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1, 设置环境变量.

set DERBY_HOME=E:\ db-derby-

set path=%DERBY_HOME%\bin;%PATH%

2, 需要Derby的jar包添加到classpath环境变量中

derby.jar - 内嵌模式

derbyclient.jar -网络模式

3, 如何在java中访问derby数据库

The connection URL syntax is as follows:


Subsubprotocol, which is not typically specified, determines how Derby looks for a

database: in a directory, in a class path, or in a jar file. Subsubprotocol is one of the


1,directory: The default. Specify this explicitly only to distinguish a database that

might be ambiguous with one on the class path.

2,classpath: Databases are treated as read-only databases, and all databaseNames

must begin with at least a slash, because you specify them "relative" to the

classpath directory. See Accessing databases from the classpath for details.

3,jar: Databases are treated as read-only databases. DatabaseNames might require

a leading slash, because you specify them "relative" to the jar file. See Accessing

databases from a jar or zip file for details.

jar requires an additional element immediately before the database name:




1) JDBC驱动的不同;

2) 数据库连接URL的不同;

3) 在访问内嵌模式数据库时,需要显示关闭数据库。


1) 访问内嵌模式Derby数据库

String driver = “org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver”;

String url = “jdbc:derby:firstdb;create=true”;

Connection conn;

try {


conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);

}catch(Exception e) {


}finally {









2) 访问网络模式Derby数据库


A. 数据库连接URL的不同;

B. 应用程序退出时无效关闭Derby数据库;

C. 数据库驱动的不同;

String driver = “org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver”;

String url = “jdbc:derby: //localhost:1527/firstdb;create=true”;

Connection conn;

try {


conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);

}catch(Exception e) {





e. Edit the DEFINE VARIABLES SECTION of the program so that the

driver variable contains the name of the Derby client driver class and the

connectionURL variable contains the hostname and port number of the

Network Server.

Original definitions

String driver = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver";

String dbName="jdbcDemoDB";

String connectionURL = "jdbc:derby:" + dbName +


New definitions

String driver = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver";


String connectionURL = "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/" +

dbName + ";create=true";



The DriverManager class loads the database using

the Derby connection URL stored in the variable connectionURL. This URL includes

the parameter ;create=true so that the database will be created if it does not already

exist. The primary try and catch block begins here. This construct handles errors for

the database access code

4, derby.properties

The text file derby.properties contains the definition of properties, or configuration

parameters that are valid for the entire system.

derby.properties should be placed in the directory specified by the derby.system.home properties.

Here is a sample excerpt from the derby.properties file:

# Users definition








Specifies the Derby system directory, which is the directory that contains subdirectories

holding databases that you create and the text file derby.properties.

If the system directory that you specify with derby.system.home does not exist at startup,

Derby creates the directory automatically.


Current directory (the value of the JVM system property user.dir).

If you do not explicitly set the derby.system.home property when starting Derby, the

default is the directory in which Derby was started.

Note: You should always explicitly set the value of derby.system.home.



Dynamic or static

This property is static; if you change it while Derby is running, the change does not take

effect until you reboot.

Set in DOS

java -Dderby.system.home=C:\home\Derby\

-Dderby.storage.pageSize=8192 JDBCTest

You start up your application, being sure to set the derby.system.home property


java -Dderby.system.home=c:\system_directory MyApp



Set in window

The following example sets derby.system.home on Windows.

Properties p = System.getProperties();

p.put("derby.system.home", "C:\databases\sample");

There should be one derby.properties file per system, not per database.

4.2 derby数据库的位置

* The directory derbyDB will be created under the directory that

* the system property derby.system.home points to, or the current

* directory (user.dir) if derby.system.home is not set.

5, 加密

二次加密: jdbc:derby:newDB;create=true;dataEncryption=true;






Encrypting a database when you create it

If your environment is configured properly, you can create your database as an encrypted

database (one in which the database is encrypted on disk). To do this, you use the

dataEncryption=true attribute to turn on encryption and the bootPassword=key

attribute or the encryptionKey attribute to specify a key for the encryption.

