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VB MSFlexGrid控件的几种使用方法

2013-01-04 13:34 253 查看

MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "老师"

MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(1, 2) = "学生"

MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(2, 3) = "校长"

MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(3, 4) = "班主任"

MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(4, 5) = "教务主任"

MSFlexGrid1.AddItem 2

MSFlexGrid1.AddItem 4

MSFlexGrid1.AddItem 6

MSFlexGrid1.AddItem 8

``MSFLEXGRID 中如何取的某个单元格的数据

Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_Click()

MsgBox MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(MSFlexGrid1.Row, MSFlexGrid1.Col), vbOKOnly, "提示消息"

End Sub




Dim i As Integer

MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 0

For i = 0 To 10

MSFlexGrid1.AddItem "AA" + Str(i)

'For i = 0 To 10

MSFlexGrid1.Col = 1

MSFlexGrid1.Row = i

MSFlexGrid1.Text = CStr(i)

MSFlexGrid1.Col = 2

MSFlexGrid1.Row = i

MSFlexGrid1.Text = CStr(i) & CStr(i)

MSFlexGrid1.Col = 3

MSFlexGrid1.Row = i

MSFlexGrid1.Text = CStr(i) & CStr(i) & CStr(i)

Next i


Dim j As Integer

With MSFlexGrid1

.AllowBigSelection = True ' 设置网格样式

.FillStyle = flexFillRepeat

For j = 0 To .Rows - 1

.Row = j: .Col = .FixedCols

.ColSel = .Cols() - .FixedCols - 1

If j Mod 2 = 0 Then

.CellBackColor = &HC0C0C0 ' 浅灰


.CellBackColor = vbBlue ' 兰色

End If

Next j

End With


Set MSFlexGrid1.CellPicture = LoadPicture("f:\temp\snow.bmp")


MSFlexGrid1.TopRow = MSFlexGrid1.Rows - 1


'Private Sub Command1_Click1()

'MSFlexGrid1.RowHeight(1) = 0

'End Sub


'Private Sub Command_Click2()

'MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(1) = 0

'End Sub




msgrid1.Row 就是你选择的行号


>> 将文本赋值给MsFlexGrid的单元格


>> 在MsFlexGrid控件单元格中插入背景图形

Set MsFlexGrid.CellPicture=LoadPicture(“C:\temp\1.bmp”)






>> 添加新的一行


dim row as string


MsFlexFrid1.addItem row


Dim i As Integer

With MSFlexGrid1

.AllowBigSelection = True ’ 设置网格样式

.FillStyle = flexFillRepeat

For i = 0 To .Rows - 1

.Row = i: .Col = .FixedCols

.ColSel = .Cols() - .FixedCols - 1

If i Mod 2 = 0 Then

.CellBackColor = &HC0C0C0 ’ 浅灰


.CellBackColor = vbBlue ’ 兰色

End If

Next i

End With

>> MSFlexGrid控件如何移到最后一行

MSFlexGrid1.TopRow = MSFlexGrid1.Rows – 1


Declare Function GetScrollRange Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nBar As Long, lpMinPos As Long, lpMaxPos As Long) As Long

Public Const SB_HORZ = &H0

Public Const SB_VERT = &H1

Public Function VsScroll(MshGrid As MSHFlexGrid) As Boolean ’判断水平滚动条的可见性

Dim i As Long

VsScroll = False

i = GetScrollRange(MshGrid.hWnd, SB_HORZ, lpMinPos, lpMaxPos)

If lpMaxPos <> lpMinPos Then VsScroll = True

End Function

Public Function HeScroll(MshGrid As MSHFlexGrid) As Boolean ’判断垂直滚动条的可见性

Dim i As Long

HeScroll = False

i = GetScrollRange(MshGrid.hWnd, SB_VERT, lpMinPos, lpMaxPos)

If lpMaxPos <> lpMinPos Then HeScroll = True

End Function



Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.MSHFlexGrid1.Cols = 5

MSHFlexGrid1.Rows = 2

For i = 0 To Me.MSHFlexGrid1.Cols - 1

Me.MSHFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, i) = i

Me.MSHFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(1, i) = i


End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Me.MSHFlexGrid1.Cols = Me.MSHFlexGrid1.Cols + 1

Me.MSHFlexGrid1.ColPosition(5) = 3

End Sub

>> 请教MSFlexGrid中的对齐功能的使用




>> 如何通过代码调节列宽度





Public Sub OutDataToText(Flex As MSFlexGrid)

