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Intellij Idea学习——一些常见概念

2013-04-25 16:37 393 查看
-ea:Additional compiler process VM options:-ea enables assertions

RMI: The Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) system allows an object running in one Java virtual machine to invoke methods on an object running in another Java virtual machine. RMI provides for remote communication between programs written in the Java programming language.

Groovy:Groovy是一种基于JVM的敏捷开发语言,它结合了Python、Ruby和Smalltalk的许多强大的特性,Groovy 代码能够与 Java 代码很好地结合,也能用于扩展现有代码。由于其运行在 JVM 上的特性,Groovy 可以使用其他 Java 语言编写的库。

Code Coverage:代码覆盖率

Gant:Gant是一个基于Ant的构建工具,它采用Groovy脚本代替XML来编写构建逻辑。Gant完全依赖于Ant task来做真正的事情,所以如果用Ant实现构建,但不喜欢用XML构建文件,Gant是一个不错的选择。




Language Injections:即一种语言嵌入到另外一种语言中去

OSGI:一方面它指OSGi Alliance组织;另一方面指该组织制定的一个基于Java语言的服务(业务)规范——OSGi服务平台(Service Platform)。

Play:是一个full-stack(全栈的)Java Web应用框架,包括一个简单的无状态MVC模型,具有Hibernate的对象持续,一个基于Groovy的模板引擎,以及建立一个现代Web应用所需的所有东西。

HotSwap:Hotswap 是一个允许在运行状态下无限制的修改加载类文件的Java虚拟机补丁

IDE Settings,Editor,Smart Keys设置非常有用

IDE Settings,Editor,Editor Tabs设置非常有用

IDE Settings,File Templates:能作个性化文件设置

IDE Settings,Keymap:能设置快捷键


SCSS:SCSS即是SASS的新语法,是Sassy CSS的简写,是CSS3语法的超集,也就是说所有有效的CSS3样式也同样适合于SASS。

Facets:encapsulate the support for a variety of frameworks, technologies and languages. For example, to enable Spring in your project, you only have to add the corresponding facet. All libraries are downloaded and configured, you get the full range of coding assistance, refactorings, etc. Moreover, the code model is also recognized, so you are completely free from worrying about any configuration issues.

In most cases, you can add more than one facet of the same type to your project. For example, you can have multiple Web facets for deploying the application to different servers, or several EJB facets, each for its own EJB version. (See also Project Configuration.)

Artifact: An artifact is a file, usually a JAR, that gets deployed to a Maven repository.A Maven build produces one or more artifacts, such as a compiled JAR and a "sources" JAR.Each artifact has a group ID (usually a reversed domain name, like com.example.foo), an artifact ID (just a name), and a version string. The three together uniquely identify the artifact.A project's dependencies are specified as artifacts.
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