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 has been added to make it easier to construct Notifications.


* Use all default values (where applicable).
public static final int DEFAULT_ALL = ~0;

* Use the default notification sound. This will ignore any given
* {@link #sound}.
* @see #defaults
public static final int DEFAULT_SOUND = 1;

* Use the default notification vibrate. This will ignore any given
* {@link #vibrate}. Using phone vibration requires the
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#VIBRATE VIBRATE} permission.
* @see #defaults
public static final int DEFAULT_VIBRATE = 2;

* Use the default notification lights. This will ignore the
* {@link #FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS} bit, and {@link #ledARGB}, {@link #ledOffMS}, or
* {@link #ledOnMS}.
* @see #defaults
public static final int DEFAULT_LIGHTS = 4;
* Use this constant as the value for audioStreamType to request that
* the default stream type for notifications be used. Currently the
* default stream type is STREAM_RING.
public static final int STREAM_DEFAULT = -1;
* Bit to be bitwise-ored into the {@link #flags} field that should be
* set if you want the LED on for this notification.
* <ul>
* <li>To turn the LED off, pass 0 in the alpha channel for colorARGB
* or 0 for both ledOnMS and ledOffMS.</li>
* <li>To turn the LED on, pass 1 for ledOnMS and 0 for ledOffMS.</li>
* <li>To flash the LED, pass the number of milliseconds that it should
* be on and off to ledOnMS and ledOffMS.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Since hardware varies, you are not guaranteed that any of the values
* you pass are honored exactly. Use the system defaults (TODO) if possible
* because they will be set to values that work on any given hardware.
* <p>
* The alpha channel must be set for forward compatibility.
public static final int FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS = 0x00000001;

* Bit to be bitwise-ored into the {@link #flags} field that should be
* set if this notification is in reference to something that is ongoing,
* like a phone call. It should not be set if this notification is in
* reference to something that happened at a particular point in time,
* like a missed phone call.
public static final int FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT = 0x00000002;

* Bit to be bitwise-ored into the {@link #flags} field that if set,
* the audio will be repeated until the notification is
* cancelled or the notification window is opened.
public static final int FLAG_INSISTENT = 0x00000004;

* Bit to be bitwise-ored into the {@link #flags} field that should be
* set if you want the sound and/or vibration play each time the
* notification is sent, even if it has not been canceled before that.
public static final int FLAG_ONLY_ALERT_ONCE = 0x00000008;

* Bit to be bitwise-ored into the {@link #flags} field that should be
* set if the notification should be canceled when it is clicked by the
* user. On tablets, the
public static final int FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL = 0x00000010;

* Bit to be bitwise-ored into the {@link #flags} field that should be
* set if the notification should not be canceled when the user clicks
* the Clear all button.
public static final int FLAG_NO_CLEAR = 0x00000020;

* Bit to be bitwise-ored into the {@link #flags} field that should be
* set if this notification represents a currently running service. This
* will normally be set for you by {@link Service#startForeground}.
public static final int FLAG_FOREGROUND_SERVICE = 0x00000040;

* Bit to be bitwise-ored into the {@link #flags} field that should be set if this notification
* represents a high-priority event that may be shown to the user even if notifications are
* otherwise unavailable (that is, when the status bar is hidden). This flag is ideally used
* in conjunction with {@link #fullScreenIntent}.
public static final int FLAG_HIGH_PRIORITY = 0x00000080;
如果想为Notification添加LED灯提示,需要在Flag属性中添加FLAG_SHOW_LIGHT标志位。 LED关闭状态下,0表示颜色或者LED灯开关 LED开启状态下,1代表LED开,0代表LED关。 LED闪烁状态下,ledOnMS表示灯亮时间,ledOffMS表示灯灭时间。 因为硬件不一,所以不能保证在各种硬件上都能够奏效,应尽可能使用系统给定的默认值(TODO),它能够适配各种硬件。 alpha通道必须设置为向前兼容性 FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT:
设置此Flag,震动和声音只执行一次。 FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL:

设置此Flag,当用户点击时,通知会被清除。 FLAG_NO_CLEAR:
设置此Flag,当用户点击清除所有按钮时,该通知不被清除。 FLAG_FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
设置此Flag,表示该通知为正运行的服务(当你退出手机QQ时,在状态栏会看到一个QQ图标) FLAG_HIGH_PRIORITY:


