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美剧字幕--傲骨贤妻第1季 第1集

2013-01-22 09:24 169 查看
美剧字幕--傲骨贤妻第1季 第1集


you are in the wrong conference room. it's up one floor 不是这间会议室,在楼上呢

we had a nice time 我们曾经处得非常好

he was getting out to fix it 他出去修理了

and i saw... 然后我看到

a red pickup truck 一辆红色敞篷车

a man came up to michale 有个人走进迈尔克

i did not see the gun 本来我没有看到枪

and i saw michale's face 我看到麦克的脸

Do you neet to take a break ?要不要休息下

no,just--if there was some water 可以的话给我瓶水

sure 当然可以

Sonia,we need some water in here sonia 给我拿瓶水

it's going to be about five minutes 5分钟后送过来

okay,uh,tell me when you're done 好吧,你好了告诉我。

you say this man ran to the red pickup truck here ,你说这个人从这里跑到红色卡车哪儿  

there is a surveilance camera here 这里有一个监控器

and the prosecution played it to make you look like a liar 原告播放了录像,证明你在说谎

i am not lying 我没有说谎

but there is no truck on the tape 但是呆子上面根本没有卡车

and that's why you are facing a 这就是你为何要面临

retrail now and not an acquittal 重申,而不是无罪释放

and that the car went this way--not that way 那车开了这条路 而不是那条

they will not let me see her 他们不准我看他

Michale's parents have custody michal 的父母拥有孩子的监护权

what am i going to do? 我该怎么办

you are going to take it one day at a time 总有一天你会拿回监护权的

we got you housing 我们给你安排了住所

you are going to go here 你先去那里

take a shower,take a nap 洗个澡,好好睡一觉

Do not turn on the Tv 不准许看电视

you like reading? 喜欢看书么 。 【学习这种返回的方法】

i am going to get you some books 我会给你带些书

it's the superficial things that matter most right now 现在表面工作才是关键

superficial adj 表面的;肤浅的 ,n 表面文章;外表;浅薄的

But you do get better at it 但是你会感觉好点

if you identify with too many clients, you burn out 如果你老是这么感情用事,迟早会受不了的

why do not tell me when i do something right,okay?等我有什么事情做对了,你在提醒我好么

you go and interview the jurors 陪审团那边就交给你了

and i will try to figure out how a surveillance camera can lie 而我则去查查监视镜头是怎么回事

and you do not mind answering a few questions for us,docture ? 希望你不介意回答我们几个问题

mind vt 介意

it will help us refine the case for the retrail

no problem

but i do not think you will need much refining 我不认可可以扭转乾坤

your case was very strong,very logical 此案事实清楚,证据确凿

in fact, i am not even sure why the other side went to trial 老实说,根本没有必要对当事人进行重审

i voted for conviction right from the start 我从头到尾都投得是赞成票

conviction n 定罪;确信;证明有罪

Good ,好极了

but i am with the defence 但我是辩方律师

she was lying about the pickup truck 根本就没有小卡车,她在说谎

she had the gunshot residue on her hand 她手上还有枪弹残留

gunshot n 射击,射程;炮击 adj 射击的;枪炮射击所致的

residue n 残渣;剩余

can i ask how many people voted for conviction from the start,sir? 可以透露下自始至终都投有罪有多少人么?

there were only one holdout 但有一个始终坚持认为无罪

holdout n 坚持,抵抗

we argued with her for three days 我还跟他争论了三天

yes,well,the judge would only declare us deadlocked 没错,法官只能宣布我们僵持不下

--deadlooked adj 僵持的;陷入僵局的 vt 使僵持

if we were evenly split 因为我们故意均衡了投票

--split vt 分离;使分离;劈开;分解 adj 裂开的 n 劈开,裂缝

she did not convince us ,she exhausted up 他说服不了我们又不肯妥协,大家都受不了了

convince vt 说服;使确信;使信服

no tee for me,Mrs Duretky 不要帮我准备茶了,**夫人

suit yourself 不用客气 【学习不客气的另外一种表达方式】

said you were a holdout ,is that correct?你就是那一位固执己见的人,对吗?

