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2013-04-09 18:11 405 查看

一 配置编译内核,使其支持netfilter


$cd ~work/my6410Kernel/linux-2.6.38

cp config_mini6410_a70 .config

完成以上操作后,执行make menuconfig命令,进入基于文本模式的菜单型的Linux内核配置:

.config - Linux/arm 2.6.38 Kernel Configuration
┌───────────────── Linux/arm 2.6.38 Kernel Configuration ─────────────────┐
│  Arrow keys navigate the menu.  <Enter> selects submenus --->.          │
│  Highlighted letters are hotkeys.  Pressing <Y> includes, <N> excludes, │
│  <M> modularizes features.  Press <Esc><Esc> to exit, <?> for Help, </> │
│  for Search.  Legend: [*] built-in  [ ] excluded  <M> module  < >       │
│ ┌────^(-)─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │        Power management options  --->                               │ │
│ │    [*] Networking support  --->                                     │ │
│ │        Device Drivers  --->                                         │ │
│ │        File systems  --->                                           │ │
│ │        Kernel hacking  --->                                         │ │
│ │        Security options  --->                                       │ │
│ │    -*- Cryptographic API  --->                                      │ │
│ │        Library routines  --->                                       │ │
│ │    ---                                                              │ │
│ │        Load an Alternate Configuration File                         │ │
│ └────v(+)─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│                    <Select>    < Exit >    < Help >                     │

进入networking support --->

进入networking options -->

将 “Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter)”选中;

.config - Linux/arm 2.6.38 Kernel Configuration
┌────────────────────────── Networking options ───────────────────────────┐
│  Arrow keys navigate the menu.  <Enter> selects submenus --->.          │
│  Highlighted letters are hotkeys.  Pressing <Y> includes, <N> excludes, │
│  <M> modularizes features.  Press <Esc><Esc> to exit, <?> for Help, </> │
│  for Search.  Legend: [*] built-in  [ ] excluded  <M> module  < >       │
│ ┌────^(-)─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │    [ ] Security Marking                                             │ │
│ │    [ ] Timestamping in PHY devices                                  │ │
│ │    [*] Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter)  --->         │ │
│ │    < > The DCCP Protocol (EXPERIMENTAL)  --->                       │ │
│ │    < > The SCTP Protocol (EXPERIMENTAL)  --->                       │ │
│ │    < > The RDS Protocol (EXPERIMENTAL)                              │ │
│ │    < > The TIPC Protocol (EXPERIMENTAL)  --->                       │ │
│ │    < > Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)                             │ │
│ │    < > Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)  --->                    │ │
│ │    < > 802.1d Ethernet Bridging                                     │ │
│ └────v(+)─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│                    <Select>    < Exit >    < Help >                     │


--- Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter)               │ │
│ │    [ ]   Network packet filtering debugging                         │ │
│ │    [*]   Advanced netfilter configuration                           │ │
│ │          Core Netfilter Configuration  --->                         │ │
│ │    < >   IP virtual server support  --->                            │ │
│ │          IP: Netfilter Configuration  --->                          │ │
│ │

进入 Core Netfilter Configuration

<*> Netfilter NFQUEUE over NFNETLINK interface                   │ │
│ │    <*> Netfilter LOG over NFNETLINK interface                       │ │
│ │    <*> Netfilter connection tracking support                        │ │
│ │    [*]   Connection mark tracking support                           │ │
│ │    [*]   Connection tracking events                                 │ │
│ │    < >   DCCP protocol connection tracking support (EXPERIMENTAL)   │ │
│ │    < >   SCTP protocol connection tracking support (EXPERIMENTAL)   │ │
│ │    <*>   UDP-Lite protocol connection tracking support              │ │
│ │    < >   Amanda backup protocol support                             │ │
│ │    <*>   FTP protocol support
-*- Netfilter Xtables support (required for ip_tables)           │ │
│ │          *** Xtables combined modules ***                           │ │
│ │    -*-   nfmark target and match support

进入 IP: Netfilter Configuration 配置(略)


$ make && make zImage

二 交叉编译iptables


1. 到netfilter官方网站(http://www.netfilter.org/)下载iptables(http://www.netfilter.org/projects/iptables/downloads.html)最新源码并解压,编译方法具体可以参考iptables目录下的INSTALL文件;

2. 首先一定要确保当前终端下能识别出arm-linux-gcc命令,接着在/opt目录下创建iptables目录,在终端下切换到iptables代码树。运行./configure --prefix=/opt/iptables --host=arm-linux配置以生成Makefile文件。

cd /opt/iptables-1.4.18/

./configure --prefix=/opt/iptables --host=arm-linux
make KERNEL_DIR=/home/zhangmin/work/my6410Kernel/linux-2.6.38
make install


make KERNEL_DIR=/usr/src/linux(指定内核目录)

make NO.SHARED_LIBS=1(静态链接编译生成可执行文件)