* The timestamp for the notification.  The icons and expanded views
* are sorted by this key.
public long when;

* The resource id of a drawable to use as the icon in the status bar.
* This is required; notifications with an invalid icon resource will not be shown.
public int icon;

* If the icon in the status bar is to have more than one level, you can set this.  Otherwise,
* leave it at its default value of 0.
* @see android.widget.ImageView#setImageLevel
* @see android.graphics.drawable#setLevel
public int iconLevel;

* The number of events that this notification represents.  For example, in a new mail
* notification, this could be the number of unread messages.  This number is superimposed over
* the icon in the status bar.  If the number is 0 or negative, it is not shown in the status
* bar.
public int number;

* The intent to execute when the expanded status entry is clicked.  If
* this is an activity, it must include the
* {@link android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK} flag, which requires
* that you take care of task management as described in the
* <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/tasks-and-back-stack.html">Tasks and Back
* Stack</a> document.  In particular, make sure to read the notification section
* <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html#HandlingNotifications">Handling
* Notifications</a> for the correct ways to launch an application from a
* notification.
public PendingIntent contentIntent;

* The intent to execute when the status entry is deleted by the user
* with the "Clear All Notifications" button. This probably shouldn't
* be launching an activity since several of those will be sent at the
* same time.
public PendingIntent deleteIntent;

* An intent to launch instead of posting the notification to the status bar.
* @see Notification.Builder#setFullScreenIntent
public PendingIntent fullScreenIntent;

* Text to scroll across the screen when this item is added to
* the status bar on large and smaller devices.
* <p>This field is provided separately from the other ticker fields
* both for compatibility and to allow an application to choose different
* text for when the text scrolls in and when it is displayed all at once
* in conjunction with one or more icons.
* @see #tickerView
public CharSequence tickerText;

* The view to show as the ticker in the status bar when the notification
* is posted.
public RemoteViews tickerView;

* The view that will represent this notification in the expanded status bar.
public RemoteViews contentView;

* The bitmap that may escape the bounds of the panel and bar.
public Bitmap largeIcon;

* The sound to play.
* <p>
* To play the default notification sound, see {@link #defaults}.
* </p>
public Uri sound;





The intent to execute when the expanded status entry is clicked.当扩展状态内容被点击时触发该intent(expanded status entry不知道该如何翻译是好了


当用户点击“clean all button"或者滑动取消通知时触发该Intent,不能启动一个activity或者server(因为会在同一时间发送)。fullScreenIntent:










* Constructs a Notification object with everything set to 0.
* You might want to consider using {@link Builder} instead.
public Notification()
this.when = System.currentTimeMillis();

可以用Notification.Builder来替代构造一个Notification(关于Builder建造者模式 http://blog.csdn.net/aomandeshangxiao/article/details/8214646)。
* @hide
public Notification(Context context, int icon, CharSequence tickerText, long when,
CharSequence contentTitle, CharSequence contentText, Intent contentIntent)
this.when = when;
this.icon = icon;
this.tickerText = tickerText;
setLatestEventInfo(context, contentTitle, contentText,
PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, contentIntent, 0));

* Constructs a Notification object with the information needed to
* have a status bar icon without the standard expanded view.
* @param icon          The resource id of the icon to put in the status bar.
* @param tickerText    The text that flows by in the status bar when the notification first
*                      activates.
* @param when          The time to show in the time field.  In the System.currentTimeMillis
*                      timebase.
* @deprecated Use {@link Builder} instead.
public Notification(int icon, CharSequence tickerText, long when)
this.icon = icon;
this.tickerText = tickerText;
this.when = when;

* Unflatten the notification from a parcel.
public Notification(Parcel parcel)
int version = parcel.readInt();

when = parcel.readLong();
icon = parcel.readInt();
number = parcel.readInt();
if (parcel.readInt() != 0) {
contentIntent = PendingIntent.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);
if (parcel.readInt() != 0) {
deleteIntent = PendingIntent.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);
if (parcel.readInt() != 0) {
tickerText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);
if (parcel.readInt() != 0) {
tickerView = RemoteViews.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);
if (parcel.readInt() != 0) {
contentView = RemoteViews.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);
if (parcel.readInt() != 0) {
largeIcon = Bitmap.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);
defaults = parcel.readInt();
flags = parcel.readInt();
if (parcel.readInt() != 0) {
sound = Uri.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);

audioStreamType = parcel.readInt();
vibrate = parcel.createLongArray();
ledARGB = parcel.readInt();
ledOnMS = parcel.readInt();
ledOffMS = parcel.readInt();
iconLevel = parcel.readInt();

if (parcel.readInt() != 0) {
fullScreenIntent = PendingIntent.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);



public Notification clone() {
Notification that = new Notification();

that.when = this.when;
that.icon = this.icon;
that.number = this.number;

