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2013-04-15 21:35 274 查看
@echo off

rem 以下为关闭部分服务的命令,不足之处请各位看官自行更改!

rem [关alerter服务]

sc stop alerter

sc config alerter start= disabled

rem [关application layer gateway service服务]

sc stop alg

sc config alg start= demand

rem [关application management服务]

sc stop appmgmt

sc config appmgmt start= demand

rem [关automatic updates服务]

sc stop wuauserv

sc config wuauserv start= disabled

rem [关clipbook服务]

sc stop clipsrv

sc config clipsrv start= demand

rem [关com system application服务]

sc stop comsysapp

sc config comsysapp start= demand

rem [关distributed transaction coordinator服务]

sc stop msdtc

sc config msdtc start= demand

rem [关error reporting service服务]

sc stop ersvc

sc config ersvc start= disabled

rem [关fast user switching compatibility服务]

sc stop fastuserswitchingcompatibility

sc config fastuserswitchingcompatibility start= disabled

rem [关help and support服务]

sc stop helpsvc

sc config helpsvc start= disabled

rem [关human interface device access服务]

sc stop hidserv

sc config hidserv start= disabled

rem [关imapi cd-burning com service服务]

sc stop imapiservice

sc config imapiservice start= demand

rem [关indexing service服务]

sc stop cisvc

sc config cisvc start= demand

rem [关internet connection firewall (icf) / internet connection sharing (ics)服务]

sc stop shareaccess

sc config shareaccess start= demand

rem [关logical disk manager administrative service服务]

sc stop dmadmin

sc config dmadmin start= demand

rem [关messenger服务]

sc stop messenger

sc config messenger start= disabled

rem [关ms software shadow copy provider服务]

sc stop swprv

sc config swprv start= demand

rem [关net logon服务]

sc stop netlogon

sc config netlogon start= demand

rem [关netmeeting remote desktop sharing服务]

sc stop mnmsrvc

sc config mnmsrvc start= demand

rem [关network dde服务]

sc stop netdde

sc config netdde start= demand

rem [关network dde dsdm服务]

sc stop netddedsdm

sc config netddedsdm start= demand

rem [关nt lm security support provider服务]

sc stop ntlmssp

sc config ntlmssp start= demand

rem [关performance logs and alerts服务]

sc stop sysmonlog

sc config sysmonlog start= demand

rem [关portable media serial number service服务]

sc stop wmdmpmsn

sc config wmdmpmsn start= demand

rem [关print spooler服务]

sc stop spooler

sc config spooler start= disabled

rem [关qos rsvp服务]

sc stop rsvp

sc config rsvp start= demand

rem [关remote access auto connection manager服务]

sc stop rasauto

sc config rasauto start= demand

rem [关remote access connection manager服务]

sc stop rasman

sc config rasman start= demand

rem [关remote desktop help session manager服务]

sc stop rdsessmgr

sc config rdsessmgr start= demand

rem [关remote procedure call (rpc) locator服务]

sc stop rpclocator

sc config rpclocator start= demand

rem [关remote registry服务]

sc stop remoteregistry

sc config remoteregistry start= disabled

rem [关removable storage服务]

sc stop ntmssvc

sc config ntmssvc start= demand

rem [关routing and remote access服务]

sc stop remoteaccess

sc config remoteaccess start= disabled

rem [关smart card服务]

sc stop scardsvr

sc config scardsvr start= demand

rem [关smart card helper服务]

sc stop scarddvr

sc config scarddvr start= demand

rem [关ssdp discovery service服务]

sc stop ssdpsrv

sc config ssdpsrv start= disabled

rem [关system restore service服务]

sc stop srservice

sc config srservice start= disabled

rem [关task scheduler服务]

sc stop schedule

sc config schedule start= disabled

rem [关telephony服务]

sc stop tapisrv

sc config tapisrv start= demand

rem [关telnet服务]

sc stop tlntsvr

sc config tlntsvr start= disabled

rem [关themes服务]

sc stop themes

sc config themes start= disabled

rem [关uninterruptible power supply服务]

sc stop ups

sc config tapisrv start= disabled

rem [关universal plug and play device host服务]

sc stop upnphost

sc config upnphost start= demand

rem [关volume shadow copy服务]

sc stop vss

sc config vss start= demand

rem [关windows installer服务]

sc stop msiserver

sc config msiserver start= demand

rem [关windows management instrumentation driver extensions服务]

sc stop wmi

sc config wmi start= demand

rem [关wireless zero configuration服务]

sc stop wzcsvc

sc config wzcsvc start= disabled

rem [关wmi performance adapter服务]

sc stop wmiapsrv

sc config wmiapsrv start= demand

NVIDIA Display Driver Service

sc stop NVSvc

sc config NVSvc start= disabled


@echo off

echo 1、开启 2、关闭

set/p a="请输入选择:"

if "%a%" == "1" set sc=start

if "%a%" == "2" set sc=stop

net %sc% "iPod Service"

net %sc% VMwareHostd

net %sc% VMUSBArbService

net %sc% "VMware NAT Service"

net %sc% VMnetDHCP

net %sc% VMAuthdService

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