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Apache Jackrabbit 2.6.0 发布

2013-02-17 16:32 465 查看
Apache Jackrabbit 是由 Apache Foundation 提供的 JSR-170 的开放源码实现..

Apache Jackrabbit 2.6.0 完整改进记录:

New features

[JCR-3233] Provide callback for consistency checker
[JCR-3255] Access cluster node id
[JCR-3389] Implement a MultiDataStore
[JCR-3420] Improving Jackrabbit integration within OSGi and other ...
[JCR-3443] Normalize String properties when ordering query results


[JCR-1873] It should be possible to define how hrefs are generated for WebDav
[JCR-3181] add test case for recovering from broken version history ...
[JCR-3191] Update commons-io dependency from versiom 1.4 to 2.0.1
[JCR-3209] lock token validity
[JCR-3212] add TCK test for Info map of NODE_MOVED event on node reordering
[JCR-3213] Speed up NodeIndexer.isIndexed() check
[JCR-3229] FileRevision should have a flag to control whether to sync ...
[JCR-3231] Replace BundleFsPersistenceManager with ...
[JCR-3232] Improve FileRevision extensibility
[JCR-3237] add missing name constants for mix:title
[JCR-3242] Update to Lucene 3.6
[JCR-3243] RepositoryStatistics should be more flexible
[JCR-3248] TimeoutHandler visitor should be extracted into a dedicated class
[JCR-3253] Set omit term freq positions flag on parent field in the index
[JCR-3254] make max size of CachingEntryCollector's cache configurable
[JCR-3259] augment logging information around CachingEntryCollector
[JCR-3263] Consistency checker performance improvements
[JCR-3265] Consistency checker should double check for false positives
[JCR-3269] Consistency checker should fix 'disconnected' nodes
[JCR-3275] Audit log
[JCR-3277] Let consistency report provide more information
[JCR-3280] SQL2 joins on empty sets are not efficient
[JCR-3282] Optimize usage of norms
[JCR-3286] InternalVersionManagerBase.calculateCheckinVersionName will ...
[JCR-3296] Indexing ignored file types creates some garbage
[JCR-3315] Add .gitignore file
[JCR-3319] Improve performance of repository updates - tweak index ...
[JCR-3327] Upgrade to Java SE 6
[JCR-3330] upgrade httpclient 3 dependency to final release 3.1
[JCR-3331] various tests do not compile with source==1.6
[JCR-3332] Add constructor with size argument to Node- and ...
[JCR-3339] Log stack trace with warn message in ObservationDispatcher
[JCR-3350] Easy-to-use utility class for adding ACEs to nodes
[JCR-3351] Add performance test setup for jr2.6
[JCR-3352] Minor improvements for collecting ACEs
[JCR-3356] performance tests
[JCR-3358] Allow null type in JcrUtils.getOrAddNode(parent, name, type)
[JCR-3362] Use a basic form for audit logs
[JCR-3365] Provide get property and get node utility methods in JcrUtils
[JCR-3369] Garbage collector improvements
[JCR-3370] TCK test for shareable node paths assumes work area
[JCR-3371] TCK test for shareable nodes incorrectly assumes the ...
[JCR-3376] TCK: SQLPathTest.testChildAxisRoot expects root node not ...
[JCR-3386] Adjust some default values of the BasicDataSource in the ...
[JCR-3392] Combine the XA aware (Reentrant) LockImpls to prevent ...
[JCR-3393] InternalVersionManagerBase.calculateCheckinVersionName may ...
[JCR-3395] separate entries used for permission eval from ACEs exposed ...
[JCR-3405] Improvements to user management implementation
[JCR-3406] Journal doUnlock sometimes not called on repository shutdown
[JCR-3418] CompactNodeTypeDefReader throws away exception information
[JCR-3426] Log warning when changes are performed with event ...
[JCR-3429] Make query tests (more) independent
[JCR-3442] Allow (override) access of the system search manager to ...
[JCR-3454] The RmiRepositoryFactory should handle auto reconnect
[JCR-3463] Configurable stopDelay
[JCR-3467] ConsistencyCheck.MissingAncestor#repair() should also log UUID
[JCR-3474] Add JackrabbitQueryResult.getTotalSize()
[JCR-3479] Remove logback log config from jr-core tests jar
[JCR-3480] Extend SaveTest#testConstraintViolationException to cover ...
[JCR-3490] More efficient node traversal during garbage collection
[JCR-3500] Upgrade to Tika 1.3

