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2013-03-24 19:25 253 查看
一 读写文件


use strict;
use warnings;

sub open_display_file
# the filename should be passed in as a parameter
my $filename = shift;
# open file to the handle <FILE>
open(FILE, $filename) || die "Could not read from $filename, program halting.";
# read the first line, and chomp off the newline
chomp(my $firstline = <FILE>);
print $firstline;
# read other into array
my @other = <FILE>;
print @other;
close FILE;

# a test to show how to call my function

2)open(FILE, $filename)打开文件到句柄<FILE>中;
4)my $firstline = <FILE> 读取一行到变量;
5)my @other = <FILE> 读取所有的到数组;
6)close FILE 关闭句柄;



二 命令行解析

1)调用perl的时候使用-s选项,例如perl -s commandline.pl -a -b=12 -c=foo -d=bar,然后在文件中使用$a,$b,$c,$d选项,实例如下:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $usage = <<EOU;
usage : [-a] [-b=num] [-c=str1] [-d=str2]
-a == a option
-b == b option
-c == c option
-d == d option

print $usage;

if(our $a) {print"a option is used!\n";}
if(our $b) {print"b option is used! and the value is $b\n";}
if(our $c) {print"c option is used! and the value is $c\n";}
if(our $d) {print"d option is used! and the value is $d\n";}

#perl -s commandline.pl -a -b=12 -c=foo -d=bar
#usage : [-a] [-b=num] [-c=str1] [-d=str2]
# -a == a option
# -b == b option
# -c == c option
# -d == d option
#a option is used!
#b option is used! and the value is 12
#c option is used! and the value is foo
#d option is used! and the value is bar

2)使用Getopt::Long或Getopt::Std, 在perl文件开始使用use Getopt::Long;GetOptions("a!", "b=i", "c=s", "d:s");,然后在文件中使用选项$opt_a,$opt_b,$opt_c,$opt_d, 调用为perl commandline2.pl -a -b=12 -c=foo -d=bar,实例如下:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $usage = <<EOU;
usage : [-a] [-b=num] [-c=str1] [-d=str2]
-a == a option
-b == b option
-c == c option
-d == d option

print $usage;

use Getopt::Long;
#use Getopt::Std;
GetOptions("a!", "b=i", "c=s", "d:s");

if(our $opt_a) {print"a option is used!\n";}
if(our $opt_b) {print"b option is used! and the value is $opt_b\n";}
if(our $opt_c) {print"c option is used! and the value is $opt_c\n";}
if(our $opt_d) {print"d option is used! and the value is $opt_d\n";}

#perl commandline2.pl -a -b=12 -c=foo -d=bar
#usage : [-a] [-b=num] [-c=str1] [-d=str2]
# -a == a option
# -b == b option
# -c == c option
# -d == d option
#a option is used!
#b option is used! and the value is 12
#c option is used! and the value is foo
#d option is used! and the value is bar

3) 自己解析,调用为perl commandline3.pl -a -b12 -cfoo -dbar,如下:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $usage = <<EOU;
usage : [-a] [-bnum] [-cstr1] [-dstr2]
-a == a option
-b == b option
-c == c option
-d == d option

print $usage;

my $a = 0;
my $b = 0;
my $c = 0;
my $d = 0;

foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
if ($arg =~/^-a$/i){$a = 1;}
elsif ($arg =~/^-b(.*)$/i) {$b = $1;}
elsif ($arg =~/^-c(.*)$/i) {$c = $1;}
elsif ($arg =~/^-d(.*)$/i) {$d = $1;}

if($a) {print"a option is used!\n";}
if($b) {print"b option is used! and the value is $b\n";}
if($c) {print"c option is used! and the value is $c\n";}
if($d) {print"d option is used! and the value is $d\n";}

#perl commandline3.pl -a -b12 -cfoo -dbar
#usage : [-a] [-bnum] [-cstr1] [-dstr2]
# -a == a option
# -b == b option
# -c == c option
# -d == d option
#a option is used!
#b option is used! and the value is 12
#c option is used! and the value is foo
#d option is used! and the value is bar

4) 在windows还可以封装为cmd文件,调用为commandline3.cmd -a -b12 -cfoo -dbar,如下:

@rem = '
@echo off
perl -S commandline3.cmd %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto endofperl
@rem ';

# The above is pretty ugly, but required for DOS/NT use.

# commandline3.cmd

use strict;
use warnings;

my $usage = <<EOU;
usage : [-a] [-bnum] [-cstr1] [-dstr2]
-a == a option
-b == b option
-c == c option
-d == d option

print $usage;

my $a = 0;
my $b = 0;
my $c = 0;
my $d = 0;

foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
if ($arg =~/^-a$/i){$a = 1;}
elsif ($arg =~/^-b(.*)$/i) {$b = $1;}
elsif ($arg =~/^-c(.*)$/i) {$c = $1;}
elsif ($arg =~/^-d(.*)$/i) {$d = $1;}

if($a) {print"a option is used!\n";}
if($b) {print"b option is used! and the value is $b\n";}
if($c) {print"c option is used! and the value is $c\n";}
if($d) {print"d option is used! and the value is $d\n";}

#perl commandline3.cmd -a -b12 -cfoor -dbar
#usage : [-a] [-bnum] [-cstr1] [-dstr2]
# -a == a option
# -b == b option
# -c == c option
# -d == d option
#a option is used!
#b option is used! and the value is 12
#c option is used! and the value is foo
#d option is used! and the value is bar

exit (1);
: endofperl

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