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[LeetCode] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Solution

2013-01-17 13:52 471 查看
Say you have an array for which the i[/i]th element is the price of a given stock on day i[/i].Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete at most two[/i] transactions.Note:[/b]
You may not engage in multiple transactions at the same time (ie, you must sell the stock before you buy again).» Solve this problem

One dimensional dynamic planning.
Given an i, split the whole array into two parts:
[0,i] and [i+1, n], it generates two max value based on i, Max(0,i) and Max(i+1,n)
So, we can define the transformation function as:
Maxprofix = max(Max(0,i) + Max(i+1, n)) 0<=i<n
Pre-processing Max(0,i) might be easy, but I didn't figure an efficient way to generate Max(i+1,n) in one pass.

[code]1:    int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices) {
2:      // Start typing your C/C++ solution below
3:      // DO NOT write int main() function
4:      int index =0;
5:      int max1, max2;
6:      int max =0;
7:      for(int i =0; i< prices.size(); i++)
8:      {
9:        max1=SearchMax(prices,0,i);
10:        max2 = SearchMax(prices,i+1, prices.size()-1);
11:        if(max < max1+max2)
12:          max = max1+max2;
13:      }
14:      return max;
15:    }
16:    int SearchMax(vector<int>& prices, int start, int end)
17:    {
18:      int max=0;
19:      int min=INT_MAX;
20:      for(int i =start; i<= end; i++)
21:      {
22:        if(min> prices[i]) min = prices[i];
23:        int diff = prices[i] -min;
24:        if(diff> max)
25:        {
26:          max = diff;
27:        }
28:      }
29:      return max;
30:    }

Update 03/12/2014
Just see the comments. Looks I didn't post the right code.
Line 6~12 and Line 15~21 can be merged into one pass. But keep it for readability.

1:  int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices) {
2:       if(prices.size() <= 1) return 0;
3:       vector<int> maxFromLeft(prices.size(), 0);
4:       vector<int> maxFromRight(prices.size(), 0);
5:       int minV = INT_MAX, maxP = INT_MIN;
6:       for(int i =0; i< prices.size(); i++)
7:       {
8:            if(minV > prices[i]) minV = prices[i];
9:            int temp = prices[i] - minV;
10:            if(temp > maxP) maxP = temp;
11:            maxFromLeft[i] = maxP;
12:       }
13:       int maxV = INT_MIN;
14:       maxP = INT_MIN;
15:       for(int i =prices.size()-1; i>=0; i--)
16:       {
17:            if(maxV < prices[i]) maxV = prices[i];
18:            int temp = maxV - prices[i];
19:            if(temp > maxP) maxP = temp;
20:            maxFromRight[i] = maxP;
21:       }
22:       int maxProfit = INT_MIN;
23:       for(int i =0; i< prices.size()-1; i++)
24:       {
25:            int sum = maxFromLeft[i] + maxFromRight[i+1];
26:            if(sum > maxProfit) maxProfit = sum;
27:       }
28:       if(maxProfit < maxFromRight[0])
29:            maxProfit = maxFromRight[0];
30:       return maxProfit;
31:  }
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