Bug fixes

[JCR-861] Connector should support LocalTransaction as well as ...
[JCR-2662] JCR unit tests for journaled observation do not check ...
[JCR-2666] JCR TCK Test for Restoring Version Tests That Versionable ...
[JCR-3267] Consistency checker needs to run multiple times to fix all ...
[JCR-3050] NullPointerException on removing a node acquired from search ...
[JCR-3158] Deadlock in DBCP when accessing node
[JCR-3192] Javadoc in jackrabbit-jcr-rmi is missing an ending ">"
[JCR-3227] VolatileIndex not closed properly
[JCR-3234] QueryStat getPopularQueries doesn't set the proper position
[JCR-3236] Can not instantiate lucene Analyzer in SearchIndex
[JCR-3247] SQL2 ISDESCENDANTNODE BooleanQuery#TooManyClauses returns
[JCR-3250] webapp welcome page shows incorrect port when port is the ...
[JCR-3261] Problems with BundleDbPersistenceManager getAllNodeIds
[JCR-3266] JCR-SQL2 query with multiple columns in result only returns ...
[JCR-3268] Re-index fails on corrupt bundle
[JCR-3270] Error instantiating lucene search index in Turkish Regional ...
[JCR-3272] EventConsumer.canRead() should rely on AccessManager.isGranted()
[JCR-3289] Remove operation right after move operation causes missing ...
[JCR-3290] Concurrent add and move can cause inconsistency
[JCR-3291] Stack overflow in multi-session test with moves
[JCR-3292] Workspace move in concurrent environment causes inconsistencies
[JCR-3298] jackrabbit-core RepositoryChecker.fix() can fail with OOM
[JCR-3299] Adding new index infos generation is not atomic
[JCR-3300] tests should consistently check for repository support and ...
[JCR-3303] ClusterNode's stopDelay should default to something other zero
[JCR-3305] spi2davex.RepositoryServiceImpl -> idUriCache raises until ...
[JCR-3307] JCR test org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.version....
[JCR-3312] AbstractSession.getItem should deal with identifier paths
[JCR-3313] JCR TCK Test for expanding column names is too restrictive
[JCR-3314] Drop commons-io dependency from spi-commons
[JCR-3316] invalid namespace URI in AbstractImportXmlTest
[JCR-3317] Set the MaxTotalConnections on ConnectionManager to prevent ...
[JCR-3318] BLOB not stored and no exception thrown
[JCR-3321] TCK: Strange XPath query in OrderByMultiTypeTest....
[JCR-3324] TCK: GetQueryTest.testGetQuery() unnecessarily uses a same ...
[JCR-3325] check-release script fails to compute hashes on Cygwin ...
[JCR-3326] missing test configuration for org.apache.jackrabbit.test....
[JCR-3328] leaking temp files
[JCR-3329] incorrect WebDAV PROPFIND response for version-controlled ...
[JCR-3334] incorrect logging template in CachingEntryCollector
[JCR-3337] Negated descendant node query with no results throws NPE
[JCR-3343] ClusterNode's updateCommited method throws NPE
[JCR-3345] ACL evaluation may return non-fresh results
[JCR-3346] JMX Popular Queries size issue
[JCR-3349] The BatchMode of the ConnectionHelper doesn't work in XA ...
[JCR-3353] A DeadLock can occur if an Exception is thrown while ...
[JCR-3354] The ReadWriteLock in AbstractJournal can create a Deadlock ...
[JCR-3355] Unable to create performance tests using JCR 2.0 API
[JCR-3262] Oracle JDBC Class Cast Exception
[JCR-3363] DataStore garbage collection: test case GarbageCollectorTest....
[JCR-3367] InMemBundlePersistenceManager#getAllNodeIds is not ...
