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Linux 查看历史命令或补全文件名set -o vi/emacs

2013-02-28 19:01 288 查看


最近用到ksh 感觉颇为不爽啊,于是就上网一顿查看,最后翻出了 set -o vi/emacs

set -o vi之后 上滚一条命令是ESC+k 下滚一条命令是ESC+j 自动补全文件名(esc \)。

set -o

set -o vi 之后 再查看可以看到 vi 后面是 on 过想关闭 则 set +o vi 对 emac的设置同理


选项名 快捷开关含义
allexport -a 从这个选项中被设置开始就自动标明要输出的新变量或修改过的变量,直至选项被复位
braceexpand -B打开花括号扩展,它是一个默认设置
emacs 使用emacs内置编辑器进行命令行编辑,是一个默认设置
errexit-e 当命令返回一个非零退出状态(失败)时退出。读取初始化文件时不设置
histexpand -H 执行历史替换时打开!和!!扩展,是一个默认设置
history 打开命令行历史、默认为打开
keyword -k 将关键字参数放到命令的环境中
monitor-m 设置作业控制
noclobber-C 防止文件在重定向时被重写
noexec-n 读命令,但不执行。用来检查脚本的语法。交互式运行时不开启
noglob -d 禁止用路径名扩展。即关闭通配符
notify-b 后台作业完成时通知用户
nounset-u 扩展一个未设置的变量时显示一个错误信息
onecmd-t 在读取和执行命令后退出
physical-P 设置时,在键入cd或pwd禁止符号链接。用物理目录代替
privileged-p 设置后,shell不读取.profile或ENV文件,且不从环境继承shell函数,将自动为setuid脚本开启特权
verbose -v 为调试打开verbose模式
xtrace-x 为调试打开echo模式
set -o vi 之后就可以进行相应的一些操作了


1、在ksh下,运行set -o vi,这个时候整个命令状态就是是VI编辑器了,操作的方法和VI编辑器一摸一样,要重复上次的命令,就在当前状态栏下按ESC,然后输入k,就可以看到下一条命令,按下k就可以查询上一条命令,h可以在当前行向前移动一个字符的位置,l可以在当前行向后移动一个字符的为止,当然这个时候相当于处于vi的状态,所有在vi状态下的对单行操作的命令都可以使用。编辑好之后直接按回车即可。

2、如果不不是在ksh下,那么你可以在命令窗口下运行ksh -o vi,其他的命令和第一种方法一样

3、在ksh的环境变量中设置EDITOR=vi即可,修改的方法即在.profile中直接加入EDITOR=vi;export EDITOR即可。




b、你可以在ksh状态下执行r a=b,意思是先将上一条命令中的a字符用b字符替换,然后运行。

{Linux} bash的emacs编辑模式快捷键

Modifying the Bash Shell with the set Command
Two options that can be set using the set command that will be of some interest to the common user are "-o vi" and "-o emacs". As with all of the environment modifying commands these can be typed at the command prompt or inserted into the
appropriate file mentioned above.

Set Emacs Mode in Bash

$ set -o emacs
This is usually the default editing mode when in the bash environment and means that you are able to use commands like those in Emacs (defined in the Readline library) to move the cursor, cut and paste text, or undo editing.

. Commands to take advantage of bash's Emacs Mode:

o ctrl-a Move cursor to beginning of line

o ctrl-e Move cursor to end of line

o meta-b Move cursor back one word

o meta-f Move cursor forward one word

o ctrl-w Cut the last word

o ctrl-u Cut everything before the cursor

o ctrl-k Cut everything after the cursor

o ctrl-y Paste the last thing to be cut

o ctrl-_ Undo

o NOTE: ctrl- = hold control, meta- = hold meta (where meta is usually the alt or escape key).

o A combination of ctrl-u to cut the line combined with ctrl-y can be very helpful. If you are in middle of typing a command and need to return to the prompt to retrieve more information you can use ctrl-u to save what you have
typed in and after you retrieve the needed information ctrl-y will recover what was cut.

. Set Vi Mode in Bash

. $ set -o vi

. o Vi mode allows for the use of vi like commands when at the bash prompt. When set to this mode initially you will be in insert mode (be able to type at the prompt unlike when you enter vi). Hitting the escape key takes you
into command mode.

. Commands to take advantage of bash's Vi Mode:

o h Move cursor left

o l Move cursor right

o A Move cursor to end of line and put in insert mode

o 0 (zero) Move cursor to beginning of line (doesn't put in insert mode)

o i Put into insert mode at current position

o a Put into insert mode after current position

o dd Delete line (saved for pasting)

o D Delete text after current cursor position (saved for pasting)

o p Paste text that was deleted

o j Move up through history commands

o k Move down through history commands

o u Undo
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