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Oralce 系统用户介绍

2013-01-28 22:09 281 查看

Oralce DB 系统用户介绍

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List of users created at database creation

By default, are automatically created during database

SCOTT by script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql

OUTLN by script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq


DBSNMP if Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent is installed

MGMT_VIEW is part of the DB Control Repository

SYSMAN is part of the DB Control Repository and Grid

TRACESVR if Enterprise Manger is installed

AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$ – if Oracle Servlet Engine
(OSE) is installed
MDSYS if Oracle Spatial option is installed

MDDATA if Oracle Spatial option is installed

ORDSYS if interMedia Audio option is installed

ORDPLUGINS if interMedia Audio option is installed

SI_INFORMIN_SCHEMA if interMedia option is installed

CTXSYS if Oracle Text option is installed

WKSYS if Oracle Ultra Search option is installed

WKUSER(9i)/WK_TEST(10g) if Oracle Ultra Search option is

REPADMIN if Replication Option is installed

LBACSYS if Oracle Label Security option is installed

DVF if Oracle Database Vault option is installed

DVSYS if Oracle Database Vault option is installed

ODM if Oracle Data Mining option is installed

ODM_MTR idem

DMSYS(10g) if Oracle Data Mining 10g option is installed

DMSYS in 10g version to replace ODM and ODM_MTR schemas

OLAPSYS if OLAP option is installed

WMSYS if Oracle workspace Manager script owmctab.plb is

ANONYMOUS if catqm.sql catalog script for SQL XML management is

EXFSYS if the Expression Filter Feature repository

DIP for provisioning event processing

TSMSYS Transparent Session Migration


If you have a already the 9i sample schemas(hr,oe,pm,etc.) and
you don’t need them,you can removed them safely and without damage
to the database.

a) The SCOTT user is created by default to provide sample user
tables.You can alter the password.

To create the default tables,run the script


To drop the objects,run

$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/demo/demodrop.sql connected as SCOTT.

b) The OUTLN(OUTLiNes) users is automatically created during
installation of Oracle8i and Oracle9i.OUTLN is the schema of Stored

The package OUTLN_PKG is used to manage stored outlines and
categories.OUTLN is the owner of tables OL$,OL$HINTS(Oracle8i) as
well as OL$NODES(Oracle9i) used to store hints for stored

You can change the password for the OUTLN schema just as for the
SYS and SYSTEM schemas.

c) The DBSNMP user can be dropped by running the catnsnmp.sql
script.If you need to re-create it,run the catsnmp.sql
script.Ensure that there are no jobs running or schedualed in
Oracle Enterprise Manager before you run the script.

MGMT_VIEW is part of the DB Control Repository,it is created by
running the script $OH/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManger,the
password is autogenerated(it does not have a fixed or default

SYSMAN belongs to the same feature(see Note:270510.1 for
details):it is the schema of the Grid OMS repository of the LOG
Enterprise Manager Grid.

d) The TRACESVR user is created by
$ORACLE_HOME/otrace/admin/otrcsvr.sql during the installation of

If you change the TRACESVR user’s password,you will not be able
to do OTrace connections.This user is only used with 7.x Database
where stored procedures are used by OTrace to start and stop data
collections.The TRACESVR stored procedure mechanism is no longer
used to control OTrace collections starting with Oracle 8.x
Database.Therefore in this case you can change the password(or drop
that user)

e) The three JSERV accounts (AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$,
by Enterprise Java Beans and CORBA Tools and created with
randomly-generated passwords 'INVALID_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD'.

-> jisorb.sql creates user AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED.

-> jisbgn.sql creates user AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$

-> jishausr.sql creates user OSE$HTTP$ADMIN

These 3 scripts are launched by init_jis.sql script to install
the Oracle Servlet Engine (OSE)

Changing their passwords would prevent the ORB from working.

This is supposed to change in a future version so that you can
change their


SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA are created to support Oracle Intermedia. The
default password for the ORDSYS and SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA users during
automatic installation is 'ORDSYS', and for ORDPLUGINS is
'ORDPLUGINS'.The schema MDDATA is used by Oracle Spatial for
storing Geocoder and router data Geocoding is the process of
converting tables of address data into standardized address,
location, and possibly other data.

g) WKSYS is a privileged Oracle user who owns the Ultra Search
data dictionary and internal objects. Ultra Search uses the WKSYS
user for storing Ultra Search packages and metadata. WKUSER
(9i)/WK_TEST (10g) is a test user.

h) REPADMIN user: it is usual to have a separate user for the
replication administrator to protect master groups from being
managed by snapshot administrators.This user configures the
replicated environment and performs administration of all
replicated schemas / groups.

i) LBACSYS user: the Oracle Label Security administrator

j) DVSYS schema stores the database objects needed to process
Oracle data for Oracle Database Vault. This schema contains the
roles, views, accounts, functions, and other database objects that
Oracle Database Vault uses.

k) The DVF schema contains public functions to retrieve (at run
time) the factor values set in the Oracle Database Vault access
control configuration.

l) ODM user: who performs data mining operations. In 10g, a user
can be created with a chosen name.

m) ODM_MTR user: the account associated with the data repository
for data mining sample programs.

In 10g, DMSYS is the schema for the data repository.

n) OLAPSYS user: identity used to create OLAP metadata

o) WMSYS user: used to store all the metadata information for
Oracle Workspace Manager.

p) ANONYMOUS user: allows HTTP access to Oracle XML DB.

q) XDB user: Used for storing Oracle XML DB data and

r) EXFSYS is the Expression Filter Feature repository (see
Note:258618.1): the user is created with the script exfsys.sql that
asks for a password.

s) DIP is created in rdbms/admin/catdip.sql (password is DIP):
for provisioning event processing

t) TSMSYS is created in rdbms/admin/cattsm.sql for Transparent
Session Migration

u) The Oracle9i Sample Schemas provides installed schemas meant
to be used for demonstration purposes only:

-> HR: Human Resources schema The Human Resources division
tracks information on the company's employees and facilities.

-> OE: Order Entry schema requires "Oracle Spatial" option.
The Order Entry division tracks product inventories and sales of
the company?s products through various channels.

-> PM: Product Media schema requires "Oracle JVM" and "Oracle
Intermedia" options.The Product Media division maintains
descriptions and detailed information on each product sold by the

-> SH: Sales History schema requires "Oracle OLAP" set up.
The Sales History division tracks business statistics to facilitate
business decisions.

-> QS: Queued Shipping schema The Shipping division manages
the shipping of products to customer.The sample company has decided
to test the use of messaging to manage its proposed B2B

-> QS_ES (Eastern Shipping)

-> QS_WS (Western Shipping)

-> QS_OS (Overseas Shipping)

-> QS_CB (Customer Billing)

-> QS_CS (Customer Service)

-> QS_ADM (Administration)

-> QS_CBADM (Customer Billing Administration)

If any of the user accounts is locked and expired upon
installation and needs to be activated, unlock and assign a new
meaningful password to that user account:


资料文档:Oracle Created Database Users: Password, Usage and Files
References [ID 160861.1]
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