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The Distinguish of the share or static lib in MFC

2013-01-18 09:34 405 查看
如果选择use MFC in a Shared DLL 的话,你编译后的程序中不包含MFC库,所以文件会比较小,但是如果你的程序直接移到一个没有安装过MFC的机器上时,可能会导致找不到MFC的DLL。
如果选择Use MFC in a Static Library ,那你编译后的程序就直接包含了调用MFC的部分的库,文件可能会大一些,但是可以直接移到其他机器上运行。




used in a static library:
used in a shared dll:
使用dll文件,函数实现隐藏在DLL文件内部,你的工程编译成exe文件后,运行时才调用dll 。


A static library means the code you use from the library is included in your executable. Because of this, you don't need to ship the library or require the end user to have it on their machine. However this bloats the size of your executable and ties you to that library version, so if you need to update just the library, you have to ship a new executable.

A shared library calls the library at the time it needs it (runtime) to execute the code, but it requires the user to have it (usually a specific or minimum version) installed on their machine. You can also distribute the required version of the library with your application if you need to.

As for which is better, I don't know. I'm not a Windows C++ or MFC programmer so I couldn't say. On my Linux servers, the applications I write are generally server-side and thus use shared libraries.

It depends on how your application is to be used, distributed, updated, how often the MFC library changes, if it's generally available on user's PCs etc.
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