they all though they were so much smarter than me 他们都觉得自己精明完了

my vote counted just as much as theirs 同意我观点的票数却刚刚好跟他们一样

that lady,i liked her 那姑娘,我一眼就喜欢上他了

she nerver put on airs 他从不对人摆架子

the defense expert argued that the gunshot residue 辩护方提出 手上的枪弹残留

on tom's hand came from the struggle 是因为和第三人抗争所留

is that why you hold out --是你一直坚守无罪的原因么

what's wrong?-Nothing wrong -怎么了,-没什么

you know the new associate cary ?--你知道新员工cary 么?

he said to me, “may be best man win” 他对我说,“胜利属于强者”

what exactly does he mean by that?那究竟是什么意思

what he means is somethig i though we were not making public --我们没有对你坦白

look,we only have one associate positon open --我们只有一个副职的空缺

so we agreed to hire two applications,所以我们打算同时聘用两个应聘者

and in six months decide which one to retain 然后6个月之内决定谁去谁留

in six months 在6个月之内

So tihs is a contest between me and cary? 如此来说,我和Cary一争高下 了

contest vt 争辩;提出质疑 n 竞赛;争夺;争论

they said a visitor 听他们说有一位探访者

i thought mom 我以为是我妈妈

I have been busy -我一直很忙

i am good to see you 很高兴看到你

we did not get everything we want on the house 房子里面的东西我没能都拿走

it's a bad market to sell 市场不景气 不好卖

i see that 我明白

we used most of it for your court costs 大部分的费用都花在了你的诉讼费上了

the rend will come out of my salary 而我薪水用来支付房租

And the kids are going to have to stay in public school 孩子们也不得不去公立学校就读

Alisa, i know this has been hard on you --Alisa 我知道这让你备受煎熬

But you have to believe me 但是你得相信我

i am innocent 我是清白的...

of the abuse of office charges 关于挪用公款这事

Mom says you are on a case 妈妈说你接手了一个案子

you are kidding 你不是在开玩笑吧

he hates me 他和我有仇

visiting hours are now over 探访时间到

thanks for playing the breadwinner for a while 谢谢你这么久操劳家务

breadwinner n 负担家计的人;养家糊口的人

it's not going to last forever 我不会让你永远这么辛劳的

it's never going back to normal 永远不可能回到原来的样子

as soon as the cops found gunshot residue --警方一发现 手中的枪弹残留

so what if they pitted everying else ?那如果他们忽视了其他的细节呢

and what if they did not ? 如果他们没有忽视呢

arguments are cheap 在这儿争论毫无意义

what's that? 那是什么

you think the cops kept something out of the discovery 你认为警方隐瞒了一个指向另外一个

-that pointed to another suspect 嫌疑人的证据

suspect n嫌疑人

so a pickup truck is seen racing 一辆卡车别人看到疾驰

how is a truck missed by that surveillance camera 一辆卡车怎么可能从监视摄像头下面溜走呢

mismarked surveillance tap 标记错误时间的监控录像

what are you doing? 你在做什么

working -工作

these are better than subpoenas -这可比传票强多了。

subpoena 传票

we will be out of your hair in five minutes 我们五分钟就可以搞定走人

okay,it's down here 好的,这里往下走就到了

why did my husband fire you ? -我丈夫为什么要炒你鱿鱼

he accused my of working two jobs -他指责我干了两份活

were you? 你有么

Is that the night of the murder? -year 那是谋杀当晚的录像么

i mean,even if the computer did mismark it, 就算计算机错误的标注了时间日期

i make an hourly toure of the lot 我在停车场巡视了一个小时

and i did not see no pickup truck 没有看到小卡车

look,that's just me -瞧,那个人就是我

11:03,just before the murder  就在谋杀之前 /【系动词 + 名字】

Can we get copies of these ?我们可以拿一份拷贝么

sure -当然可以

Get me some disks 给我拿几个磁盘 【Get sb sth,给木人拿些东西】

your machine spit out an extra one 你的机器多吐出了一罐可乐

would you like it -你想喝吗

Oh, what beautiful children 多漂亮的孩子

two kids ,tow grandkids 一对儿女,一对儿孙女

how about those disks? 那些磁盘怎么样

is he always so charming ? 他总是这么可爱么

oh,he is just a lazy mall cop 他只是一个懒惰的商场保安

he spends half the day surfing porn,and with the night shift 他要花半天的时间看黄色录像,而到了值夜班的时候

