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JServ/Tomcat/OC4J 有何区别 mod_jserv 和 mod_jk 的演变

2013-01-29 16:00 387 查看
OC4J:Oracle Containers for J2EE,OC4J provides all the containers, APIs, and services mandated by the J2EE specification. OC4J可以作为独立J2EE Server存在,比如你开发的JSP和Servlet,打包成war/ear文件,然后部署到OC4J容器供用户调用。
Oracle EBS 11i的时候是使用JServ(Java servlet containers) 作为J2EE Server,到了R12,使用OC4J替代JServ来作为J2EE容器。默认Oracle Application会创建3个OC4J Instance:OACore: 运行OA Framework应用;
Forms: 运行Forms-base 应用;
OAFM (Oracle Apps Fusion Middleware): 运行web services, mapviewer, ascontrol

JServ :one of the very first servlet engines(比较老的容器了). It is now an open source project, consisting of two parts: a pure-java servlet engine, compliant with the Servlet spec version 2.0, and an Apache module written in C called mod_jserv that allows Apache to send servlet requests to the JServ JVM.
Tomcat:a completely separate product, originally written by Sun, that is now also open-source and administered by Apache. It supports the Servlet spec version 2.2, and the JSP spec version 1.1. It also contains a pure Java servlet engine, and a number of connectors for several commercial web servers.

下面就是讲述mod_jserv和mod_jk的演变:大致意思是,mod_jserv是 Jserv用来和Apache做连接的,tmocat也想搞一个,用来和Apache连接,本来打算那mod_jserv改改,重新写写,但是写了一段时间后发现,还是不行,最后干脆重新自己写个新的吧,就叫mod_jk,这个新的就是tomcat拿来和Apache 连接用的。功能还不错,支持SSL。。。
Here's the confusing part: originally, when it was time to write a connector from Apache to Tomcat, they started with the code base of mod_jserv. Although it has been rewritten and revised to the point where it is no longer compatible with the mod_jserv that comes with JServ, unfortunately, it is still called mod_jserv. This means that if you have the JServ mod_jserv installed, it will no twork with Tomcat, and vice versa(反之,也是如此).

Fortunately(幸运的是), the latest version of Tomcat comes with a new connector for Apache, called mod_jk. This connector supports Tomcat but not JServ. It is also more advanced, in that it supports Tomcat-style load balancing, and also supports SSL authentication (though this latter functionality is still a bit rough and may have bugs in actually *reporting* that the connection is secure).So if you just use mod_jk and Tomcat, you should have no problems (at least as far as this connector issue is concerned).
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