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2013-06-03 08:41 267 查看

socketio-netty(socket.io 服务器端JAVA实现) 近期升级手记


针对JAVA开发者,socketio-netty是一个socket.io的服务器端选择,又是目前兼容最新0.9+ – 1.0的JAVA服务器端实现。






3.4.5的QueueFactory类,增加对了JAVA SE 7引入的JUC并发类LinkedTransferQueue,若是本地使用JAVA SE 6,还想要保持高性能的阻塞队列,那就需要引入Doug Lea’s jsr166y.jar并发包(下载地址),然后修改一下QueueFactory实现。我已经重新打包成jar包(这里是netty-3.4.5.Final-modify.jar)。


public final class QueueFactory {        private static final boolean useUnsafe = DetectionUtil.hasUnsafe();    private static final InternalLogger LOGGER = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(QueueFactory.class);        private QueueFactory() {        // only use static methods!    }            /**     * Create a new unbound {@link BlockingQueue}      *      * @param itemClass  the {@link Class} type which will be used as {@link BlockingQueue} items     * @return queue     the {@link BlockingQueue} implementation     */    public static <T> BlockingQueue<T> createQueue(Class<T> itemClass) {        // if we run in java >=7 its the best to just use the LinkedTransferQueue which        // comes with java bundled. See #273        if (DetectionUtil.javaVersion() >= 7)  {            return new java.util.concurrent.LinkedTransferQueue<T>();        }                try {            if (useUnsafe) {                return new LinkedTransferQueue<T>();            }        } catch (Throwable t) {            // For whatever reason an exception was thrown while loading the LinkedTransferQueue            //            // This mostly happens because of a custom classloader or security policy that did not allow us to access the            // com.sun.Unmisc class. So just log it and fallback to the old LegacyLinkedTransferQueue that works in all cases            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {                LOGGER.debug("Unable to instance LinkedTransferQueue, fallback to LegacyLinkedTransferQueue", t);            }        }                return new LegacyLinkedTransferQueue<T>();           }        /**     * Create a new unbound {@link BlockingQueue}      *      * @param collection  the collection which should get copied to the newly created {@link BlockingQueue}     * @param itemClass   the {@link Class} type which will be used as {@link BlockingQueue} items     * @return queue      the {@link BlockingQueue} implementation     */    public static <T> BlockingQueue<T> createQueue(Collection<? extends T> collection, Class<T> itemClass) {        // if we run in java >=7 its the best to just use the LinkedTransferQueue which        // comes with java bundled. See #273        if (DetectionUtil.javaVersion() >= 7)  {            return new java.util.concurrent.LinkedTransferQueue<T>();        }                try {            if (useUnsafe) {                return new LinkedTransferQueue<T>(collection);            }        } catch (Throwable t) {            // For whatever reason an exception was thrown while loading the LinkedTransferQueue            //            // This mostly happens because of a custom classloader or security policy that did not allow us to access the            // com.sun.Unmisc class. So just log it and fallback to the old LegacyLinkedTransferQueue that works in all cases            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {                LOGGER.debug("Unable to instance LinkedTransferQueue, fallback to LegacyLinkedTransferQueue", t);            }         }                 return new LegacyLinkedTransferQueue<T>(collection);            }}

view rawQueueFactory.javaThis
Gist brought to you by GitHub.


public final class QueueFactory {        private static final boolean useUnsafe = DetectionUtil.hasUnsafe();    private static final InternalLogger LOGGER = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(QueueFactory.class);        private QueueFactory() {        // only use static methods!    }            /**     * Create a new unbound {@link BlockingQueue}      *      * @param itemClass  the {@link Class} type which will be used as {@link BlockingQueue} items     * @return queue     the {@link BlockingQueue} implementation     */    public static <T> BlockingQueue<T> createQueue(Class<T> itemClass) {        // if we run in java >=7 its the best to just use the LinkedTransferQueue which        // comes with java bundled. See #273        if (DetectionUtil.javaVersion() >= 6)  {            return new jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue<T>();        }                try {            if (useUnsafe) {                return new LinkedTransferQueue<T>();            }        } catch (Throwable t) {            // For whatever reason an exception was thrown while loading the LinkedTransferQueue            //            // This mostly happens because of a custom classloader or security policy that did not allow us to access the            // com.sun.Unmisc class. So just log it and fallback to the old LegacyLinkedTransferQueue that works in all cases            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {                LOGGER.debug("Unable to instance LinkedTransferQueue, fallback to LegacyLinkedTransferQueue", t);            }        }                return new LegacyLinkedTransferQueue<T>();           }        /**     * Create a new unbound {@link BlockingQueue}      *      * @param collection  the collection which should get copied to the newly created {@link BlockingQueue}     * @param itemClass   the {@link Class} type which will be used as {@link BlockingQueue} items     * @return queue      the {@link BlockingQueue} implementation     */    public static <T> BlockingQueue<T> createQueue(Collection<? extends T> collection, Class<T> itemClass) {        // if we run in java >=7 its the best to just use the LinkedTransferQueue which        // comes with java bundled. See #273        if (DetectionUtil.javaVersion() >= 6)  {            return new jsr166y.LinkedTransferQueue<T>();        }                try {            if (useUnsafe) {                return new LinkedTransferQueue<T>(collection);            }        } catch (Throwable t) {            // For whatever reason an exception was thrown while loading the LinkedTransferQueue            //            // This mostly happens because of a custom classloader or security policy that did not allow us to access the            // com.sun.Unmisc class. So just log it and fallback to the old LegacyLinkedTransferQueue that works in all cases            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {                LOGGER.debug("Unable to instance LinkedTransferQueue, fallback to LegacyLinkedTransferQueue", t);            }         }                 return new LegacyLinkedTransferQueue<T>(collection);            }}

view rawQueueFactory-modify.javaThis
Gist brought to you by GitHub.

socket.io client 升级到 0.9.6

socketio.properties 增加配置项static,指定静态资源的相对路径 ,默认是static

若浏览器请求:http://localhost:9000/style/chat.css,则此文件相对路径为 static/style/chat.css,其它文件与此类似。


在Google Code 增加demo

下载聊天示范,下载后解压,双击 start.bat或者start.sh,浏览 http://localhost:9000/ 即可。

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