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2013-04-17 10:39 309 查看

Dragging Files

Dragging Files can be supported relatively easily as follows

* Add a OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo) handler to your Dialog. You'll probably have to add this manually, as ClassWizard doesn't seen to support the WM_DROPFILES message for dialogs.

Make the following changes

1) In your .h file add the OnDropFiles to the AFX_MSG section

// Generated message map functions



afx_msg void OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo);




2) In your .cpp file add the ON_WM_DROPFILES() handler to the AFX_MSG_MAP section








Strangely, after doing (1) and (2) the results become visible in the ClassWizard.


Use ClassWizard to add an OnCreate() handler to your dialog. in this add the call


This enables Drag and drop of files on your Dialog's window. You can check this by dragging files over your Window. If the cursor is a "no entry" sign (circle with a line through it) it's not working. If the cursor changes to a file/folder icon with a "+" on it, you're in business.

4) Manually add the OnDropFiles method to look something as follows :-

void MyDialog::OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo)


HDROP m_hDropInfo = hDropInfo;

CString Filename;

if (m_hDropInfo) {

int iFiles = DragQueryFile(m_hDropInfo, (UINT)-1, NULL, 0);

for (int i=0; i<ifiles; i++) {

char* pFilename = Filename.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH);

DragQueryFile(m_hDropInfo, i, pFilename, _MAX_PATH);

// do whatever...

} // for each files...

} // if DropInfo


m_hDropInfo = 0;

} // End of OnDropFiles
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