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美剧字幕--傲骨贤妻第1季 第2集

2013-01-31 23:03 281 查看

i had seen his family on the news 我在新闻中看过他们的家族

i can do that 没有问题

i am holding on 慢慢熬呗

how do you know her ? 你是怎么认识他的

why did she ask for you to be for the case 那她为什么要求你参与这个案子

this is driving me crazy 我实在是很困惑

i know he has a lot of enemies in this town 我知道他在这个镇上有很多仇人

but i always root for the underdog(失败者) 可是我总会支持局劣势的人

just ignore him 别理他

the only reason someone's force out of public office 当下 在美国会被割去公职的原因只有一个

in America these days (当下) is sex 那就是性丑闻

So let's talk about Lloyd Mckeon 我们还是来谈谈××吧

it's so sad ,really 实在是太悲惨来,真的

i remember when you had a respectable (可敬的;令人尊敬的) firm,will 我还记得你以前有一家很体面的公司 维尔

one that would not sink to scurrilous(adj 下流的;无礼的) charges like these

and what charges might those be ,will 这种案子怎么了

i have not said anything yet 我什么都还没有说呢

Do you think you are the first firm she is shopping this lawsuit(n 诉讼) to ?你以为你们是他找的第一家律师事物所么

there is nothing there 根本什么都没有

i got you to a settlement lunch on a half hour's notice 我请你吃这顿午餐时间是要引起你的重视

you want to know what i would say 你想知道我是怎么看的么

i would 洗耳恭听

i would say you are tryting to change the subject from rape 我会感觉你是想转移强奸的话题

well i would agree that,as offensive and misguided 我认为这个那些指控是一样的

so we are willing to make an offer 所以我们愿意开个价

you have till end of business day 今天内有效

under a hundred thou,i would have said no 如果是10万一下,我可能会说他没有

you are kidding. 开玩笑吧

we do not have to go to the court 我们都不用对薄公堂

he just offered that ?他就要给我那么多的钱

You will have to sign a standard confidentiality agreement(协议) 你需要签署一份标准的保密协议

Both paries free each other of liability 双方将不再追究对方的责任

and agree not to speak to anyone,including the press 还要同意不能向任何人透漏,包括媒体

it's standard in civil agreement

i want everybody to know he settled 我希望大家都知道他有罪

not if we sign a confidentiality agreement 如果我们签署了保密协议,就不能

he will know how much it cost to rape somebody and get away with it, that's all

i do not remember her last name

she insists on being her during this 我们谈话期间,他坚持在这里

it's a nightmare .简直是一个噩梦

how did you meet him

the groom? 那个新郎么

he offered me another 100 他多给了我100美元

for a private lap dance 让我为他私人跳大腿舞

when i got in the bedroom ,he locked the door 当我走进房间,他就反锁了门

then he grabbed me 接着他抓住了我

i tried to get the mace from my bad ,tried to shot 我想拿包里面的MACE,我想呼救

Did you tell anyone afterwards (后来,然后) 事后你有告诉其他人么

and our driver Grant

how long did you work for them 你为他们工作多久了。

two years, and what else did you do there -两年,-初次之外你还干过其他的么

what do you mean? i mean,what else did you do there? 什么意思,我的意思是说 你在哪里还在什么

for a year, i was an escort 有一年时间,我是做配宴的

Did not you think that might be importent to tell us?你不感觉有必要告诉我们么

i have not gotten a call in a year 这一年,我连电话都没有接一个

i was in an abusive (辱骂;滥用,虐待) relationship 我当时有一个暴利男友

i needed the money to move out 我需要挣钱离开他

when i moved, i stop working 我离开之后,就没有在干这一行了

because she walk away from half a million dollars 因为他拒绝了50万美元

and when did she lie to us ?而且她什么时候撒谎了

you know ,the more you bond with these clients 知道么,你对委托人越有感情

the less helpful you are 你悦帮不上忙

your stripper was hooking 那为脱衣舞女郎是一个妓女

could you come outside for a second 出来一下好么

and you are telling me your husband 你是在告诉我

had nothing to do with this 你丈夫与此事无关么

i understand the need to be blame someone 我理解你需要为你的丈夫垮台

for your husband's downfall 找个责任人

but i did not release that sex tape 但是我公布那盘录像带

to hurt you or your family 并不想伤害你或者你的家人

i have kids too 我也有孩子

and you should know ,i was holding back 你应该明白 我当时也很犹豫

