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1976    EMACS
by Richard Stallman
ran on ITS and TWENEX (Tops-20)
written in TECO and PDP 10 assembly.

1978    Multics Emacs
by Bernie Greenberg
written in MacLisp;
first version to use Lisp as
an extension language.

by Dan Weinreb and Mike McMahon
for MIT Lisp Machine
1979                           ZWEI (ZWEI Was EINE Initially)
by Dan Weinreb and Mike McMahon
(later known as ZMACS)

1981                                           Gosling Emacs
by James Gosling
written in C; with
"Mocklisp" as ext. lang.
1984?                     /             Hemlock
/              by Rob MacLachlan et al
/               written in Spice Lisp
/                (CMU Common Lisp)
1985  GNU Emacs 15.34 (early 85)
by Richard Stallman
GNU Emacs 16.56 (15-jul-85)
(Gosling code expunged
for copyright reasions)
GNU Emacs 16.60 (19-sep-85)
(contained first patches from
the net, including preliminary
SYSV support)
GNU Emacs 17.36 (20-dec-85)
(included TeX manual; first
version that worked on SYSV
out of the box)
1986  GNU Emacs 18.24 beta (2-oct-86)
1987  GNU Emacs 18.41 (22-mar-87)
GNU Emacs 18.45 (2-jun-87)
GNU Emacs 18.49 (18-sep-87)
1988  GNU Emacs 18.50 (13-feb-88)
GNU Emacs 18.51 (7-may-88)
GNU Emacs 18.52 (1-sep-88)
1989  GNU Emacs 18.53 (24-feb-89)                           Epoch (1989?)
|                                              by Simon Kaplan,
|                                              Chris Love, et al
|                                                        |
GNU Emacs 18.54 (26-apr-89)                                     |
|                                                        |
GNU Emacs 18.55 (23-aug-89)                                     |
|   \    \                                               |
|    \    \____________________________________________  |
|     \                                                \ |
1990         |      \                                     Epoch 3.2 (11-dec-90)
|       \                                                |
|        \____ (sporadic work on                         |
|               GNU Emacs 19 begins)                     |
|                     |                                  |
|                     |                      Epoch 4.0 (27-aug-90)
|                     |                                  |
1991  GNU Emacs 18.57 (??-jan-91)  |                                  |
|                     |                                  |
GNU Emacs 18.58 (??-???-91)  |                                  |
|                     |___________                       |
|                     |           \                      |
1992         |                     |   Lucid Emacs 19.0 (??-apr-92)   |
|                     |   by Jamie Zawinski et al        |
|                     |      |                           |
|                     |   Lucid Emacs 19.1 (4-jun-92)    |
|                     |      |                           |
GNU Emacs 18.59 (31-oct-92)  |   Lucid Emacs 19.2 (19-jun-92)   |
|                     |      |                           |
|                    /    Lucid Emacs 19.3 (9-sep-92)    |
|                   /        |                           |
|                  /      Lucid Emacs 19.4 (21-jan-93)   |
|   ______________/          |                           |
|  /                      Lucid Emacs 19.6 (9-apr-93)    |
| /                          |                           |
1993  GNU Emacs 19.7 beta (22-may-93)     |                          /|
first public v19 beta               |                         / |
|                            |                        /  |
GNU Emacs 19.8 beta (27-may-93)     |                       /   |
|        \                   |                      /    |
|         \________________  |  ___________________/     |
|                          \ | /                         |
|                         Lucid Emacs 19.8 (6-sep-93)    |
|                         (Epoch merger, preliminary     |
|                          I18N support)                 |
|                            |                           |
GNU Emacs 19.22 beta (28-nov-93)    |                           |
|                            |                           |
1994         |                         Lucid Emacs 19.9 (12-may-94)  /
|                         (scrollbars, Athena)         /
|                            |                        /
GNU Emacs 19.23 beta (17-may-94)    |                       /
|            \               |                      /
|             \____________  |  ___________________/
|                          \ | /
|                         Lucid Emacs 19.10 (27-may-94)
|                         last JWZ release
|                            |
GNU Emacs 19.24 beta (16-may-94)    |
|                            |
|                         XEmacs 19.11 (13-sep-94)
|                         Lucid Emacs -> XEmacs renaming.
|                         now maintained by Chuck Thompson
|                         and Ben Wing.
|                            |
GNU Emacs 19.27 beta (14-sep-94)    |
|                            |
GNU Emacs 19.28 (1-nov-94)          |
first official v19 release          |
|                            |
1995         |                         XEmacs 19.12 (23-jun-95)
|                         (tty support)    \
GNU Emacs 19.29 (21-jun-95)         |              \
|                            |        (work on 20.x begins)
GNU Emacs 19.30 (24-nov-95)         |               :
|           \                |               :
|            \_____________  |
|                          \ |
|                         XEmacs 19.13 (1-sep-95)
1996  GNU Emacs 19.31 (25-may-96)         |
|                         XEmacs 19.14 (23-jun-96)
GNU Emacs 19.34 (21-aug-96)         |                   \
1997         |                         XEmacs 20.0 (9-feb-97)  \
|                         now maintained by        \
|                         Steve Baur                |
|                            |           XEmacs 19.15 (26-mar-97)
|                            |                      |
|                         XEmacs 20.1 (15-apr-97)   |
|                            |                      |
|                         XEmacs 20.2 (16-may-97)   |
GNU Emacs 20.1 (17-sep-97)          |                      |
|                            |                      |
GNU Emacs 20.2 (20-sep-97)          |                      |
|                            |           XEmacs 19.16 (31-oct-97)
|                            |
|                         XEmacs 20.3 (21-nov-97)
|                            |
1998         |                         XEmacs 20.4 (28-feb-98)
GNU Emacs 20.3 (19-aug-98)

GNU Emacs 21.3
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