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Introduction to System.DirectoryServices.Protocols (S.DS.P) 系统目录服务协议类库——部分翻译

2013-01-08 13:28 671 查看

Introduction to System.DirectoryServices.Protocols (S.DS.P)介绍系统目录服务协议类库

Establishing an LDAP Connection(建立一个LDAP连接)

Request and Response Classes(请求响应类)

A fundamental part of interacting withadirectory service via LDAP is creating and sending requests andreceivingresponses. The synchronous S.DS.P method for sending a request is SendRequest.A directory
server thenreturns a response that you can cast into theappropriate response object.

When you call the SendRequest methodofan LdapConnection, the method ships an LDAP operation to adirectoryserver and the server returns aDirectoryResponseobject. Theobject
returned aligns in structure with the type of request. Forexample, ifyou supply the SendRequest method with an AddRequest object,the directory serverreturns a DirectoryResponse objectthat isstructurally equivalent
to an AddResponseobject. You must then castthe returned DirectoryResponse base classinto an AddResponse objectbeforeyou inspect the response. The pattern for this is:

DirectoryRequestType request = new DirectoryRequestType(parameters…);
DirectoryResponseType response = (DirectoryResponseType)connection.SendRequest(request);

The following code snippet demonstrates how to implement this pattern using the AddRequest and AddResponse objects. The values of the dn and dirClassType are defined elsewhere and are not shown here to avoid obscuring the pattern:


// build an addrequest object 创建一个 AddRequest对象
AddRequest addRequest = new AddRequest(dn, dirClassType);

// cast the response into an AddResponse object to get the response 把响应变成一个AddResponse对象来获取响应
AddResponse addResponse = (AddResponse)connection.SendRequest(addRequest);

The following request classes map to the listed response classes appearing in Table 1:

Table 1. DirectoryRequest and Corresponding DirectoryResponse Classes

表1: 目录请求类与对应的目录响应类

The .NET Framework SDK Class Library Reference describes the purpose of each request and response class. In addition, I demonstrate how to use all of these request objects except the last two DSML request objects. For more information on S.DS.P
architecture, see "System.DirectoryServices.Protocols Architecture" at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms257187.aspx.
这个.NET 框架 SDk类库参考描述每个请求和响应的目的类。此外,我将演示如何使用所有这些请求的对象,除了最后两个DSML请求对象。对于S.DS.P架构的更多信息,请参阅“系统目录服务协议体系结构”http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms257187.aspx.

Management Tasks 管理任务

Common directory services management tasks include creating, adding, moving, modifying and deleting directory objects. While S.DS provides all of these capabilities, S.DS.P allows you to use common LDAP programming constructs to perform the same tasks. S.DS
is easier for these code tasks, but seeing how to complete these familiar tasks with S.DS.P is a great way to introduce key members of this namespace.

常见的目录服务管理任务包括创建,增加,移动,修改,删除目录对象。虽然S.DS 提供所有这些功能,S.DS.P允许你使用常见的LDSP编程构造来执行相同的任务。S.DS更容易进行这些代码的任务,但是现在看看,如果用S.DS.P完成这些类似的任务,S.DS.P是强大的途径来介绍这些命名空间的关键成员。

LDAP Directory Management Tasks LDAP目录管理任务

Code examples in this section will build on one another to familiarize you with the common patterns. For instance, the first example will show you how to create 100 user accounts in just a few lines of code by using the AddRequest object, but it won't show
you how to get a response back about the task from a directory server. The next example returns to the essence of the first create users task by demonstrating how to add any valid object to the directory, and it also shows how to get a response back about
the task. A later example introduces you to the ModifyRequest object for managing an attribute, but it doesn't demonstrate how to get a response back about whether the attribute was successfully modified. Immediately following that example, I introduce the
ModifyResponse object. This incremental approach, I believe, will help you better understand how to build on the examples to create more complex and useful code.


Creating Users Accounts 创建用户帐号

A classic initial demonstration of directory services programming techniques often involves generating many user accounts with only a few lines of code. As S.DS.P is arguably the most radical departure from traditional directory services coding in the .NET
Framework, I think a multi-user creation example is a good starting point. I think you would agree that it's more useful than writing Hello World to an attribute!