[JCR-3373] ChildNodesQueryHits may throw IOException when the session ...
[JCR-3374] Size estimate for AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.MISSING ...
[JCR-3377] DataStore Temp-Files will not be deleted as side effect of ...
[JCR-3378] The ConnectionHelper can return a closed Connection in BatchMode
[JCR-3379] XA concurrent transactions - NullPointerException
[JCR-3380] TCK tests for shareable nodes assume moving shareable ...
[JCR-3383] Unclosed Resources in ConnectionHelper if ResultSet is null
[JCR-3384] TCK: BinaryPropertyTest.testGetLengthJcr2() fails with a ...
[JCR-3385] DbClusterTest fails when port is already in use
[JCR-3387] On heavy load we see occasional SQLException: closed ...
[JCR-3390] Reordering policy node fails with AccessDeniedException
[JCR-3399] Shared ISM does not release the internal Writelock if ...
[JCR-3401] Wrong results when querying with a DescendantSelfAxisQuery
[JCR-3404] AuthorizableImpl#isProtectedProperty doesn't include the ...
[JCR-3407] CaseTermQuery #rewrite behavior changes
[JCR-3410] JcrUtils.readFile() and JcrUtils.getLastModifed() are not ...
[JCR-3415] XPathQueryEvaluator generates incorrect XPath query
[JCR-3417] Failed Journal lock not propagated
[JCR-3419] Overwriting Cache Entry Warnings
[JCR-3425] XAAwareRWLock implementation fails with IllegalStateException ...
[JCR-3427] JCR-3138 may cause resource starvation
[JCR-3428] Partial search terms are no longer highlighted in the excerpts
[JCR-3430] CNDImporter should handle implied nt:base
[JCR-3434] EventJournal#skipTo() broken
[JCR-3435] NPE on parsing XPath query with child axis and star name at ...
[JCR-3437] The DbDataStore does not implement getRecordIfStored as ...
[JCR-3439] PrincipalManagerImpl.CheckedGroup should implement ...
[JCR-3440] Deadlock on LOCAL_REVISION table in clustering environment
[JCR-3445] PostgreSQL error with setValidationQueryTimeout
[JCR-3447] InternalValueFactory should use the DataStore whenever available
[JCR-3450] Reduce memory usage of SharedFieldCache.ValueIndex
[JCR-3452] Modified property and child node definition are rejected
[JCR-3455] Events should be dispatched after the global cluster lock is ...
[JCR-3459] RmiRepositoryFactory regression, invalid stream header
[JCR-3466] NPE in SingletonTokenStream
[JCR-3468] ConcurrentModificationException in BitSetENTCacheImpl
[JCR-3469] Thread interrupt may result in closed index files
[JCR-3472] LargeResultSetTest: queries don't return anything
[JCR-3476] NodeIndexer attempts to extract binary property even when ...
[JCR-3478] Partial search terms matching fails when there is a lot of ...
[JCR-3482] SetValueVersionExceptionTest makes assumption about ...
[JCR-3483] Result set iterator causes infinite loop when used after ...
[JCR-3485] The Datastore garbage collector does not work with a ...
[JCR-3486] Potential null pointer exception in session save operation
[JCR-3491] Start the Repository immediatly in JCA Environment
[JCR-3493] OUTER JOIN tests expect incorrect results
[JCR-3497] Invalid path in SaveTest#testRepositoryException
[JCR-3499] Test cases should not rely on equality of node types
[JCR-3501] When cancelling an update modcount of modified states must ...
[JCR-3502] Deleted states are not merged correctly
[JCR-3503] ConnectionHelper should not call isBatchMode() more times ...
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