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Basics of Apache Ant

2013-02-20 21:55 435 查看

what is Ant? (Ant是什么)

Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependentupon each
other.(Ant uses XML to describe the build process and its dependencies. By default the XML file is named build.xml.)
note:Ant是基于java的构建工具,运行靠构建脚本,默认的名称为build.xml,可直接运行ant命令。如果是其他名称,如:mybuild.xml,命令行则应为:ant -f mybuild.xml。

The main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications. Ant supplies anumber of built-in tasks allowing to compile, assemble, test and run Javaapplications.
Ant can also be used effectively to build non Java applications,for instance C or C++ applications. More generally, Ant can be used to pilotany type of process which can be described in terms of targets and tasks.
+ +的应用程序。

Ant is written in Java. Users ofAnt can develop their own "antlibs" containing Ant tasks and types,and are offered a large number of ready-made commercial
or open-source"antlibs".
note:Ant基于Java。用户可以开发自己的包含task和type的 antlibs。同时也提供了大量现成的商用或是开源的antlibs。

Ant is extremely flexible and doesnot impose coding conventions or directory layouts to the Java projects which adopt it as a build tool.

Ant is an Apache project. It is open source software, and isreleased under the Apache Software License.

Installing Apache Ant

To get up and running with Ant quickly, follow these steps:

Make sure you have a Java environment installed.( both JDK and Jre). Make sure you have setenvironmental variables JAVA_HOME to your Java environment. (确认机器安装了Java环境,设置了Java环境变量。检查JAVA_HOME、path是否正确)

note: Ant 1.8.* works with jdk1.4 and higher,

Ant 1.7.* works with jdk1.3 and higher,

Ant 1.6.* works with jdk1.2 and higher,

Ant 1.2 to Ant 1.5.* work with jdk1.1 and higher.

Download Ant and umcompress the downloaded file into a directory. (下载Ant并解压,链接:http://ant.apache.org/)
Set enviromental variable ANT_HOME to the directory you uncompressed Ant to. (设置ANT_HOME环境变量,指向ant的解压根目录)
Add ${ANT_HOME}/bin (Unix系统) or%ANT_HOME%/bin (Windows系统) to your path. (在path环境变量中,添加${ANT_HOME}/bin (Unix系统)
或者 %ANT_HOME%/bin (Windows系统))

Check installation.

You can check the basic installation with opening a new shell and typing
ant. You shoud get a message like this:

so Ant works. This message is there because you need to write an individual builfile for your project.

(如果能够运行ant(忽略这些异常:Buildfile:build.xml does not exist!),而不是出现诸如命令无法解释的错误,那么你的ant就安装成功了)

With a ant - version you should get an output like:(命令窗口输入 ant –version 你可以获得当前的ant版本)

If this does not work ensure your environment variables are set right.

Sample build.xml file

Ant uses XML to describe the build process and its dependencies.Below is listed a sample build.xml file. It defines a target-test,
which hasan associated description.

<?xml version="1.0"encoding="GBK"?>
<project name="test" default="copyfile" basedir=".">
<target name="copyfile">
<copy file="d:/a.txt" todir="c:/temp" overwrite="true"/>

Each buildfile contains one project and at least one (default) target. Targets contain task elements. Each task element of the buildfile can have an id attribute and can later be referred to by the value supplied to this.
The value has to be unique.



buildfile的根元素:<project>。 <project>标签有三个属性:name、default、basedir
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