// PendingIntents are global, so there's no reason (or way) to clone them.
that.contentIntent = this.contentIntent;
that.deleteIntent = this.deleteIntent;
that.fullScreenIntent = this.fullScreenIntent;

if (this.tickerText != null) {
that.tickerText = this.tickerText.toString();
if (this.tickerView != null) {
that.tickerView = this.tickerView.clone();
if (this.contentView != null) {
that.contentView = this.contentView.clone();
if (this.largeIcon != null) {
that.largeIcon = Bitmap.createBitmap(this.largeIcon);
that.iconLevel = this.iconLevel;
that.sound = this.sound; // android.net.Uri is immutable
that.audioStreamType = this.audioStreamType;

final long[] vibrate = this.vibrate;
if (vibrate != null) {
final int N = vibrate.length;
final long[] vib = that.vibrate = new long
System.arraycopy(vibrate, 0, vib, 0, N);

that.ledARGB = this.ledARGB;
that.ledOnMS = this.ledOnMS;
that.ledOffMS = this.ledOffMS;
that.defaults = this.defaults;

that.flags = this.flags;

return that;

Creates and returns a copy of this Object. The default implementation returns a so-called "shallow" copy: It creates a new instance of the same class and then copies the field values (including object references) from this instance to the new instance. A "deep" copy, in contrast, would also recursively clone nested objects. A subclass that needs to implement this kind of cloning should call super.clone() to create the new instance and then create deep copies of the nested, mutable objects.

public int describeContents() {
return 0;

* Flatten this notification from a parcel.
public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags)

if (contentIntent != null) {
contentIntent.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);
} else {
if (deleteIntent != null) {
deleteIntent.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);
} else {
if (tickerText != null) {
TextUtils.writeToParcel(tickerText, parcel, flags);
} else {
if (tickerView != null) {
tickerView.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);
} else {
if (contentView != null) {
contentView.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);
} else {
if (largeIcon != null) {
largeIcon.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);
} else {


if (sound != null) {
sound.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);
} else {

if (fullScreenIntent != null) {
fullScreenIntent.writeToParcel(parcel, 0);
} else {
* Parcelable.Creator that instantiates Notification objects
public static final Parcelable.Creator<Notification> CREATOR
= new Parcelable.Creator<Notification>()
public Notification createFromParcel(Parcel parcel)
return new Notification(parcel);

public Notification[] newArray(int size)
return new Notification[size];

* Sets the {@link #contentView} field to be a view with the standard "Latest Event"
* layout.
* <p>Uses the {@link #icon} and {@link #when} fields to set the icon and time fields
* in the view.</p>
* @param context       The context for your application / activity.
* @param contentTitle The title that goes in the expanded entry.
* @param contentText  The text that goes in the expanded entry.
* @param contentIntent The intent to launch when the user clicks the expanded notification.
* If this is an activity, it must include the
* {@link android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK} flag, which requires
* that you take care of task management as described in the
* <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/tasks-and-back-stack.html">Tasks and Back
* Stack</a> document.
* @deprecated Use {@link Builder} instead.
public void setLatestEventInfo(Context context,
CharSequence contentTitle, CharSequence contentText, PendingIntent contentIntent) {
RemoteViews contentView = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),
if (this.icon != 0) {
contentView.setImageViewResource(R.id.icon, this.icon);
if (contentTitle != null) {
contentView.setTextViewText(R.id.title, contentTitle);
if (contentText != null) {
contentView.setTextViewText(R.id.text, contentText);
if (this.when != 0) {
contentView.setLong(R.id.time, "setTime", when);

this.contentView = contentView;
this.contentIntent = contentIntent;