he can not get his skinny ass(屁股) out of his chair 他就赖在椅子上面

i am always waking him up in the morning 总是要我早上去叫醒他

i talked to petter, he said you dropped by 我和petter 谈过了,他说你去看他了

i did

i am glad 我很高兴

he is hurting in there 他在哪里倍受煎熬

he is very brave 他很勇敢

he needs you to forgive him,alicia -他需要你的原谅 need sb to do sth ,forgive sb

i spent 15 years doing his laundry

clearing his house

Never asking a single question 从来没有任何质疑

Because,i did not think i have to 因为我感觉我没有什么可质疑的

and he took everying i thought we had 他带走了我们全部共同的财产

and he just put it out there for everyone 然后送给了每一个人

he did not want that 他也不想那样

the press...那种压力

oh,jack,stop it please ,peter was not thinking of us petter 根本没有提我们着想

it takes time,alicia 这需要时间,艾丽西亚

Give it time 给他些时间

i want her dead 我想让他死

please state your name 请报出你的姓名

how would you describe 你认为

your husband's relationship with his first wife? 你账户和他前妻的关系如何 sb's relationship with sb sb 和 sb的关系

whose idea was it to have dinner 是谁提出出去吃晚饭的

Jeniffer's or Michael's

so would not that suggest 这难道不能表明

clam down 冷静点

Are you aware of this? - i am 您知道此事了么 -知道

so why did not you consider this incident 那您怎么知道本案

to be anohter in that series of carjackings 不是又一起连环劫车案呢

Firest of all are luxury cars 首先,被抢的都是豪华汽车

One Lexus and BMWS

the victim in this crime was dring a 2001 honda 而本案的本害人驾驶的是 2001款的本田

this is what the carjackers did 劫车者通常都会剪切燃油管

to force the luxury cars overs 来使豪华车抛锚

but in the case of the honda,the victim pulled over 但本案的受害人只是因为车胎漏气了

yes,there was a nail driven 是的 我们在车的前轮上

into the front driver tire 发现了一枚钉子

i see,now,why is this something 明白了,那为什么劫车这

it's not going well ,is it? 情况并不乐观 对吗

it's early 现在还言尚早

was anything pitted from the Lewis crime ?在刘易案件中有没有证据被排除

Evidence is logged in all the time 证据一直都是记在案的

it's not an intent to deceive 我这不是为了混淆视听

it's an attempt to decipher facts,we do not even know if it is..只是为了想尝试解读真想,我们并不知道这是否

the directive was simple 指令很简单

Follow the strategy of the first trial 按照第一个阶段审讯的套路就行了

Instead, you are pushing for evidence 不过,你得拼命去搜集证据

That might not even help your case 即使对你的案子毫无帮组的证据

i interviewed the frist jury 我和第一陪审团会谈过

and they voted 11 to one to convict 他们以11:1的投票予以否定

Excuse me,that's not true,it was evenly split 对不起,不是那样子的,当时双方票数相等

No,Half the jurors switched their votes 不,有一半的陪审员改变了投票

when they could not get a troubled juror the deliberate

So,i used my judgement to change strategies 所以我运用了自己的判断来改变策略

and was it you judgement not to update us 你的判断力就是不及时向我们反馈信息吗

she is a junior associate 她只是一个初级助理

who does not think she is a junior associate 却自视过高

her husband was a state's attorney 他丈夫曾经是一个州检察官

she lived in highland park 他过去住在高地公园

it's not just teaching an old dog new tricks 这不只是在训练一直老狗

it's teaching an entitled dag new tricke 而是在训练一直骄傲的狗

Come one ,Diane, the problem is she is catching evidence 好了,戴安,关键是她在搜集那些证据

that you overlooked 被你忽视的证据

i have seen you mentor these women 我知道你教导过不少女律师

untile they start competing with you 直到他们开始与你竞争

i miss you so much 我好想你

the pitted evidence 被掩埋了的证据

i talked to a friend at the crime lab 我和一个取证室的一个朋友谈过

gave me a priview of the evident 他让我查阅了证据记录

it's dog hair found on the victim's clothes 受害者的身上发现有狗毛

cops pitted it 警察排除了这点

Because they found dog hair at Michale's residence 因为他们在Micel的住处也发现了狗毛

and thought it was the same 他们猜测属于同一只狗

but it's not 结果不是么?

