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The PennTreebank POS tagset

2013-05-11 19:06 387 查看
1.CC  Coordinating conjunction(并列连词)     25.TO to
2.CD  Cardinal number(基数)                  26.UH  Interjection(感叹词)
3.DT  Determiner(限定词)                     27.VB  Verb, base form(动词原形)
4.EX  Existential there(存在词)                            28.VBDVerb, past tense(动词过去式)
5. FW  Foreign word(外来词)                   29.VBGVerb, gerund/present participle(动词现在分词)
6. IN  Preposition/subord.(介词)              30.VBN Verb, past participle(动词过去分词)
218z     conjunction
7. JJ  Adjective(形容词)                      31.VBPVerb, non-3rd ps. sing. present(非第三人称动词)
8. JJR Adjective, comparative(形容词比较级)   32.VBZ Verb, 3rd ps. sing. present(第三人称动词)
9. JJS Adjective, superlative(形容词最高级)   33.WDT wh-determiner(athat,that,which)
10.LS  List item marker(括号内的数量词)       34.WP wh-pronoun(what,who)
11.MD  Modal(can,may,could,might)             35.WP  Possessive wh-pronoun()
12.NN  Noun, singular or mass                 36.WRBwh-adverb(where,when,how,whereby,why)
13.NNS Noun, plural(名词复数)                 37.#  Pound sign()
14.NNP Proper noun, singular(专有名词单数)    38. $ Dollar sign()
15.NNPS Proper noun, plural(专有名词单数)     39. . Sentence-final punctuation()
16.PDT Predeterminer(前限定词)                       40.,  Comma()
17.POS Possessiveending()                    41. :  Colon,semi-colon()
18.PRP Personal pronoun(人称代词)                    42.(  Left bracket character()
19.PP  Possessive pronoun(所有格代名词)       43. ) Right bracket character()
20.RB  Adverb(副词)                                  44. " Straight double quote()
21.RBR Adverb, comparative(比较级副词)               45. `  Left open single quote()
22.RBS Adverb, superlative(最高级副词)               46. "  Left open double quote()
23.RP  Particle(小品词,up,out,off)            47.'  Right close single quote()
24.SYM Symbol()                               48. "  Rightclose double quote()
  Table 3:

The Penn Treebank syntactictagset
 1.  ADJP    Adjective phrase(形形容词短语)
2.  ADVP    Adverb phrase(副词短语)
3.  NP      Noun phrase(名词短语)
4.  PP      Prepositional phrase(介词短语)
5.  S       Simple declarative clause(简单陈述子句)
6.  SBAR    Clause introduced by subordinating conjunction or(被从属连词or引导的子句)
             0 (see below)
7.  SBARQ   Direct question introduced by wh-word or wh-phrase(直接疑问句)
8.  SINV    Declarative sentence with subject-aux inversion()
9.  SQ      Subconstituent of SBARQ excluding wh-word or wh-phrase()
10. VP       Verb phrase(动词短语)
11. WHADVP   Wh-adverb phrase()
12. WHNP     Wh-noun phrase()
13. WHPP     Wh-prepositional phrase()
14. X        Constituent of unknown or uncertaincategory()
 Null elements
 1.  *       ``Understood'' subject of infinitive or imperative
2.  0       Zero variant of that in subordinate clauses
3.  T       Trace---marks position where moved wh-constituent
              is interpreted
4.  NIL     Marks position where preposition is interpreted in
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标签:  NLP POS 词性