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2013-04-12 10:31 447 查看

1.第一范式:1NF(Normal Forms):表中不能有重复的字段,并且每个字段不能再拆分

2.cmd启动mysql:mysql -h localhost -u root -p

2.cmd启动mysql:mysql -uroot -p123


4.修改端口:my.ini port=3306

5.默认字符集:my.ini default-character-set=gbk

6.修改数据文件夹:my.ini datadir="C:/Documents and Settings/All Users"

7.默认存储引擎:my.ini default-storage-engine=INNODB

8.cmd启动mysq服务:net start mysql

9.查看表结构:show create table dept;

9.查看表描述:desc dept;


create table index1(

id int,

name varchar(20),

sex boolean,

index(id) //普通索引


create table index2(

id int unique,

name varchar(20),

unique index index2_id(id ASC) //创建一个名为index2_id的按升序排序的唯一索引


create table index3(

id int,

info varchar(20),

fulltext index index3_info(info)//创建一个名为index3_info的全文索引

)engine=MyISAM;//使用MyISAM存储引擎 只有MyISAM存储引擎才支持全文索引否则会报错

create table index4(

id int,

subject varchar(30),

index index4_st(subject(10))//单列索引 尽量使用前缀


create table index5(

id int,

name varchar(20),

sex char(4),

index index5_ns(name,sex)//多列索引 必须在查询的时候使用索引中的第一个字段,这个索引才会被使用


create table index6(

id int,

space geometry not null,

SPATIAL index index6_sp(space)//创建一个名为index6_sp的空间索引

)engine=MyISAM;//使用MyISAM存储引擎 只有MyISAM存储引擎才支持空间索引否则会报错

11.查看查询表时所用到的索引:explain select * from index5 where name='a';


create index index7_id on example0(id);//普通索引

create unique index index8_id on index8(id);//唯一索引

create fulltext index index9_info on index9(info);//全文索引

create index index10_add on index10(add(10));//单列索引

create index index11_na on index11(name,add);//多列索引

13.用alter table语句来创建索引

alter table exam add index index12_name(name(20));

14.删除索引:drop index 索引名 on 表名;

16.命令行运行sql脚本文件:\. d:\\temp\bbs.sql

17.mysql分页:select * from article where pid=0 limit 0,3;//从0条开始一共去三条


private final static String className="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";

private final static String url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/shop";

private final static String user="root";

private final static String password="root";


create database shop;

use database;

create table product(

id int primary key auto_increment,

name varchar(20),

price float,

author varchar(20)


insert into product(id,name,price,author) values(null,'西游记',25.5,'吴承恩');

insert into product(id,name,price,author) values(null,'水浒传',25.5,'施耐庵');

insert into product(id,name,price,author) values(null,'三国演义',25.5,'罗贯中');

insert into product(id,name,price,author) values(null,'红楼梦',25.5,'曹雪芹');

20.查看视图权限:select select_priv,create_view_priv from mysql.user where user='root';

20.查看视图删除权限:select drop_priv from mysql.user where user='root';

21.创建视图:create view(name,addr) dept_view1 as select d_name,d_addr from dept

21.删除视图:drop view if exists worker_views1,worder_view2;

22.select name,sex,deptname from worder,dept where worker.d_di=dept.id with local check option;

23.查看视图结构:desc dept_view1;

23.查看视图或表的详细信息:show table status like 'dept';

24.查看视图详细信息:show create view dept_view1;

25.Mysql中所有视图都存储在information_schema数据库下的views表中,查询views表可以查看到数据库中所有视图的详细信息:select * from information_schema.views; 其中information_schema.views表示information_schema数据库下面的views表


27.临时视图:create algorithm=temptable view worker_view1 as select * from worker;

28.触发器:create trigger dept_trig1 before insert on dept for each row insert into emp value(null,'王维');


delimiter && //修改结束符为&&,因为后面需要用到;符号避免冲突

create trigger dept_trig2 after delete

on dept for each row


insert into trigger_time values(time());

insert into trigger_time values('22:21:20');



29.查看触发器:show triggers;或者select * from information_schema.triggers; select * from information_schema.triggers where trigger_name='dept_trig1';

30.删除触发器:drop trigger dept_trig2;

修改密码:1.cmd->mysqladmin -u root -p password 123 然后再输入原来的密码回车即可改成123


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