上面提到的setLatestEventInfo方法,被弃用,使用Notification.Builder替代。 设置最新点击的内容视图,通过设置图标,时间等参数。
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (contentView != null) {
} else {
sb.append(" vibrate=");
if (this.vibrate != null) {
int N = this.vibrate.length-1;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
if (N != -1) {
} else if ((this.defaults & DEFAULT_VIBRATE) != 0) {
} else {
if (this.sound != null) {
} else if ((this.defaults & DEFAULT_SOUND) != 0) {
} else {
if ((this.flags & FLAG_HIGH_PRIORITY) != 0) {
return sb.toString();



public static class Builder {

private Context mContext;

private long mWhen;
private int mSmallIcon;
private int mSmallIconLevel;
private int mNumber;
private CharSequence mContentTitle;
private CharSequence mContentText;
private CharSequence mContentInfo;
private PendingIntent mContentIntent;
private RemoteViews mContentView;
private PendingIntent mDeleteIntent;
private PendingIntent mFullScreenIntent;
private CharSequence mTickerText;
private RemoteViews mTickerView;
private Bitmap mLargeIcon;
private Uri mSound;
private int mAudioStreamType;
private long[] mVibrate;
private int mLedArgb;
private int mLedOnMs;
private int mLedOffMs;
private int mDefaults;
private int mFlags;
private int mProgressMax;
private int mProgress;
private boolean mProgressIndeterminate;

参考上面Notification的全局变量。 构造函数:
* Constructor.
* Automatically sets the when field to {@link System#currentTimeMillis()
* System.currentTimeMllis()} and the audio stream to the {@link #STREAM_DEFAULT}.
* @param context A {@link Context} that will be used to construct the
*      RemoteViews. The Context will not be held past the lifetime of this
*      Builder object.
public Builder(Context context) {
mContext = context;

// Set defaults to match the defaults of a Notification
mWhen = System.currentTimeMillis();
mAudioStreamType = STREAM_DEFAULT;

需要传入一个Context,然后获取下当前时间,设置下视频流类型。 设置当前事件时间:系统会根据这个时间在状态栏上为Notification排序。
* Set the time that the event occurred.  Notifications in the panel are
* sorted by this time.
public Builder setWhen(long when) {
mWhen = when;
return this;

         * Set the small icon to use in the notification layouts.  Different classes of devices
         * may return different sizes.  See the UX guidelines for more information on how to
         * design these icons.
         * @param icon A resource ID in the application's package of the drawble to use.
        public Builder setSmallIcon(int icon) {
            mSmallIcon = icon;
            return this;

         * A variant of {@link #setSmallIcon(int) setSmallIcon(int)} that takes an additional
         * level parameter for when the icon is a {@link android.graphics.drawable.LevelListDrawable
         * LevelListDrawable}.
         * @param icon A resource ID in the application's package of the drawble to use.
         * @param level The level to use for the icon.
         * @see android.graphics.drawable.LevelListDrawable
        public Builder setSmallIcon(int icon, int level) {
            mSmallIcon = icon;
            mSmallIconLevel = level;
            return this;

设置Notification布局的小图标,不同的硬件设备会显示不同的尺寸。可以查看UX文档获取更多如何设计图标的信息。 设置内容标题:
* Set the title (first row) of the notification, in a standard notification.
public Builder setContentTitle(CharSequence title) {
mContentTitle = title;
return this;

* Set the text (second row) of the notification, in a standard notification.
public Builder setContentText(CharSequence text) {
mContentText = text;
return this;

* Set the large number at the right-hand side of the notification.  This is
* equivalent to setContentInfo, although it might show the number in a different
* font size for readability.
public Builder setNumber(int number) {
mNumber = number;
return this;

设置在状态栏右侧显示的数字,等同于setContentInfo,也可以显示数字。 设置Notification右侧显示的文本:
* Set the large text at the right-hand side of the notification.
public Builder setContentInfo(CharSequence info) {
mContentInfo = info;
return this;

* Set the progress this notification represents, which may be
* represented as a {@link ProgressBar}.
public Builder setProgress(int max, int progress, boolean indeterminate) {
mProgressMax = max;
mProgress = progress;
mProgressIndeterminate = indeterminate;
return this;

* Supply a custom RemoteViews to use instead of the standard one.
public Builder setContent(RemoteViews views) {
mContentView = views;
return this;