You can also specify an encryption provider and encryption algorithm other

than the defaults with the encryptionProvider=providerName and

encryptionAlgorithm=algorithm attributes.



Creating an encrypted database with an external key

Derby supplies or supports the following optional security mechanisms:

1, User authentication

Derby verifies user names and passwords before permitting them access to the

Derby system.

2, User authorization

A means of granting specific users permission to read a database or to write to a


3, Disk encryption

A means of encrypting Derby data stored on disk.

4, Validation of Certificate for Signed Jar Files

In a Java 2 environment, Derby validates certificates for classes loaded from signed

jar files.

5, Network encryption and authentication

Derby network traffic may be encrypted with SSL/TLS. SSL/TLS certificate

authentication is also supported. See "Network encryption and authentication with

SSL/TLS" in the Java DB Server and Administration Guide for details.

The following figure shows some of the Derby security mechanisms at work

======================== Refer ============================

Getting Started with Java DB

Describes how to install and configure Java DB. Includes a self-study tutorial for

users new to Java DB and a quick-start guide for experienced JDBC users. This

guide introduces the dblook, ij, and sysinfo tools, and the libraries and scripts

that are included with Java DB.

Java DB Developer's Guide

Describes the functionality and features of Java DB common to all deployments, such

as Java DB's JDBC and SQL specifics, deploying Java DB applications, security, and

other advanced features.

Java DB Reference Manual

Documents the implementation of the SQL language in Java DB. This guide provides

reference information about the JDBC and JTA implementations, keywords, system

tables, properties, and SQLExceptions in Java DB.

Tuning Java DB

Explains how to configure and tune Java DB through properties and provides

reference information on properties. This guide also offers performance tips, an

in-depth discussion of performance, and information about the Java DB optimizer.

Java DB Tools and Utilities Guide

Describes how to use the the Java DB tools such as dblook, ij, andsysinfo, and

how to use the system procedures to import and export data, and how to store Java

code in the database.

Java DB Server and Administration Guide

Part One of this guide discusses configuring servers, how to program client

applications, and database administration. In addition, some systems might require

administrative tasks such as backing up databases. These tasks are independent of

any server framework but are unique to multi-user or large systems.

Part Two of this guide discusses administrative issues such as backups and

debugging deadlocks.

Java DB API Reference

An API Reference that is automatically generated for all public Java DB classes.

No reference is provided for the JDBC API, which is part of the Java 2 Platform,

Standard Edition. For more information about the classes in the API, see the Java DB

Reference Manual.

You can access the Java DB manuals and API Reference from the Java DB

Documentation page on the Java DB web site. The product documentation is also

installed with Java DB. The manuals are installed in the docs subdirectory and the API

Reference is installed in the javadoc subdirectory.

get from javaDB docs...

==================== Refer 2 ==================================

public void execute() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {

Statement stmt = null;

//specify the derby.system.home variable

Properties p = System.getProperties();


try {

Connection conn = null;

ArrayList statements = new ArrayList(); // list of Statements, PreparedStatements

PreparedStatement psInsert = null;

PreparedStatement psUpdate = null;

Statement s = null;

ResultSet rs = null;

String protocol = "jdbc:derby:";

String driver = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver";

// String protocol = "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/";

// String driver = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver";

//String dbName = "DB2EToJavaDB";

String dbName = DBHelper.getConfig("NewJavaDB.DatabaseName");

String username = DBHelper.getConfig("NewJavaDB.username");

String password = DBHelper.getConfig("NewJavaDB.password");


try {

conn = DriverManager.getConnection(protocol + dbName

//, props);

+ ";user="+username+";create=true;" +

"dataEncryption=true;" +

"encryptionAlgorithm=DESede/CBC/NoPadding;" +





} catch (

Exception e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block



stmt = conn.createStatement();
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