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2013-01-30 16:46 363 查看



1. cacti_thold插件监控网卡流量的方法


Management->Graph Management->CDEFs->add-->Byte to Mbits(新建的模板名):

Item Value

Item #1 Special Data Source: CURRENT_DATA_SOURCE

Item #2 Custom String: 8

Item #3 Operator: *

Item #4 Custom String: 1024

Item #5 Operator: /

Item #6 Custom String: 1024

Item #7 Operator: /

现在就可以在Threshold Templates添加监控流量的模板了,在

Templates-->Threshold Templates-->Add-->Interface - Traffic [traffic_in]/Traffic [traffic_out]-->Data Manipulation-->Data Type:CEDF-->Threshold CDEF:Byte to Mbits

Alert Emails-->邮件报警,多个邮件地址以逗号分隔

2. cacti监控硬盘使用率并报警


cacti目录下,vi include/global_arrays.php修改如下:

$custom_data_source_types = array(
"CURRENT_DATA_SOURCE" => "Current Graph Item Data Source",
"ALL_DATA_SOURCES_NODUPS" => "All Data Sources (Don't Include Duplicates)",
"ALL_DATA_SOURCES_DUPS" => "All Data Sources (Include Duplicates)",
"SIMILAR_DATA_SOURCES_NODUPS" => "All Similar Data Sources (Don't Include Duplicates)",
"SIMILAR_DATA_SOURCES_DUPS" => "All Similar Data Sources (Include Duplicates)",
"CURRENT_DS_MINIMUM_VALUE" => "Current Data Source Item: Minimum Value",
"CURRENT_DS_MAXIMUM_VALUE" => "Current Data Source Item: Maximum Value",
"CURRENT_GRAPH_MINIMUM_VALUE" => "Graph: Lower Limit",
"CURRENT_GRAPH_MAXIMUM_VALUE" => "Graph: Upper Limit",
"VALUE_OF_HDD_TOTAL" => "Value of hdd_total data source",         此为增加的一行
"COUNT_ALL_DS_NODUPS" => "Count of All Data Sources (Don't Include Duplicates)",
"COUNT_ALL_DS_DUPS" => "Count of All Data Sources (Include Duplicates)",
"COUNT_SIMILAR_DS_NODUPS" => "Count of All Similar Data Sources (Don't Include Duplicates)",
"COUNT_SIMILAR_DS_DUPS" => "Count of All Similar Data Sources (Include Duplicates)");

cacti管理界面-->Graph Management-->CDEFs->add-->monitor-hdd-percent(新建的模板名):

Item Value

Item #1 Special Data Source: CURRENT_DATA_SOURCE

Item #2 Custom String: 100

Item #3 Operator: *

Item #4 Special Data Source: VALUE_OF_HDD_TOTAL

Item #5 Operator: /

现在就可以在Threshold Templates添加监控硬盘的模板了:

Threshold Templates-->Add-->Host MIB - Hard Drive Space [hdd_used](新建模板名)-->Data Manipulation-->Data Type:CEDF-->Threshold CDEF:monitor-hdd-percent(选择刚自定义的模板)

Alert Emails-->邮件报警,多个邮件地址以逗号分隔


Devices-->选择主机-->Create Graphs for this Host-->Auto-create thresholds自动应用刚创建的所有模板

Created threshold for the Graph 'ucd_load5min' using the Data Source 'ucd_load5min'

Created threshold for the Graph 'Interface - Traffic' using the Data Source 'traffic_in'

Created threshold for the Graph 'Interface - Traffic' using the Data Source 'traffic_out'

Created threshold for the Graph 'Host MIB - Hard Drive Space' using the Data Source 'hdd_used'

Created threshold for the Graph 'Host MIB - Hard Drive Space' using the Data Source 'hdd_used'

Created threshold for the Graph 'Host MIB - Hard Drive Space' using the Data Source 'hdd_used'




1. 被监控服务器如果做了安全限制需开放iptables和hosts.allow的snmpd端口和协议

echo 'snmpd:192.168.7.x' >>/etc/hosts.allow

iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 161 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT 只开放udp协议161端口即可


1)ldd /usr/bin/rrdtool 查看加载模块是否有not found


 执行命令LD_DEBUG=libs /usr/bin/rrdtool 可以查找当rrdtool文件运行时所查找的路径,提示是到/lib /usr/lib下去寻找,

  而该路径下没有些文件,locate libfreetype.so.6查看下命令在哪里做个软链接过去就行了

2)#snmpwalk -v 2c -c public if 手动获取snmp信息是否成功

手动执行/usr/bin/php poller.php

php cmd.php 查看出错信息

把web管理界面上的debug打开,再查看cacti.log和apache访问日志进行排查,Setting-->General-->Poller Logging Level-->DEBUG - Statistics....

安装gcc,gcc-c++ 因为rrdtool是用gcc编译的 

3. 另root和cactiuser里crontab有重复的php执行poller.php文件,删除root的crontab定时任务,用cactiuser用户去执行

# php poller.php 手动执行出错信息

01/24/2013 08:50:25 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] NOTE: Poller Int: '300', Cron Int: '300', Time Since Last: '24', Max Runtime '298', Poller Runs: '1'

01/24/2013 08:50:25 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] NOTE: Cron is configured to run too often! The Poller Interval is '300' seconds, with a minimum Cron period of '300' seconds, but only 24 seconds have passed since the poller last ran.


把crontab里的php poller每5分钟执行一次改为每分钟执行一次再改回来,问题不明


sudo -u cactiuser /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/html/cacti/poller.php

#php cmd.php 手动执行查看出错信息

4. cacti部分图片显示不了  cacti目录路径/var/www/html/cacti/include/config.php下

$url_path = "/cacti/"; 或include/global.php下指定cacti路径

/* set URL path */
if (! isset($url_path)) {
$url_path = "/cacti/";
5. 创建模板不成功查看出错日志:CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1064', SQL:"SELECT * FROM thold_template ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 0,"

谷歌了N久答案:Just goto Console->Settings->Thresholds and press the save button  OK


交换机模板:ucd/net SNMP Host 或Generic SNMP-enabled Host可以监听多个端口信息。
Console ->Settings ->Visual ->Maximum Field Length: 默认15,修改成50就好了,具体自己定。
设备里重新加载下Devices->SW01->Data Query Nameàucd->小圆圈Reload Data Query.
The maximum number of characters to display for a data query field本文出自 “E人空间” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://iceeggplant.blog.51cto.com/1446843/1129825
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息