inh = false;
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