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sharepoint 查询统计list数据,使用CAML联合datatable方法

2013-06-04 11:02 387 查看

      新浪微博   jasondct 

        /// <summary>

        /// 计算时间范围内各类审批统计

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="monthfirst">月处</param>

        /// <param name="monthend">月末</param>

        protected void GetCostBudge(DateTime monthfirst, DateTime monthend)



            string monthfirst1 = SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(monthfirst);

            string monthend1 = SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(monthend);


            using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.ID))


                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb("expense"))


                    SPList list = web.Lists["EBRL"];

                    SPQuery Query = new SPQuery();

                    Query.Query = string.Format(@"<Where><And><Geq><FieldRef Name='SubmitTime' /><Value IncludeTimeValue='TRUE' Type='DateTime'>{0}</Value>

                    </Geq><Leq><FieldRef Name='SubmitTime' /><Value IncludeTimeValue='TRUE' Type='DateTime'>{1}</Value></Leq></And></Where>",monthfirst1, monthend1 );

                    Query.ViewFields = @"<FieldRef Name='FreeType' />

                                            <FieldRef Name='Total'/>

                                            <FieldRef Name='State'/> 

                                            <FieldRef Name='Dep'/>   

                                             <FieldRef Name='DepID'/>   

                                            <FieldRef Name='ApplyName'/> ";

                    DataTable mydt = list.GetItems(Query).GetDataTable();

                    if (mydt != null)


                        //先得到个人总数   txtUntreatedGross

                        txtUsedGross.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 1 and ApplyName ='"+labUserName.Text+"'").ToString();

                        txtUntreatedGross.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 0 and ApplyName='" + labUserName.Text + "'").ToString();



                        txtMonth.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 1 and ApplyName ='" + labUserName.Text + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();

                        txtUntreated.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 0 and ApplyName ='" + labUserName.Text + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();


                        string[] getFunctionDep = labDep.Text.Split('-');

                        if (getFunctionDep[0].Contains("xx") && getFunctionDep.Length>1)


                            string FunctionDep = GetDepID(getFunctionDep[0]) + "-" + GetDepID(labDep.Text.Trim());

                            //二级部门已处理  Dep

                          txtUsedTwo.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 1 and DepID ='" + FunctionDep + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();


                          txtUntreatedTwo.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 0 and DepID ='" + FunctionDep + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();

                          //txtUsedTwo.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 1 and DepID ='" + FunctionDep + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();

                          //txtUntreatedOne.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 0 and DepID ='" + FunctionDep + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();


                          txtUsedGross.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 1 and DepID ='" + FunctionDep + "'").ToString();

                          txtUntreatedGross.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 0 and DepID ='" + FunctionDep + "'").ToString();







                            //给一级部门赋值  txtUsedUnit

                            if (!labDep.Text.Contains("-"))



                                string ItemDepID = "";

                                string DepID = GetDepID(labDep.Text);


                                txtUsedUnit.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 1 and substring(DepID,1,6) ='" + DepID + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();


                                txtUntreatedOne.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 0 and substring(DepID,1,6) ='" + DepID + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();


                                txtUsedGross.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 1 and substring(DepID,1,6) ='" + DepID + "'").ToString();

                                txtUntreatedGross.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 0 and substring(DepID,1,6) ='" + DepID + "'").ToString();




                                string[] myarr = labDep.Text.Split('-');


                                string recursionDep = string.Empty;

                                string recursionDep1 =GetDepID( myarr[0]);

                                recursionDep = recursionDep1;


                                txtUsedUnit.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 1 and substring(DepID,1,6) ='" + recursionDep + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();


                                txtUntreatedOne.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 0 and substring(DepID,1,6) ='" + recursionDep + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();


                                txtUsedGross.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 1 and substring(DepID,1,6) ='" + recursionDep + "'").ToString();

                                txtUntreatedGross.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 0 and substring(DepID,1,6) ='" + recursionDep + "'").ToString();


                                string recursionDep2 =GetDepID( myarr[0]+"-"+ myarr[1]);

                                recursionDep += "-" + recursionDep2;

                                //二级部门已处理  Dep

                                txtUsedTwo.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 1 and substring(DepID,1,13) ='" + recursionDep + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();


                                txtUntreatedTwo.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 0 and substring(DepID,1,13) ='" + recursionDep + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();




                                    string recursionDep3 = GetDepID(myarr[0]+"-"+ myarr[1]+"-"+myarr[2]);

                                    recursionDep += "-" + recursionDep3;

                                    txtUsedthree.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 1 and DepID ='" + recursionDep + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();

                                    txtUntreatedthree.Text = mydt.Compute("Sum(Total)", "State = 0 and DepID ='" + recursionDep + "' and FreeType='" + labListName.Text + "'").ToString();










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