so we are looking 所以,我们现在要找的是

for an arthritic greyhound owner

you are adorable 你真可爱

Zach,Freeze it Zach 定住画面

it's profe 这就是证据

this is at 11:30 the night of the murder,Mr North ,North先生,这个是谋杀当晚 11:03分

and...that's you 那是你

Making your hourly circuit of the lot ,Correct 在停车场每小时巡逻一次,对吗

Yes that's correct 是的

and you saw no pickup truck,no carjacker racing past 你没有看到小货车或劫车人跑过

Nothing the defendant Claims she saw 没有任何被告宣称她看到的东西

That's correct 是的

can we have the monitors in,please 请将监控录像拿进来好么

state's attorney's here 州检察官来了

and the one over there on the left is the night of image from the 14th 左边是14号晚的录像

the night before the murder,and the one 也就是案发的前一晚

on the right is from the 16th,the night after the murder 右边是16号的,也就是案发后的第二个晚上

can you see the dates on those 你能看到上面的日期么

so,as you said before ,there you are 按照你之前说的,那个人是你

the night of the murder ,at 11:03

makeing your circuit of the lot 你在停车场巡逻

and there you are the night before the murder 这个则是你在案发前一晚

and the night after ,doing the same thing 在看案发后第二晚,你也在做相同的故事

it must get old ,um,no

my job does not pay as much as yours,but i still love it 我的工作没有你的报仇多,但我爱他

I got a breakfast meeting with clients 是啊,我和委托人约了一起吃早餐

something just does not seem right 有点不对劲,

Michael has dinner with his first wife -right Michale 跟他的前妻吃饭 - 对

he tells Jennifer he missed her

missed her all life together - right 怀念他们共度的时光 -是的

What does cindy think about it? the second wife?

Cindy thinks some unhappy thoughts

Jury liked her 陪审团会同情她

What did you get on Cindy's brother 辛迪的哥哥呢,你查出什么情况

these are his employment records 这些是他的就业记录

you have a moment 你有空么

i do no think we have ever met before 我们从来应该没有见过

you know he is using you, do not you?你知道他在利用你,对吧

peter blames me for his downfall 皮特以为是我把他搞下台的

he is using you to get to me 所以利用你来对付我

How do you figure ?你怎么想到的

if you are worried about my husband

you are obviously never made a woman angry before 那您以前很明显没有真正激怒过女人

Mis lewis ,did you and the deceased 你和死者

sign a prenuptial agreement 签署过婚前协议吗

yes for tax purpose 是的税务原因

so ,if the deceased were to divorce you ,let's say 所以我们假设死者要和你离婚

in order to renite with his first wife

you would be cut off from his premarital savings 你将无权或得死者的婚前财产

How long were they out with your husband 他们让你老公等了多长时间

you know what i do not get?我有一点不明白

why you stood by him 你为什么还支持他

i would have stuck a knife in his hert 换了是我,我会一刀捅进他心脏

i always though i would,too

then we are done here 那我们可以结案了

thank you ,thank you so much

No,it just went a little late ,that's all 没事,只是晚了一点 没事的

if you were coming home for dinner 你回不回来吃晚饭

what ?what did i say ? 怎么了,我说啥了

Nothing,it's just that's what i always used to say to petter 没事,只是我过去也常常对批得这么说

oh,one more thing 还有件事情

you have been made my second chair 你已经是我的民事诉讼案件的

in the civil case 列座律师了

see you tommorrow at 9:30 ,staff meeting 明早9:30 员工会议上见

i will be there 我会准时出席的

it's me,i am sorry ,you must be in bed 很抱歉,你肯定已经睡觉了

but i just want to tell you first 但是,我只是想先告诉你

i will see you soon 我会很快见到你

i love you


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