Dim s As String

Dim i As Integer

Dim j As Integer

Dim k As Integer

Dim strTemp As String

On Error GoTo Ert

Me.MousePointer = 11

On Error Resume Next


Dim FileNum As Integer

FileNum = FreeFile

Open "d:aa.txt" For Output As #FileNum

With Flex

k = .Rows

For i = 0 To k - 1

strTemp = ""

For j = 0 To .Cols - 1


strTemp = strTemp & .TextMatrix(i, j) & ","

Next j

Print #FileNum, Left(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - 1)

Next i

End With

Close #FileNum

Me.MousePointer = 0

MsgBox "导出成功"


MsgBox Err.Description

Me.MousePointer = 0

End Sub

增加 MsFlexGrid 的编辑功能


MsFlexGrid 控件没有提供文本编辑的功能,下面的例子演示了如何利用一个TextBox 实现编辑当前网格的功能。

在按下一个键后, 就把TextBox 移动到当前的位置, 并激活。 在键入回车或移动到其他网格时,

就把TextBox 中的内容放到网格中。


1 打开 VB6, 开启一个新的工程。

2 在菜单“工程” 中选择 “部件”, 在列表中选中 “Microsoft FlexGrid Control ..”

3 放一个 MsFlexGrid 控件和一个TextBox 控件(Text1)到 Form1。 修改MsFlexGrid 控件的名称为 Grid1,

设置Grid1 的行,列 为 4, 固定行,列为 0。 设置 Text1 的 Visiable 为 False, BorderStyle 为


4 在Form1 的代码中增加声明:

Const ASC_ENTER = 13 '回车

Dim gRow As Integer

Dim gCol As Integer

5 增加代码到 Grid_KeyPress 过程:

Private Sub Grid1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

' Move the text box to the current grid cell:

Text1.Top = Grid1.CellTop + Grid1.Top

Text1.Left = Grid1.CellLeft + Grid1.Left

' Save the position of the grids Row and Col for later:

gRow = Grid1.Row

gCol = Grid1.Col

' Make text box same size as current grid cell:

Text1.Width = Grid1.CellWidth - 2 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX

Text1.Height = Grid1.CellHeight - 2 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY

' Transfer the grid cell text:

Text1.Text = Grid1.Text

' Show the text box:

Text1.Visible = True

Text1.ZOrder 0 ' 把 Text1 放到最前面!


' Redirect this KeyPress event to the text box:

If KeyAscii <> ASC_ENTER Then

SendKeys Chr$(KeyAscii)

End If

End Sub

6 增加代码到 Text1_KeyPress 过程:

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = ASC_ENTER Then

Grid1.SetFocus ' Set focus back to grid, see Text_LostFocus.

KeyAscii = 0 ' Ignore this KeyPress.

End If

End Sub

7 增加代码到 Text1_LostFocus 过程:

Private Sub Text1_LostFocus()

Dim tmpRow As Integer

Dim tmpCol As Integer

' Save current settings of Grid Row and col. This is needed only if

' the focus is set somewhere else in the Grid.

tmpRow = Grid1.Row

tmpCol = Grid1.Col

' Set Row and Col back to what they were before Text1_LostFocus:

Grid1.Row = gRow

Grid1.Col = gCol

Grid1.Text = Text1.Text ' Transfer text back to grid.

Text1.SelStart = 0 ' Return caret to beginning.

Text1.Visible = False ' Disable text box.

' Return row and Col contents:

Grid1.Row = tmpRow

Grid1.Col = tmpCol

End Sub

8 好了。 按 F5 开始测试。 您可以自由地在 Grid 中移动, 按回车可以开始或结束编辑。







Public Function MergeCol(GridObj As Object, ByVal StartCol As Long, ByVal EndCol As Long, ByVal

ColValue As String, ByVal CurrentRow As Long) As Boolean

If StartCol > EndCol Or StartCol > GridObj.Cols Or CurrentRow > GridObj.Rows Then

MsgBox "对不起,行列设置错误!", vbOKOnly, App.Title

MergeCol = False

Exit Function

End If

For I = StartCol To EndCol

GridObj.MergeCol(I) = True

GridObj.TextArray(faIndex(GridObj, CurrentRow, I)) = ColValue

GridObj.ColAlignment(I) = flexAlignCenterCenter

Next I

GridObj.MergeRow(CurrentRow) = True

MergeCol = True

End Function


Public Function MergeRow(GridObj As Object, ByVal StartRow As Long, ByVal EndRow As Long, ByVal