$tree /opt/iptables
|-- bin
|   `-- iptables-xml -> /opt/iptables/sbin/xtables-multi
|-- include
|   |-- libiptc
|   |   |-- ipt_kernel_headers.h
|   |   |-- libip6tc.h
|   |   |-- libiptc.h
|   |   |-- libxtc.h
|   |   `-- xtcshared.h
|   |-- xtables.h
|   `-- xtables-version.h
|-- lib
|   |-- libip4tc.la
|   |-- libip4tc.so -> libip4tc.so.0.1.0
|   |-- libip4tc.so.0 -> libip4tc.so.0.1.0
|   |-- libip4tc.so.0.1.0
|   |-- libip6tc.la
|   |-- libip6tc.so -> libip6tc.so.0.1.0
|   |-- libip6tc.so.0 -> libip6tc.so.0.1.0
|   |-- libip6tc.so.0.1.0
|   |-- libiptc.la
|   |-- libiptc.so -> libiptc.so.0.0.0
|   |-- libiptc.so.0 -> libiptc.so.0.0.0
|   |-- libiptc.so.0.0.0
|   |-- libxtables.la
|   |-- libxtables.so -> libxtables.so.10.0.0
|   |-- libxtables.so.10 -> libxtables.so.10.0.0
|   |-- libxtables.so.10.0.0
|   |-- pkgconfig
|   |   |-- libip4tc.pc
|   |   |-- libip6tc.pc
|   |   |-- libiptc.pc
|   |   `-- xtables.pc
|   `-- xtables
|       |-- libip6t_ah.so
|       |-- libip6t_DNAT.so
|       |-- libip6t_DNPT.so
|       |-- libip6t_dst.so
|       |-- libip6t_eui64.so
|       |-- libip6t_frag.so
|       |-- libip6t_hbh.so
|       |-- libip6t_hl.so
|       |-- libip6t_HL.so
|       |-- libip6t_icmp6.so
|       |-- libip6t_ipv6header.so
|       |-- libip6t_LOG.so
|       |-- libip6t_MASQUERADE.so
|       |-- libip6t_mh.so
|       |-- libip6t_NETMAP.so
|       |-- libip6t_REDIRECT.so
|       |-- libip6t_REJECT.so
|       |-- libip6t_rt.so
|       |-- libip6t_SNAT.so
|       |-- libip6t_SNPT.so
|       |-- libipt_ah.so
|       |-- libipt_CLUSTERIP.so
|       |-- libipt_DNAT.so
|       |-- libipt_ECN.so
|       |-- libipt_icmp.so
|       |-- libipt_LOG.so
|       |-- libipt_MASQUERADE.so
|       |-- libipt_MIRROR.so
|       |-- libipt_NETMAP.so
|       |-- libipt_realm.so
|       |-- libipt_REDIRECT.so
|       |-- libipt_REJECT.so
|       |-- libipt_SAME.so
|       |-- libipt_SNAT.so
|       |-- libipt_ttl.so
|       |-- libipt_TTL.so
|       |-- libipt_ULOG.so
|       |-- libipt_unclean.so
|       |-- libxt_addrtype.so
|       |-- libxt_AUDIT.so
|       |-- libxt_CHECKSUM.so
|       |-- libxt_CLASSIFY.so
|       |-- libxt_cluster.so
|       |-- libxt_comment.so
|       |-- libxt_connbytes.so
|       |-- libxt_connlimit.so
|       |-- libxt_connmark.so
|       |-- libxt_CONNMARK.so
|       |-- libxt_CONNSECMARK.so
|       |-- libxt_conntrack.so
|       |-- libxt_cpu.so
|       |-- libxt_CT.so
|       |-- libxt_dccp.so
|       |-- libxt_devgroup.so
|       |-- libxt_dscp.so
|       |-- libxt_DSCP.so
|       |-- libxt_ecn.so
|       |-- libxt_esp.so
|       |-- libxt_hashlimit.so
|       |-- libxt_helper.so
|       |-- libxt_HMARK.so
|       |-- libxt_IDLETIMER.so
|       |-- libxt_iprange.so
|       |-- libxt_ipvs.so
|       |-- libxt_LED.so
|       |-- libxt_length.so
|       |-- libxt_limit.so
|       |-- libxt_mac.so
|       |-- libxt_mark.so
|       |-- libxt_MARK.so
|       |-- libxt_multiport.so
|       |-- libxt_nfacct.so
|       |-- libxt_NFLOG.so
|       |-- libxt_NFQUEUE.so
|       |-- libxt_NOTRACK.so
|       |-- libxt_osf.so
|       |-- libxt_owner.so
|       |-- libxt_physdev.so
|       |-- libxt_pkttype.so
|       |-- libxt_policy.so
|       |-- libxt_quota.so
|       |-- libxt_rateest.so
|       |-- libxt_RATEEST.so
|       |-- libxt_recent.so
|       |-- libxt_rpfilter.so
|       |-- libxt_sctp.so
|       |-- libxt_SECMARK.so
|       |-- libxt_set.so
|       |-- libxt_SET.so
|       |-- libxt_socket.so
|       |-- libxt_standard.so
|       |-- libxt_state.so
|       |-- libxt_statistic.so
|       |-- libxt_string.so
|       |-- libxt_tcpmss.so
|       |-- libxt_TCPMSS.so
|       |-- libxt_TCPOPTSTRIP.so
|       |-- libxt_tcp.so
|       |-- libxt_TEE.so
|       |-- libxt_time.so
|       |-- libxt_tos.so
|       |-- libxt_TOS.so
|       |-- libxt_TPROXY.so
|       |-- libxt_TRACE.so
|       |-- libxt_u32.so
|       `-- libxt_udp.so
|-- sbin
|   |-- ip6tables -> xtables-multi
|   |-- ip6tables-restore -> xtables-multi
|   |-- ip6tables-save -> xtables-multi
|   |-- iptables -> xtables-multi
|   |-- iptables-restore -> xtables-multi
|   |-- iptables-save -> xtables-multi
|   `-- xtables-multi
`-- share
`-- man
|-- man1
|   `-- iptables-xml.1
`-- man8
|-- ip6tables.8
|-- ip6tables-restore.8
|-- ip6tables-save.8
|-- iptables.8
|-- iptables-extensions.8
|-- iptables-restore.8
`-- iptables-save.8

三 移植到min6410开发板



cp -R /nfsfile/iptables /opt/


$/opt/iptables/sbin/iptables -t filter -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

可以看到iptables命令已经可以使用,至此 Netfilter/iptables 移植完成!

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