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学习 jForum笔记 三 .ForumAction 发现用户认证模板

2013-03-14 15:18 573 查看
PermissionControl pc = SecurityRepository.get (userId); //权限控制

if (pc.canAccess (SecurityConstants.PERM_FORUM, Integer.toString(forum.getId()))) {

forums.add(forum); //如果有权控制板块,则添加到返回列表



private RoleCollection roles;//权限集合

private transient GroupSecurityDAO smodel;//组权限数据表


public boolean canAccess(String roleName, String roleValue)


Role role = this.roles.get(roleName);

if (role == null) {

return false;


return role.getValues ().contains(new RoleValue(roleValue));




public RoleValueCollection getValues()


return this.
roleValues ;


private final RoleValueCollection roleValues = new RoleValueCollection();

就是说,一个role 对应多个RoleValue ,而fourm_id也可能是一个RoleValue


public static PermissionControl get(int userId)

{ //从缓存中读权限控制

PermissionControl pc = (PermissionControl)cache.get(FQN, Integer.toString(userId));

if (pc == null) { //缓存中没有

try {

pc = load (userId); //取用户权限


catch (Exception e) {

throw new SecurityLoadException(e);



public static PermissionControl load(int userId)


return SecurityRepository.
load (userId, false);



public static PermissionControl load(int userId, boolean force)


if (force || cache.get(FQN, Integer.toString(userId)) == null) { //强制重取或缓存中没有

UserDAO um = DataAccessDriver.getInstance().newUserDAO();

return SecurityRepository.
load (um.selectById(userId), force);


return SecurityRepository.get(userId);



public static PermissionControl load(User user, boolean force)


String userId = Integer.toString(user.getId());

if (force || cache.get(FQN, userId) == null) { //强制重取或缓存中没有

PermissionControl pc = new PermissionControl();

// load roles

GroupSecurityDAO dao = DataAccessDriver.getInstance().newGroupSecurityDAO();

loadRolesByUserGroups (user)); //从用户所在的组中取权限

cache.add(FQN, userId, pc);

return pc;


return SecurityRepository.get(user.getId());



public RoleCollection loadRolesByUserGroups(User user)


List groups = user.getGroupsList(); //取用户的所有组

// When the user is associated to more than one group, we

// should check the merged roles

int[] groupIds = this.getSortedGroupIds(groups); //对组排序

RoleCollection groupRoles = RolesRepository.getGroupRoles(groupIds); //从缓存中根据组取权限

// Not cached yet? then do it now

if (groupRoles == null) { //缓存中没有

groupRoles = this.
loadRoles (groupIds); //从数据表中取所有组的权限

RolesRepository.addGroupRoles(groupIds, groupRoles); //将所有组ID及组权限写入缓存中


return groupRoles;



protected RoleCollection loadRoles(int[] groupIds) //从数据表中取所有组的权限


String sql = SystemGlobals.getSql("PermissionControl.loadGroupRoles"); //取sql语句

String groupIdAsString = SecurityCommon.groupIdAsString(groupIds); //将组ID转成适合SQL语句的字符型

if ("".equals(groupIdAsString)) {

// We suppose there is no "negative" group ids

sql = sql.replaceAll("#IN#","-1");


else { //将组ID加入SQL语句。

sql = sql.replaceAll("#IN#", groupIdAsString);


RoleCollection roles = null;

PreparedStatement p = null;

ResultSet rs = null;

try {

p = JForumExecutionContext.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);

rs = p.executeQuery();

roles = SecurityCommon.
loadRoles (rs); //将SQL执行结果转为roles


catch (SQLException e) {

throw new DatabaseException(e);


finally {

DbUtils.close(rs, p);


return roles;



public static RoleCollection loadRoles(ResultSet rs)


RoleCollection rc = new RoleCollection();

try {

Role r = null;

String lastName = null;

while (rs.next()) {

String currentName = rs.getString("name'); //当前规则名称

if (!currentName.equals(lastName)) { //当前规则名称与最后规则名称不同

if (r != null) {

rc.add(r); //将规则加入返回集,首次不同由于r的初始值为null,因此不会加入


r = new Role();

r.setName(rs.getString("name")); //设置规则名称,那么ID呢?没看到设置role的ID啊。

lastName = currentName; //最后规则名称刷新为当前规则名称


String roleValue = rs.getString("role_value");

if (!rs.wasNull() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(roleValue)) {

r.getValues().add(new RoleValue(roleValue)); //设置role的rolevalue



if (r != null) {



return rc;


catch (SQLException e) {

throw new DatabaseException(e);



总结一下,role中有多个rolevalue.取权限的语句在"PermissionControl.loadGroupRoles" 中
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息