The following code example demonstrates how to create 100 user accounts in just a few lines of code:


Establish an LDAP connection to a directory server.


In an Active Directory domain, the Locator service provides the host name of a domain controller in the specified domain for the connection.

Declare and initialize the dn variable with the distinguishedName value of each user account to create.

Call the SendRequest method of the connection object to transport each request to a directory server.


You pass a directory request (in this case an AddRequest) to the SendRequest method. TheSendRequest method then automatically binds to a domain controller in the targeted domain using the current user's credentials.


Example 1. Creating 100 user accounts


LdapConnection connection = new LdapConnection("fabrikam.com");
for (int i = 1; i <= 101; i++)
string dn = "cn=user" + i + ",ou=UserAccounts,dc=fabrikam,dc=com";
connection.SendRequest(new AddRequest(dn, "user"));

If you were to run this code, you wouldn't get any return results and the user accounts created in the fabrikam.com Active Directory domain would be disabled. Obviously, this is a pedantic example, but it effectively demonstrates that even a namespace as
sophisticated as S.DS.P provides a simple and elegant model to complete significant directory management tasks.

如果你要运行此代码,你不会得到任何返回结果和用户帐户将被禁用在fabrikam.com的Active Directory域的创建。很显然,这是个迂腐的例子,但是它有效地表明,即使是一个复杂的S.DS.P的命名空间,也提供了一个简单而优雅的模型,来完成重要的目录管理任务。

Adding an Object to a Directory将对象添加到目录
As you saw in the previous create user example, when you call the SendRequest method, you pass the method an AddRequest object to create a user by the specified name. The second parameter in the AddRequest can either be an array of attributes
to assign to the object or the lDAPDisplayName of the class schema object from which the object should be derived.


In order to get a response from a directory server about the success or failure of the requested operation, you cast the returned DirectoryResponse base class into the proper response type based on the type of DirectoryRequest object you pass to theSendRequest


The following code example demonstrates how to add a directory object named Seasoned derived from the organizationalUnit class schema object to the directory below the techwriters ou in the fabrikam.com domain:

下面的代码示例演示了如何增加一个目录对象,命名为经验丰富的organizationalUnit类架构对象目录下面的techwriters fabrikam.com域中的OU:

Declare and initialize some string variables used later in the example.


The corresponding code download allows you to pass these and other values in as command line arguments.


Create an LdapConnection object for connecting to a domain controller in the fabrikam.com domain.


Because a specific domain controller was not declared for the hostordomainName variable, the Active Directory Locator will find an available domain controller for the binding operation. This is referred to as serverless binding.

由于特定的域控制器没有声明hostordomainName变量。Active Directory定位器将找到一个可用的域控制器绑定操作。这是被称为服务器绑定。

Create an AddRequest object and pass it the distinguished name stored in the dn variable and the lDAPDisplayName of the class schema object to instantiate.


Call the SendRequest method of the connection object and cast the returned DirectoryResponse as an AddResponse object.

调用连接对象的SendRequest方法并投射返回DirectoryResponse 作为AddResponse对象。

An implicit bind occurs here.


Display information about the request. The response from the directory server is contained in theResultCode property of the addResponse object.


The AddResponse class contains an ErrorMessage response property that you can display for more information on any error that might be returned from the directory server.


Example 2. Adding an OrganizationalUnit object
示例2. 添加OrganizationalUnit对象

string hostOrDomainName = "fabrikam.com";
string dn = "ou=Seasoned,ou=techwriters,dc=fabrikam,dc=com";
string dirClasstype = "organizationalUnit";

// establish a connection to the directory 建立一个连接到该目录
LdapConnection connection = new LdapConnection(hostOrDomainName);

// create an addrequest object  创建一个addrequest对象
AddRequest addRequest = new AddRequest(dn, dirClassType);

// cast the returned DirectoryResponse as an AddResponse object
AddResponse addResponse = (AddResponse)connection.SendRequest(addRequest);

Console.WriteLine("A {0} with a dn of\n {1} was added successfully " +
"The server response was {2}",
dirClassType, dn, addResponse.ResultCode);
catch (Exception e)
{    Console.WriteLine("\nUnexpected exception occured:\n\t{0}: {1}",
eGetType().Name, e.Message);

Adding an Object to a Directory Using a Different AddRequest Constructor

使用不同的AddRequest 的构造函数,将一个对象添加到一个目录中

Before delving into another code example, let's step back for a moment and consider how the definition of class schema objects plays an important role in directory object creation. This is essential to understand before you try to use the alternative AddRequest
constructor to create directory objects.