* Supply a {@link PendingIntent} to send when the notification is clicked.
* If you do not supply an intent, you can now add PendingIntents to individual
* views to be launched when clicked by calling {@link RemoteViews#setOnClickPendingIntent
* RemoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(int,PendingIntent)}.  Be sure to
* read {@link Notification#contentIntent Notification.contentIntent} for
* how to correctly use this.
public Builder setContentIntent(PendingIntent intent) {
mContentIntent = intent;
return this;
* Supply a {@link PendingIntent} to send when the notification is cleared by the user
* directly from the notification panel.  For example, this intent is sent when the user
* clicks the "Clear all" button, or the individual "X" buttons on notifications.  This
* intent is not sent when the application calls {@link NotificationManager#cancel
* NotificationManager.cancel(int)}.
public Builder setDeleteIntent(PendingIntent intent) {
mDeleteIntent = intent;
return this;

* An intent to launch instead of posting the notification to the status bar.
* Only for use with extremely high-priority notifications demanding the user's
* <strong>immediate</strong> attention, such as an incoming phone call or
* alarm clock that the user has explicitly set to a particular time.
* If this facility is used for something else, please give the user an option
* to turn it off and use a normal notification, as this can be extremely
* disruptive.
* @param intent The pending intent to launch.
* @param highPriority Passing true will cause this notification to be sent
*          even if other notifications are suppressed.
public Builder setFullScreenIntent(PendingIntent intent, boolean highPriority) {
mFullScreenIntent = intent;
setFlag(FLAG_HIGH_PRIORITY, highPriority);
return this;

         * Set the text that is displayed in the status bar when the notification first
         * arrives.
        public Builder setTicker(CharSequence tickerText) {
            mTickerText = tickerText;
            return this;

         * Set the text that is displayed in the status bar when the notification first
         * arrives, and also a RemoteViews object that may be displayed instead on some
         * devices.
        public Builder setTicker(CharSequence tickerText, RemoteViews views) {
            mTickerText = tickerText;
            mTickerView = views;
            return this;
设置Notification第一次到达时在status Bar 上面显示的文本,第二个方法里面还可以设置一个自定义视图。

* Set the large icon that is shown in the ticker and notification.
public Builder setLargeIcon(Bitmap icon) {
mLargeIcon = icon;
return this;

         * Set the sound to play.  It will play on the default stream.
        public Builder setSound(Uri sound) {
            mSound = sound;
            mAudioStreamType = STREAM_DEFAULT;
            return this;

         * Set the sound to play.  It will play on the stream you supply.
         * @see #STREAM_DEFAULT
         * @see AudioManager for the <code>STREAM_</code> constants.
        public Builder setSound(Uri sound, int streamType) {
            mSound = sound;
            mAudioStreamType = streamType;
            return this;

* Set the vibration pattern to use.
* @see android.os.Vibrator for a discussion of the <code>pattern</code>
* parameter.
public Builder setVibrate(long[] pattern) {
mVibrate = pattern;
return this;

* Set the argb value that you would like the LED on the device to blnk, as well as the
* rate.  The rate is specified in terms of the number of milliseconds to be on
* and then the number of milliseconds to be off.
public Builder setLights(int argb, int onMs, int offMs) {
mLedArgb = argb;
mLedOnMs = onMs;
mLedOffMs = offMs;
return this;

* Set whether this is an ongoing notification.
* <p>Ongoing notifications differ from regular notifications in the following ways:
* <ul>
*   <li>Ongoing notifications are sorted above the regular notifications in the
*   notification panel.</li>
*   <li>Ongoing notifications do not have an 'X' close button, and are not affected
*   by the "Clear all" button.
* </ul>
public Builder setOngoing(boolean ongoing) {
setFlag(FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT, ongoing);
return this;

设置Notification是否是正在进行。 设置是否只提示一次:
* Set this flag if you would only like the sound, vibrate
* and ticker to be played if the notification is not already showing.
public Builder setOnlyAlertOnce(boolean onlyAlertOnce) {
setFlag(FLAG_ONLY_ALERT_ONCE, onlyAlertOnce);
return this;