RowValue As String, ByVal CurrentCol As Long) As Boolean

If StartRow > EndRow Or StartRow > GridObj.Rows Or CurrentCol > GridObj.Cols Then

MsgBox "对不起,行列设置错误!", vbOKOnly, App.Title

MergeRow = False

Exit Function

End If

For I = StartRow To EndRow

GridObj.MergeRow(I) = True

GridObj.TextArray(faIndex(GridObj, I, CurrentCol)) = RowValue

GridObj.ColAlignment(CurrentCol) = flexAlignCenterCenter

Next I

GridObj.MergeCol(CurrentCol) = True

MergeRow = True

End Function


Public Function faIndex(GridObj As Object, ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer) As Long

If row > GridObj.Rows Or row < 0 Or col > GridObj.Cols Or col < 0 Then

MsgBox "对不起,行列设置错误!", vbOKOnly, App.Title

faIndex = -1

Exit Function

End If

faIndex = row * GridObj.Cols + col

End Function


Public Function SetItem(GridObj As Object, ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer, ByVal

SetValue As String) As Boolean

If row > GridObj.Rows Or row < 0 Or col > GridObj.Cols Or col < 0 Then

MsgBox "对不起,行列设置错误!", vbOKOnly, App.Title

SetItem = False

Exit Function

End If

GridObj.TextArray(faIndex(GridObj, row, col)) = SetValue

SetItem = True

End Function


Public Function GetItem(GridObj As Object, ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer) As String

If row > GridObj.Rows Or row < 0 Or col > GridObj.Cols Or col < 0 Then

MsgBox "对不起,行列设置错误!", vbOKOnly, App.Title

GetItem = ""

Exit Function

End If

GetItem = GridObj.TextArray(faIndex(GridObj, row, col))

End Function






private sub txtvalue_keypress(keyascii as integer)


dim i


end sub

private sub txtvalue_change()

grid.text = txtvalue.text

end sub


private sub grid_entercell()

txtvalue.text = grid.text

txtvalue.selstart = 0

txtvalue.sellength = len(txtvalue.text)

end sub


private sub grid_keypress(keyascii as integer)

txtvalue_keypress keyascii

end sub


Private Sub fgrid1_click() '单击MSFlexGrid

sphy = Trim(FGrid1.TextMatrix(FGrid1.Row, 0))


End Sub

Private Sub fgrid1_RowColChange()'用上下键在MSFlexGrid上选择

sphy = Trim(FGrid1.TextMatrix(FGrid1.Row, 0))


End Sub

Private Sub DeleteRecord()'删除

Dim I As Integer '

Dim Ssql As String

Dim response As String

response = MsgBox("真的删除当前记录?", vbInformation + vbYesNo, "警告")

If response = vbYes Then

Ssql = "delete from login where loginname='" & sphy & "'"

gcnLeaguers.Execute (Ssql)

MsgBox "删除成功!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "系统提示"

End If

Exit Sub

End Sub


MSHFlexGrid1.SelectionMode = flexSelectionByRow


Private Sub Form_Load()

With MSHFlexGrid1

.FixedCols = 0

.Cols = 2

.Rows = 0

.AddItem "1" & vbTab & "11"

.AddItem "2" & vbTab & "22"

.AddItem "3" & vbTab & "33"

End With

End Sub

Private Sub MSHFlexGrid1_RowColChange()

Static intPrevRow As Long

If MSHFlexGrid1.Row <> intPrevRow Then

intPrevRow = MSHFlexGrid1.Row

Dim i As Long

For i = 0 To MSHFlexGrid1.Cols - 1

MsgBox MSHFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(intPrevRow, i)


End If

End Sub







1.VB6自带MSHFlexGrid只支持2048条记录显示,这个问题通过装VB6 的SP6解决.



MSHFlexGrid1.Row = 3

MSHFlexGrid1.TopRow =3

myMSHFlexGrid.ColSel = MSHFlexGrid1.Cols - 1

Option Explicit

Public j As Long

Private Sub RowColor(i As Long, j As Long)


Dim n As Long 'n代表列

With Me.MSHFlexGrid1

For n = 1 To .Cols - 1

.Row = i

.Col = n

.CellBackColor = &HC0FFFF

If j > 0 And i <> j Then

.Row = j

.CellBackColor = &HFFFFFF

End If

Next n

j = i

End With

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

With Me.MSHFlexGrid1

.Cols = 5

.Rows = 6

End With

End Sub

Private Sub MSHFlexGrid1_Click()

Call RowColor(Me.MSHFlexGrid1.Row, j)

Debug.Print j

End Sub
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