we just need contact information 我们只想要一个联系方式

for the driver and the stripper

she though you were everything 她曾以为你就是一切

so two monthes in ,you seem well 在这里呆了两个月,你看起来还好

alice,i know you do not believe me Alice,我知道你不相信我

and if what i give you can help the rape victim,如果我告诉你的能够帮助一个强奸受害者

what's wrong with that ?那有何不可呢

How do you know she is a rape victim ,你怎么知道她是一个强奸受害者呢

i did not tell your mom 我可没有告诉你妈妈

it all comes down to the rape kit 一切证据都指向强奸

still no luck finding the other stripper 还没有找个另一个脱衣舞郎

all we have is a first name.

and a general description 以及关于他的大致描述

we have a lot of testimony 我们搜集了很多的证据

focusing on whether there was a consensual act 可以说明我的当事人和麦凯恩

we still stipulate there was not sex of any kind 我们始终坚持没有任何形式的性行为

i just got the rape kit results 我拿到强奸政务的鉴定结果了

it's really not his sperm 真的不是他的精液么

who else did you have sex with that night 当晚你还和谁发生了性关系

Have sex with somebody 和某人发生性关系

no one,i swear 没有任何人,我发誓

well you obviously had sex with someone 你肯定和别人发生关系了

Because,it is not his sperm 因为那不是他的精液

So,was it a boyfriend or another client 是你的男朋友,还是其他客户

you need to find maura 你必须找到Maura

we can not find Maura 我们找不到Maura

that could help us find her?

we did not talk 我们连话都没有说

she was on her cellphone the whole night till her battery ran out 你整个晚上都在玩手机,直到电池没有电了

i need to get to class 我需要去上课了

not that i mind it ,but since when did you became me?并非介意,可是你什么时候跟我一样了

you did not believe her ,i did 你没有信她,我信了

Maybe she is telling the truth 可他也许说的是实话

Tom said the light was ficked out tom 说,那灯被关掉了

So maybe Mckeon was with a friend

are you suggesting i influence a sitting judge 你想让我用不正当的手段

in some untoward fashion 控制一个现任法官么

No,just in a toward one 别,就用正当的手段

Jackie, i have a request to make ,jackie 我有一个请求

you want the kids to visit peter in prison,you talk to me ,如果你想要孩子们去看望皮特,你跟我说

visit somebody

you do not talk to Zake

How was work ? 工作怎么样

it was crappy 糟透了

i want to make sure that what's involved with visiting dad in prison ,

So Zack,can you show me how to get "Google images" on your computer 如何进入google 图片么

what is that?

we have to got another stripper 我们必须找到另外一个脱衣舞郎

there was a bachelor part here 五月份在这儿的一个单身派对上

were you here then? 你当时在这里么

he told us that the Mckeons were very rich 他告诉我们买肯恩家族很有钱

and we should all keep our mouths shut 还说我们都改闭上我们的嘴

and that's why you went back home to michigan? 所以你才会回到密歇根家么

Cristiy told you about the rape immediately afterward -Cristity 随后告诉你们她被强奸了么

yes,in fact,he followed her out into the parking lot 也是,实际上,是他跟着她出来到停车厂的

and he said "Do not tell anybody"

just take the money and shut up 把钱收好,并管好你们的嘴

No future questions,your honor 没有问题了,法官大人

i have nerver met your husband

my mistake 我错了

i believe you -我相信你

this is all i want to say 这就是我想说的

i have been falsely accused by a woman 我被一个只想迅速赚点钱的女人

who want nothing more than a quick payday 进行了不实的指控

but every year there are thousands of women who are abuse

and i do not think we should let this false accusation 我认为我们不应该让这些不实的指控

you are under arrest for the repe of Christy 你因强奸Cristy而被铺

it must be hard to lose ,输了一定很难受吧

not if it forces you to prosecute 只要你还能上诉就行

i am coming out of this with a criminal case i will win 我带着一个稳赢的案子走出法庭

and you are coming out with a loss 你却带着你的失败走出来

is he going to jail?他会去坐牢么

what do you want me to do to you? 你想要我为你做什么

just do not stop 不要停下来

what will you give me ?你会给我什么

what will you give me not to stop 我要是不停下来,你会给我什么

Everything 一切


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