* Setting this flag will make it so the notification is automatically
* canceled when the user clicks it in the panel.  The PendingIntent
* set with {@link #setDeleteIntent} will be broadcast when the notification
* is canceled.
public Builder setAutoCancel(boolean autoCancel) {
setFlag(FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL, autoCancel);
return this;

private void setFlag(int mask, boolean value) {
if (value) {
mFlags |= mask;
} else {
mFlags &= ~mask;

* Set the default notification options that will be used.
* <p>
* The value should be one or more of the following fields combined with
* bitwise-or:
* <p>
* For all default values, use {@link #DEFAULT_ALL}.
public Builder setDefaults(int defaults) {
mDefaults = defaults;
return this;

private RemoteViews makeRemoteViews(int resId) {
RemoteViews contentView = new RemoteViews(mContext.getPackageName(), resId);
boolean hasLine3 = false;
if (mSmallIcon != 0) {
contentView.setImageViewResource(R.id.icon, mSmallIcon);
contentView.setViewVisibility(R.id.icon, View.VISIBLE);
} else {
contentView.setViewVisibility(R.id.icon, View.GONE);
if (mContentTitle != null) {
contentView.setTextViewText(R.id.title, mContentTitle);
if (mContentText != null) {
contentView.setTextViewText(R.id.text, mContentText);
hasLine3 = true;
if (mContentInfo != null) {
contentView.setTextViewText(R.id.info, mContentInfo);
contentView.setViewVisibility(R.id.info, View.VISIBLE);
hasLine3 = true;
} else if (mNumber > 0) {
final int tooBig = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
if (mNumber > tooBig) {
contentView.setTextViewText(R.id.info, mContext.getResources().getString(
} else {
NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
contentView.setTextViewText(R.id.info, f.format(mNumber));
contentView.setViewVisibility(R.id.info, View.VISIBLE);
hasLine3 = true;
} else {
contentView.setViewVisibility(R.id.info, View.GONE);
if (mProgressMax != 0 || mProgressIndeterminate) {
R.id.progress, mProgressMax, mProgress, mProgressIndeterminate);
contentView.setViewVisibility(R.id.progress, View.VISIBLE);
} else {
contentView.setViewVisibility(R.id.progress, View.GONE);
if (mWhen != 0) {
contentView.setLong(R.id.time, "setTime", mWhen);
contentView.setViewVisibility(R.id.line3, hasLine3 ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
return contentView;

private RemoteViews makeContentView() {
if (mContentView != null) {
return mContentView;
} else {
return makeRemoteViews(mLargeIcon == null
? R.layout.status_bar_latest_event_content
: R.layout.status_bar_latest_event_content_large_icon);

private RemoteViews makeTickerView() {
if (mTickerView != null) {
return mTickerView;
} else {
if (mContentView == null) {
return makeRemoteViews(mLargeIcon == null
? R.layout.status_bar_latest_event_ticker
: R.layout.status_bar_latest_event_ticker_large_icon);
} else {
return null;


* Combine all of the options that have been set and return a new {@link Notification}
* object.
public Notification getNotification() {
Notification n = new Notification();
n.when = mWhen;
n.icon = mSmallIcon;
n.iconLevel = mSmallIconLevel;
n.number = mNumber;
n.contentView = makeContentView();
n.contentIntent = mContentIntent;
n.deleteIntent = mDeleteIntent;
n.fullScreenIntent = mFullScreenIntent;
n.tickerText = mTickerText;
n.tickerView = makeTickerView();
n.largeIcon = mLargeIcon;
n.sound = mSound;
n.audioStreamType = mAudioStreamType;
n.vibrate = mVibrate;
n.ledARGB = mLedArgb;
n.ledOnMS = mLedOnMs;
n.ledOffMS = mLedOffMs;
n.defaults = mDefaults;
n.flags = mFlags;
if (mLedOnMs != 0 && mLedOffMs != 0) {
n.flags |= FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS;
if ((mDefaults & DEFAULT_LIGHTS) != 0) {
n.flags |= FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS;
return n;


PS: 写到这,正文部分大体完成,现在时间也已经是晚上11点钟,1000多行的代码,推迟了3天才把文章写完,进度确实有点慢,最近在读凯利麦格尼格尔女士的《自控力》这本书,看到“道德许可效应”,解决了自己关于很多事情的疑问。还没有读完,感觉是一本不错的书籍,推荐一下。 另外,周五有次重要的谈话,祝自己顺利。
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