The attributes of a class schema object define the object. A key part of that definition is the attributes that the object must or may contain. When you instantiate a directory object from a class schema object, you or the directory service must provide
values for any attributes that the directory object must contain (mandatory attributes) when it is created.


In the prior code example (Example 2), I demonstrate how to add an OrganizationalUnit object to the directory by using the AddRequest constructor. In that case, the constructor takes the distinguishedName of the object to create and the type of object class
from which the object is derived. If you take a close look at the organizationalUnit class schema object in an Active Directory or ADAM schema, you will see that theinstanceType,objectCategory,nTSecurityDescriptor,objectClass
andou attributes must be defined for the object in order for it to be created. TheorganizationalUnit class inherits from theTop schema class object, which defines the first four of those attributes as mandatory
and theorganizationalUnit class defines theou attribute as mandatory. You must provide values for theou attribute and theobjectClass attribute, and directory services takes care of providing
the other values.

在之前的代码示例(例2)中,我演示了如何用AddRequest构造函数增加一个OrganizationalUnit对象到目录中。 既然这样,构造函数将distinguishedName对象的创建和对象类的类型,从该对象派生。如果你仔细看organizationalUnit类模式对象在Active

Directory或ADAM模式,你将会看到instanceType, objectCategory, nTSecurityDescriptor, objectClass and ou 属性必须被定义的对象,以便它被创建。organizationalUnit类继承自Top模式类对象,它定义的前四的属性是强制的并且organizationalUnit类定义的ou属性也是必须的。你必须提供ou属性值和objectClass属性值,并且目录服务负责提供其他值。

Now that you know the mandatory attributes and who has to set what, you can make use of the AddRequest constructor that takes the distinguished name of the object you want to create and an array of DirectoryAttribute objects. The array of objects must include
values for any mandatory attributes that directory services will not set for you or that are not defined as part of the distinguished name of the new object. Considering the previous organizationalUnit example, the following code snippet shows how you can
define the one required directory attribute (objectClass) by creating a DirectoryAttribute object:

现在,你已经了解了强制属性,你可以使用AddRequest构造函数来设置它。该函数接收你想创建的对象的可辨别名称和 目录属性对象数组。该对象的数组必须包含强制属性的值,目录服务器不会对你或者没有定义的 新对象的可辨别名称的一部分的设置。考虑前面示例organizationalUnit,下面代码片段演示了如何定义一个所需的目录属性(对象类)创建一个DirectoryAttribute对象:

DirectoryAttribute objectClass =  new DirectoryAttribute("objectClass", "organizationalUnit");

You can then pass that to the AddRequest object, like so:


addRequest = new AddRequest(dn, objectClass);

You might notice that this doesn't add much to the prior code example (Error! Reference source not found.). It gets more interesting when you encounter a directory object that contains more mandatory attributes, such as an object derived from
the User class schema object, which also requires other mandatory attributes (i.e.,sAMAccountName), or you want to add additional optional attributes to an object when it's created. In the following code snippet I define two
optional attributes, the city ("l") directory attribute and description directory attribute, and pass those along with theobjectClass mandatory directory attribute when I call the AddRequest constructor to create an OU:

你也许会注意到,没有增加太多的事先的代码示例(错误!未找到引用源。)。它变得更加有趣,当你遇到了一个目录对象,它包含更多的强制属性, 例如一个对象来自User Class 模式对象,这也需要其他的强制性属性(如,sAMAccountName),或者你想添加额外的可选属性来创建一个对象的时候。在下面的代码片段,我定义了两个可选属性,城市("l")目录属性和描述目录属性,并沿用objectClass强制目录属性
,当我调用 AddRequest构造函数创建一个OU:

DirectoryAttribute l =
new DirectoryAttribute("l", "Redmond");

DirectoryAttribute description =
new DirectoryAttribute("description", "Writers with 3 years of experience");

DirectoryAttribute objectClass =
new DirectoryAttribute("objectClass", "organizationalUnit");

// create a DirectoryAttribute array and pass in three directory attributes
//创建DirectoryAttribute 数组并且赋值这3个目录属性
DirectoryAttribute[] dirAttribs = new DirectoryAttribute[3];
dirAttribs[0] = l;
dirAttribs[1] = description;
dirAttribs[2] = objectClass;

// create an addrequest object
addRequest = new AddRequest(dn, dirAttribs);

Note that there is not a corresponding code sample with the code download for this variation on creating an AddRequest object. Start with theAddObject method in the code sample and this information to create a method that uses this AddRequest


Adding an Attribute to a Directory Object

After creating an object in a directory, you might want to add optional attributes to it. For all attributes that an object may contain (optional attributes), you can add them using the ModifyRequest object.


To add an attribute to an existing directory object, create a ModifyRequest object and in that object specify the distinguished name of the object you want to modify along with the Add value of theDirectoryAttributeOperation enumeration,
the attribute name and value to add.


The DirectoryAttributeOperation enumeration contains three values: Add, Delete and Replace. If an attribute already exists in an object, specifying anAdd DirectoryAttributeOperation will throw a DirectoryOperationException
error. Therefore, if you want to update an existing attribute, use theReplace DirectoryAttributeOperation value instead.

DirectoryAttributeOperation枚举包含三个值:增加,删除和替换。如果一个属性在对象中已经存在,指定一个增加DirectoryAttributeOperation将会抛出一个DirectoryOperationException错误。因此,如果你想要更新一个已经存在的属性,使用Replace DirectoryAttributeOperation 值代替。

The following code sample demonstrates how to add a department attribute and value of Human Resources to a user account object named John Doe in the TechWriters OU of the fabrikam.com domain:

下面的代码示例演示了如何增加一个部门人力资源的属性和值的用户帐户对象名为John Doe在fabrikam.com域中的TechWriters OU:

Create an LdapConnection object for connecting to a domain controller in the fabrikam.com domain.


Create a ModifyRequest object and pass it the distinguished name stored in the dn variable, the Add value of theDirectoryAttributeOperation enumeration, thelDAPDisplayName of the attribute to add and the value to assign
the attribute.


Call the SendRequest method of the connection object and pass it the modRequest object.


If the attribute has not been assigned to the user account, the send request will succeed. Otherwise, a DirectoryOperationException will be thrown.


If a DirectoryOperationException occurs, it might be because the attribute has already been assigned to the object. Therefore, create a new ModifyRequest object and leave all parameters the same except call the Replace value of theDirectoryAttributeOperation


An additional try catch block appears inside the request to modify an existing attribute in case this attempt also throws a DirectoryOperationException error.

一个额外的try catch块出现在请求修改存在的属性,假如这个尝试也会抛出DirectoryOperationException异常。

If no errors are thrown, report that the operation was successful.


This result might not be correct, as the code does not consult the server to verify that the LDAP operation was successful or not. The next section explores how to get a response back from a directory server.

这个结果可能不正确,因为这个代码并不会验证LDAP 操作服务是否成功。下一节将探讨如何从目录服务器得到响应。

Example 3. Adding or replacing the department attribute of a user account

示例3. 添加或者替换用户帐户的部分属性

string hostOrDomainName = "fabrikam.com";
string dn = "cn=john doe,ou=techwriters,dc=fabrikam,dc=com";
string attributeName = "department";
string attributeValue = "Accounting";

// establish a connection to the directory
LdapConnection connection = new LdapConnection(hostOrDomainName);

ModifyRequest modRequest = new ModifyRequest(
dn, DirectoryAttributeOperation.Add,
attributeName, attributeValue);

// example of modifyrequest not using the response object...
Console.WriteLine("{0} of {1} added successfully.",
attributeName, attributeValue);
catch (DirectoryOperationException)
ModifyRequest modRequest = new ModifyRequest(
dn, DirectoryAttributeOperation.Replace,
attributeName, attributeValue);

