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CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setResourceDirectory(dir) 方法的更新

2013-05-11 16:40 465 查看
cocos 2dx 2.1 中不支持CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setResourceDirectory(dir)方法,替代的做法是使用CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setSearchResolutionsOrder(resDirOrders)方法,resDirOrders声明为std::vector<std::string> 。


1.1. Developer guilde

CCFileUtils::setSearchResolutionsOrder() is added to support distributed strategy. You can set searching resolutions order like this

1std::vector<std::string> resDirOrders;

2if (resolution is ipad retina)


4 resDirOrders.push_back("resources-ipadhd");

5 resDirOrders.push_back("resources-ipad");

6 resDirOrders.push_back("resources-iphonehd");



After setting searching resolutions order, suppose we create a sprite like this

1CCSprite *sprite = CCSprite::create("images/tex.png");

Engine will find tex.png in the following sequence

find it in images/resources-ipadhd/

if not found, find it in images/resources-ipad/

if not found, find it in images/resources-iphonehd/

if not found, find it in images/

1.2. Notes

This strategy is not suitable for multi-resolution adaption, because there are too many resolutions on Android. You can not provide all resources for all resolutions, then set searching order based on resolutions, such as

1std::vector<std::string> resDirOrders;

2if (resolution is reslution1)


4 resDirOrders->push_back("path1");

5 resDirOrders->push_back("path2");

6 ...


8else if (resolution is resolution2)


10 resDirOrders->push_back("path-a");

11 resDirOrders->push_back("path-b");

12 ...





2. Centralized strategy

2.1. Why use a different mechanism than cocos2d-iphone

Cocos2d-iphone uses -hd, -ipad, -ipadhd to determine which picture to load. This mechanism is good enough for iOS platform, but is not so suitable for Android, because it has many different resolutions. Cocos2d-x is a cross platform engine, so it should use
another mechanism.

2.2. What is the new mechanism

Cocos2d-x uses the new mechanism to load a picture since version cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.2. It does not use -hd, -ipad, -ipadhd suffixes to indicate images for different resolutions.

The mechanism is:

Try to find a picture in the paths set by CCFileUtils::setSearchPaths() firstly, if it's not found, then find the picture in Resources/

1// set searching paths to "/mnt/sd/example" and "/data/data/org.cocos2dx.example"

2vector<string> searchPaths;




6// engine will find "1.png" in /mnt/sd/example, if there it is not found, then engine will find "1.png" in /data/data/org.cocos2dx.example

7// if not found, engine will find "1.png" in Resources/ (this path is platform dependent)

8CCSprite *pSprite = CCSprite::create("1.png");

It is easy to add searching path to engine. Using this method, you can load resources into a path you know, then set this path to engine. Engine will find a resource in this path if needed.

2.3. Developer guide¶

Do not use -hd, -ipad, -ipadhd suffixes any more. Instead, put all hd files in a directory, then all ipad files in another directory, and so on, then set resource directory to tell the engine where to find a picture.

If you want to share some resources between different resolutions, then you can put all shared resources in Resources/, and put resolution specified resources in different directories.

You can refer to samples/HelloCpp for more information.
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