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2013-01-21 09:24 232 查看

- mysql-installer-community-

- Tomcat 7.0.33 or higher

- Java 7, JDK 1.7 or higher

- Firefox (see [details|System requirements])


<role rolename="manager-gui"/>

<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager-gui"/>


Basic Installation

Download the latest release

Download the latest release from Agilefant homepage.

Unzip the file to a temporary directory

Use your favorite zip program to unzip the package. The directory containing the unzipped files is referred in this installation guide as TEMP_DIR.

The files in the directory are required during installation. You can remove the files after installation is complete.

Create and initialize database

Login to MySQL as root user (or any other user with sufficient privileges):

mysql -uroot -p
GRANT ALL ON agilefant.* to agilefant@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'agilefant';

Exit from the MySQL monitor and log back in as agilefant;

mysql -uagilefant -pagilefant
use agilefant;
source TEMP_DIR/create-db.ddl;

Note! In 3.0.0 there may be a bug in create-db.ddl; new users are suggested to use the example database as described below.

Use the example database

If you have not used Agilefant before, you may wish to avoid having to start with a totally empty database. There is an example database that contains a couple of products, a few users and some example projects, iterations and stories included in
the release package (docs/sql/exampledb directory). Simply 'source' it:

source TEMP_DIR/exampledb.sql

The password of the admin user for the example database is 'secret'.
The example database will in the near future also contain a live version of Agilefant's roadmap; while it changes more often than releases are made, you can always download the most recent version here.

A note about product access rights in Agilefant 3.0

Since 3.0 alpha releases, when creating new products, the user is asked whether to grant all teams access rights to the product. If this is answered 'no' - or the one creating the new product does not belong to any team - the product seems to 'disappear'.
Admin users can remedy this from Administration -> Access rights. More info on the phenomenon here, and about
how the user rights work here .

Deploy to Tomcat

Setting Agilefant security policy

If you use Tomcat's security manager, e.g. Tomcat is stared with option -security, you need to grant Agilefant operating rights. In this guide we grant Agilefant all rights, but if you are adventurous and worried about security you might want to
explore the possibilities of limiting the rights Agilefant is granted.
The location of the correct .policy file depends on your Tomcat setup. On Debian-based systems where Tomcat 5.5 is installed using apt-get the correct .policy file is


Open the file with text editor and add the following lines to the end of the file

grant codeBase "file:${catalina.base}/webapps/agilefant/-" {
permission java.security.AllPermission;

After saving the file you need to restart Tomcat.
If you really don't want to restart Tomcat, you probably can use Tomcat admin application to set the policy without restarting Tomcat. The realization of this task is however outside the scope of this guide.
See Tomcat documentation for more help.

Deploy with Tomcat manager application

Open Tomcat manager with your web browser (e.g. http://localhost:8180/manager/html)

Press "Select WAR file to upload" Browse-button and select agilefant.war from TEMP_DIR.

Press Deploy.
If everything goes well, agilefant should appear to the Applications list with status Running true.
If the manager application has not been installed you need to do the deployment by hand. See Tomcat documentation for details.


The section above assumes that your web server setup allows and enables automaticly connections to deployed webapps.

Depending on your setup, you might need to configure Tomcat, Apache web server or your firewall to allow connections to the Agilefant webapp.

The user runnign Tomcat daemon must be allowed to access MySQL service.
If you used alternative password in the Create and initialize database section you need to configure the password to Agilefant.

Open the database.properties file in your tomcat/webapps/agilefant directory (e.g. /var/lib/tomcat5.5/webapps/agilefant/WEB-INF/database.properties) with text editor.

Edit the line


and save the file.

Connect to Agilefant

You should now be able to connect to Agilefant with your web browser. The URL depends on your web server setup, but might be something like

http://localhost:8080/agilefant, which is the agilefant context in default Tomcat port.

Log in with username admin and password secret. Don't forget to change the password from the User tab right after you log in to the system.
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