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cvs tag 与 rtag, tag 与 branch区别

2013-01-22 12:22 387 查看
2. Branches

2.1 Creating a Branch

Branches can be added to the repository tree in order to allow different

development paths to be tried, or to add parallel development of code

to different base versions. To create a branch, you can use

cvs tag //需要check out 模块做为当前工作目录


cvs rtag //不需要工作目录, 直接远程操作建立branch.

with the -b option.

Do not be fooled! Even though the same commands can be

used to create


, branches are completely

different than tags.

2.1.1 rtag

To create a branch from the main trunk of my_module at the

revision that was last committed, use the command

cvs rtag -b Branchname my_module

To create a branch from a tagged revision of my_module,

use the command

cvs rtag -r Tagname -b Branchname my_module

Both commands immediately create a branch in the repository

without requiring a cvs commit to

enact. You do not need to be in a checked-out working directory

to do this.

2.1.2 tag

If you are in a working directory, you can create a new branch

in the branch or trunk from which you checked out your

working directory (not including the changes you've made to

your working directory since the last commit)
by using the


cvs tag -b Branchname

Like rtag, the change is immediate, and does not wait for

a commit command.

Your working directory remains on the old branch, at a point after

the branch you just created. To move your working directory to the

new branch, use the command

cvs update -r Branchname

When you are finished making changes to your working directory, save

it as the next revision on the new branch with

cvs commit
2.1.3 Both rtag and tagNote that both rtag and tag work

directly on the repository and take effect immediately without a

commit command. Rtag takes effect at the specified

place (the end of the main trunk by default), while tag

takes effect at the place where the working directory was checked

out or last committed.

2.2 Checking Out a Branch to Work On

To check out the latest revision of a branch to work on, use the


cvs checkout -r Branchname my_module

When you do a cvs commit, the changes are merged in on

the branch from which they were checked out.

2.3 General

Note that branch names refer to the latest revision of the branch

they are on, not the state they were in when the branch was


3. Tags

A tag provides a means to name a certain revision of the code, or

take a "snapshot" of it at a certain point in time. This tag

only applies a named handle to the code at that point in time, it

does not create a new branch of code.

3.1 Creating a Tag

In order to name the current end of the main trunk of a module,

use the command

cvs rtag Tagname my_module

In order to name the current end of a branch of a module, use

the command

cvs rtag -r Branchname Tagname my_module

Otherwise, to name the code that your working directory was

checked out from (without the changes you made to your

working directory since the last commit
), use the command

cvs tag Tagname

3.2 Using a Tagged version of code

You can check out tagged versions of code with the command

cvs checkout -r Tagname my_module

This creates a working directory with the code as it was when the

tag was created. While branch names refer to the latest code at

the end of a branch (and as such, are dynamic), tag names refer

to the static version of code that existed upon the tag's creation.

As a result, you cannot commit changes back into the tree at the

tagged place that you checked them out from.

If desired, a new branch can be created at the place the tag

was applied, then changes can be committed into the new branch as


cvs rtag -r Tagname NewBranchname my_module

cvs update -r NewBranchname

Finish changes to the working directory, then

cvs commit

To access this version of the code again later (along with any

changes that were made by others since you last accessed it), use

cvs checkout -r NewBranchname my_module

4. Merging branches

4.1 Using Updatecvs update -j TagOrBranch1 -j TagOrBranch2 my_module

The above command will locate the differences between TagOrBranch1

and TagOrBranch2. Of the lines that are different between them,

the lines in TagOrBranch2 will be patched, or merged, into the

sources in your working directory.

An annoying problem that I have not yet solved is that new files that

appear in TagOrBranch2 but not in TagOrBranch1 do not

get created by the merge. The only thing I know of to get these files

into the new version is to checkout TagOrBranch2, copy the files

into the merged working directory, and do

cvs add filename
4.2 Using Checkoutcvs checkout -j TagOrBranch1 -j TagOrBranch2 my_module

The above command will locate the differences between TagOrBranch1

and TagOrBranch2. Of the lines that are different between them,

the lines in TagOrBranch2 will be patched, or merged, into the

latest revision on the main trunk of my_module.

In order to have these differences merged into a different branch, and

then have that branch checked out, use

cvs checkout -r BranchToMergeTo -j TagOrBranch1

-j TagOrBranch2 my_module

Like update, file that were created between TagOrBranch1

and TagOrBranch2 do not get created automatically.









CVS (Concurrent Version Control System) 是一个能让很多程式开




一、 tag

1.1 revision number(修订号)


number(修订号)。在CVS中每个文件的版本都有一唯一的 revision

number。修订号的形式一般是这样的:`1.1',`1.2',`' 甚至是


1.1。每个新的修订号的最右边的数会比它的上一个修订号的最右边的数大 1。下图显示了一些修订号,较新的版本在右边。

+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+

! 1.1 ! ----! 1.2 !----! 1.3 !----! 1.4 !----! 1.5 !

+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+

其实,对于大多数 cvs 用户来说,不需要考虑修订号;他们只要知道 cvs 已经自动地加上了类似 1.1,1.2 之类的修订号就可以了。

1.2 tag (标签)


ci.c 5.21

co.c 5.9

ident.c 5.3

rcs.c 5.12

rcsbase.h 5.11

rcsdiff.c 5.10

rcsedit.c 5.11

rcsfcmp.c 5.9

rcsgen.c 5.10

rcslex.c 5.11

rcsmap.c 5.2

rcsutil.c 5.10



在过去的某个时候带 * 的版本号已被标记上标签。你可以把标签想象成一条经过所有被标记的文件的曲线。当你抓住线就得到所有标签标记的版本了。也可以通过另一种方式来看待这一点:把被同一个标签标记的所有版本号经过的曲线拉直, 然后直直地看过去。

1.3 tag命令的用法

下面的例子说明了怎样给一个文件添加标签。命令必须在模块的工作目录中发出。也就是说,你应该在 backend.c 文件所在的目录中发出该命令。

$ cvs tag rel-0-4 backend.c

T backend.c

$ cvs status -v backend.c


File: backend.c Status: Up-to-date

Version: 1.4 Tue Dec 1 14:39:01 1992

RCS Version: 1.4 /u/cvsroot/yoyodyne/tc/backend.c,v

Sticky Tag: (none)

Sticky Date: (none)

Sticky Options: (none)

Existing Tags:

rel-0-4 (revision: 1.4)


$ cvs tag rel-1-0 .

cvs tag: Tagging .

T Makefile

T backend.c

T driver.c

T frontend.c

T parser.c

(当把一个目录作为 cvs 的一个参数的时候,该命令不仅对该目录下的所有文件执行操作,而且也会递归地对该目录下的所有子目录中的文件执行操作。)

如果要检出一个模块的某个版本,可以使用checkout -r命令。在 checkout 命令中使用 `-r' 标志可以检出一个模块某个版本。下面的命令可以很容易地取出模块 `tc' 1.0 发行版的所有源文件:

$ cvs checkout -r rel-1-0 tc

1.4 什么时候使用tag


修改,只要发现你的修改发生了错误,或者是如果有人宣称在某个版本里有个 bug,但你在当前工作的副本中是找不到那个











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