Console.WriteLine("The {0} attribute in:\n{1}\nreplaced " +
"successfully with a value of {2}",
attributeName, dn, attributeValue);
catch (DirectoryOperationException e)
Console.WriteLine("\nUnexpected exception occured:\n\t{0}: {1}",
e.GetType().Name, e.Message);


catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("\nUnexpected exception occured:\n\t{0}: {1}",
e.GetType().Name, e.Message);

Important Consider using the code example appearing next (Example 4) as a starting point for building robust code for adding or replacing attributes. That example uses the directory response object to determine if the attribute has already been set and to
check if the directory operation was successful.

重要 考虑下一个示例(示例4)会使用此代码作为出发点,为构建健壮的代码,添加或替换属性。这个例子使用目录响应对象,以确定是否这个属性已经被设置,并且检查目录操作是否成功。

Getting Feedback from a Directory Server from an Object Modify Request


The example appearing in Example 3 does not demonstrate the pairing of the ModifyRequest and ModifyResponse classes or how you can leverage theDirectoryOperationException class to determine more about an error response. While the code catches errors, it doesn't
directly display responses from a directory server as a result of modifying an object. The pattern for using a ModifyResponse object to properly cast a returned directory response from a ModifyRequest is identical to the pattern I demonstrated for casting
a directory response from an AddRequest into an AddResponse. The code download with this article contains theAddAttribute2 method so that you have a complete example using theModifyRequest andModifyResponse classes. The following code snippet shows how you
use the ModifyResponse object in an example similar to Example 3:

例3中出现的例子并不表明ModifyRequest和ModifyResponse是配对的类,或者你可以利用DirectoryOperationException类获取更多的错误的响应。虽然这段代码捕获异常,它并不能直接从目录服务器得到响应,作为一个修改对象的结果。使用ModifyResponse对象正确转换一个返回目录从ModifyRequest响应中,相同的模型,我演示了对铸造一个目录响应从AddRequest 到AddResponse。本文的代码下载包含方法,以便让你有一个完整的例子使用ModifyRequest和ModifyResponse类。下面的代码片段显示了,你如何使用这个ModifyResponse对象在类似例3的例子中:

// build a modifyrequest object
ModifyRequest  modRequest =
new ModifyRequest(dn, DirectoryAttributeOperation.Add,
attributeName, attributeValue);

// cast the returned directory response into a ModifyResponse type named modResponse
ModifyResponse modResponse = (ModifyResponse)connection.SendRequest(modRequest);

Console.WriteLine("The {0} attribute in {1} added successfully " +
"with a value of {2}. The server response was {3}",
attributeName, dn, attributeValue, modResponse.ResultCode);

When an add operation fails, you can determine why by examining the server's directory response more closely. TheSendRequest method throws a DirectoryOperationException if the directory server returns a DirectoryResponse object containing an error. This
directory response is packaged in theResponse property of the exception.


The ResultCode of the directory response returns a value contained in the ResultCode enumeration. This enumeration is rich with a plethora of error values. For example, an error equivalent to the AttributeOrValueExists value is returned if an attribute is assigned
to an object.

目录服务器响应返回的结果代码值包含在ResultCode 枚举中,这个枚举是富含大量的误差值。例如,一个错误相当于AttributeOrValueExists值返回如果属性被分配到一个对象。

The following code example demonstrates how to use the ModifyResponse class to verify a directory object modification and how to use a directory response object containing an error code to handle a DirectoryOperationException. This code sample is similar to
Error! Reference source not found., but provides a better starting point for building code that adds or replaces an attribute value:


Create an LdapConnection object for connecting to a domain controller in the fabrikam.com domain.

创建一个连接到fabrikam.com域中的域控制器的LdapConnection对象 .
Declare the ModifyRequest and ModifyResponse objects and name them modRequest and modResponse respectively.


These two objects are declared here because they could be used within two try catch blocks. This is more efficient than the code example appearing inError! Reference source not found. where there is a potential of creating
two ModifyRequest objects, one for the attempted add operation and another for the replace operation.

