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2013-05-23 15:51 288 查看


* @brief Binary Tree
* @author An
* @data  2013.5.22
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class BiTNode
lchild = NULL;
rchild = NULL;
int data;
BiTNode *lchild, *rchild;

class BiTree
BiTNode *root;
root = NULL;


void CreatBiTree( BiTNode *&t );
void CreatBiTree_( BiTNode *&t, int *array );
// visit for every node
void PrintElement( int e );

// recursive
void PreOrderTraverse( BiTNode *t );
void InOrderTraverse( BiTNode *t );
void PostOrderTraverse( BiTNode *t );

// non-recursive
void PreOrderTraverse_( BiTNode *t );
void InOrderTraverse_( BiTNode *t );
void PostOrderTraverse_( BiTNode *t );
void LevelOrderTraverse( BiTNode *t );

* @brief Binary Tree
* @author An
* @data  2013.5.22
#include "BinaryTree.h"
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;

void CreatBiTree( BiTNode *&t )
int tmp;
cin >> tmp;
if ( tmp == 0 )
t = NULL;
t = new BiTNode;
t->data = tmp;
CreatBiTree( t->lchild );
CreatBiTree( t->rchild );

// cin from an array
void CreatBiTree_( BiTNode *&t, int *array )
static int i = -1;
if ( array[ i ] == 0 )
t = NULL;
t = new BiTNode;
t->data = array[ i ];
CreatBiTree_( t->lchild, array );
CreatBiTree_( t->rchild, array );

void PrintElement( int e )
cout << e << " ";

// recursive
void PreOrderTraverse( BiTNode *t )
if ( t != NULL )
PrintElement( t->data );
PreOrderTraverse( t->lchild );
PreOrderTraverse( t->rchild );

void InOrderTraverse( BiTNode *t )
if ( t != NULL )
InOrderTraverse( t->lchild );
PrintElement( t->data );
InOrderTraverse( t->rchild );

void PostOrderTraverse( BiTNode *t )
if ( t != NULL )
PostOrderTraverse( t->lchild );
PostOrderTraverse( t->rchild );
PrintElement( t->data );

// non-recursive
void LevelOrderTraverse( BiTNode *t )
queue<BiTNode*> que;
if ( t != NULL )
que.push( t );
while ( que.size() != 0 )
PrintElement( (que.front())->data );
if ( (que.front())->lchild != NULL )
que.push( (que.front())->lchild );
if ( (que.front())->rchild != NULL )
que.push( (que.front())->rchild );

// non-recursive
void PreOrderTraverse_( BiTNode *t )
stack<BiTNode*> stk;
BiTNode *p = t;
while ( p != NULL || !stk.empty() )
while ( p != NULL )
PrintElement( p->data );
stk.push( p );
p = p->lchild;
if ( !stk.empty() )
p = stk.top();
p = p->rchild;

// non-recursive
void InOrderTraverse_( BiTNode *t )
stack<BiTNode*> stk;
BiTNode *p = t;
while ( p != NULL || !stk.empty() )
while ( p != NULL )
stk.push( p );
p = p->lchild;
if ( !stk.empty() )
p = stk.top();
PrintElement( p->data );
p = p->rchild;

// non-recursive
void PostOrderTraverse_( BiTNode *t )
stack<BiTNode*> stk;
BiTNode *cur;
BiTNode *pre = NULL;
stk.push( t );
while ( !stk.empty() )
cur = stk.top();
// if lchild and rchild is empty, or the lchild or rchild has been visited, then the current node will be visited.
if ( ( cur->lchild == NULL && cur->rchild == NULL ) || ( pre != NULL && ( pre == cur->lchild || pre == cur->rchild ) ) )
PrintElement( cur->data );
pre = cur;
if ( cur->rchild != NULL )
stk.push( cur->rchild );
if ( cur->lchild != NULL )
stk.push( cur->lchild );

#include "LinkedList.h"
#include "BinaryTree.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
// test Linked list
// 	Link linkedlist;
// 	for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
// 	{
// 		linkedlist.InsertTail( i );
// 	}
// 	linkedlist.print();
// 	linkedlist.ReverseLink();
// 	linkedlist.print();
// 	linkedlist.DelElem( 5 );
// 	linkedlist.print();

// test Tree
BiTree T;
int array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 0, 5, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 6, 7, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0 };
CreatBiTree_( T.root, array );
cout << "Pre: " << endl;
PreOrderTraverse( T.root );
cout << endl;
PreOrderTraverse_( T.root );
cout << endl;
cout << "In: " << endl;
InOrderTraverse( T.root );
cout << endl;
InOrderTraverse_( T.root );
cout << endl;
cout << "Post: " << endl;
PostOrderTraverse( T.root );
cout << endl;
PostOrderTraverse_( T.root );
cout << endl;
cout << "Level: " << endl;
LevelOrderTraverse( T.root );
cout << endl;
return 0;
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