这两个对象都在这里声明,因为他们可以用在两个try catch代码块。这是更有效的代码示例中出现的


Initialize modRequest by passing it the distinguished name stored in the dn variable, the Add value of theDirectoryAttributeOperation enumeration, thelDAPDisplayName of the attribute to add and the value to assign the attribute.

初始化modRequest 通过它的可分辨名称存储在dn变量,DirectoryAttributeOperation枚举增加的值,要添加的属性和属性值分配的LDAPDisplayName.

Cast the returned directory response object into a ModifyResponse object named modResponse.

If the attribute has not been assigned to the user account, the send request will succeed. Otherwise, the SendRequest throws a DirectoryOperationException.



Catch the DirectoryOperationException and name the returned object doe.


Check the ResultCode property of the directory response object. If the result code is equivalent to the AttributeOrValueExists value in theResultCode enumeration, then attempt to replace the attribute value.
The Response property of the DirectoryOperationException object named doe contains the directory response object.


doe命名的 DirectoryOperationException对象的Response属性包含目录响应对象。

Create a new ModifyRequest object and leave all parameters the same except call the Replace value of theDirectoryAttributeOperation enumeration.


An additional try catch block appears inside the request to modify an existing attribute in case other errors are thrown. However, you can more elegantly handle errors using other values of theResultCode enumeration. For example, if the
object specified, cn=john doe,ou=techwriters,dc=fabrikam,dc=com in this example does not exist, the directory response will be equivalent to the NoSuchObject value of theResultCode enumeration.

另外一个catch块出现在请求修改一个现有属性,以防其他也会抛出错误。但是,你可以使用ResultCode列举的其他值更优雅的处理错误。例如,如果指定的对象,cn=john doe,ou=techwrites,dc=fabrikam,dc=com 在这个例子中不存在,目录响应的ResultCode枚举的NoSuchObject值是相等的。

Example 4. A more robust example demonstrating how to add or replace an attribute of a directory object


string hostOrDomainName = "fabrikam.com";
string dn = "cn=john doe,ou=techwriters,dc=fabrikam,dc=com";
string attributeName = "department";
string attributeValue = "Accounting";

// establish a connection to the directory
LdapConnection connection = new LdapConnection(hostOrDomainName);

// declare the request and response objects here
// they are used in two blocks
ModifyRequest modRequest;
ModifyResponse modResponse;

// initialize the modRequest object
modRequest =
new ModifyRequest(dn, DirectoryAttributeOperation.Add,
attributeName, attributeValue);

// cast the returned directory response into a ModifyResponse type
// named modResponse
modResponse =

Console.WriteLine("The {0} attribute of {1} added successfully " +
"with a value of {2}. The server response was {3}",
attributeName, dn, attributeValue, modResponse.ResultCode);


// if the code enters this catch block, it might be
// caused by the presence of the specified attribute.
// The DirectoryAttributeOperation.Add enumeration fails
// if the attribute is already present.

catch (DirectoryOperationException doe)
// The resultcode from the error message states that
// the attribute already exists

if (doe.Response.ResultCode == ResultCode.AttributeOrValueExists)
modRequest = new ModifyRequest(

modResponse =

Console.WriteLine("The {0} attribute of {1} replaced " +
"successfully with a value of {2}. The server " +
"response was {3}",
attributeName, dn, attributeValue, modResponse.ResultCode);
// this catch block will handle other errors that you could
// more elegantly handle with other values in the
// ResultCode enumeration.

catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("\nUnexpected exception occured:\n\t{0}: {1}",
e.GetType().Name, e.Message);


catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("\nUnexpected exception occured:\n\t{0}: {1}",
e.GetType().Name, e.Message);

To keep the remaining code examples as simple as possible, I show just a few of the most common interrogations of theResultCode property in a response object. In production code, you will want to examine many more result codes contained in
a DirectoryOperationException. Use the examples I show as a starting point for handling other directory response result codes. Carefully review the ResultCode enumeration for other common directory responses.


In addition, the prior code example can be simplified with the PermissiveModifyControl directory control, which is explored in the next section.

此外,现有的代码示例可以简化与PermissiveModifyControl 目录控制,这是在下一节中探讨。

Adding Values to a Multi-Valued Attribute

To Be Continued。。。。


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