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2012-12-29 15:46 357 查看






可以看出,Adapter模式与Abstract Factory模式可以实现相同的效果——让别的接口兼容(回顾一下用Abstract Factory“适配”不同的RenderSystem),但是两者的区别在于Abstract Factory是用于创建不同类别的对象;而Adapter没有创建别的对象的功能。所以GoF把Abstract Factory分在创建型模式类别中,而Adapter在结构型模式中。可以发现,这两种模式,OGRE的文件系统都使用了。




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OGRE 分析之设计模式------Mythma



{ // Set up map mImplementations.insert( MeshSerializerImplMap::value_type("[MeshSerializer_v1.10]", new MeshSerializerImpl_v1_1() ) ); mImplementations.insert( MeshSerializerImplMap::value_type("[MeshSerializer_v1.20]", new MeshSerializerImpl_v1_2() ) );
mImplementations.insert( MeshSerializerImplMap::value_type(msCurrentVersion, new MeshSerializerImpl() ) ); }


void MeshSerializer::exportMesh(const Mesh* pMesh, const String& filename)

{ MeshSerializerImplMap::iterator impl = mImplementations.find(msCurrentVersion);

 if (impl == mImplementations.end()) { OGRE_EXCEPT(…); } impl->second->exportMesh(pMesh, filename); }



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OGRE 分析之设计模式------Mythma


Proxy为其他对象提供一种代理以控制对该对象的访问。GoF提到四种常见的情况:Romote Proxy,Virtual Proxy、Protection Proxy 以及 Smart Reference。在这里我只分析一下Smart Reference。

Smart Pointer在STL中有std::auto_ptr,在BOOST中有boost::shared_ptr、boost::shared_array、boost::scoped_ptr、 boost::scoped_array、boost::weak_ptr、boost::intrusive_ptr,在Loki中则有Loki::SmartPtr。各种Smart Pointer都有不同的功能,适用的地方又各不相同。加上有的Smart Pointer的行为又有点诡异,尤其是std::auto_ptr,所以实际应用中一向对之退而却步。

OGRE虽不是模板库,却也有个Smart Pointer——Ogre::SharedPtr。SharedPtr是一个引用计数的共享指针。下面是OGRE对SharedPtr作的使用说明:

This is a standard shared pointer implementation which uses a reference

count to work out when to delete the object. OGRE does not use this class

very often, because it is usually more efficient to make the destruction

of objects more intentional (in blocks, say). However in some cases you

really cannot tell how many people are using an object, and this approach is worthwhile (e.g. ControllerValue)



template<class T> class SharedPtr

{ protected: T* pRep; unsigned int* pUseCount; public: OGRE_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX // public to allow external locking /** Constructor, does not initialise the SharedPtr. @remarks <b>Dangerous!</b> You have to call bind() before using the SharedPtr. */ SharedPtr()
: pRep(0), pUseCount(0) {} explicit SharedPtr(T* rep) : pRep(rep), pUseCount(new unsigned int(1)) { OGRE_NEW_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX } SharedPtr(const SharedPtr& r) { // lock & copy other mutex pointer OGRE_LOCK_MUTEX(*r.OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME) OGRE_COPY_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX(r.OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME)
pRep = r.pRep; pUseCount = r.pUseCount;

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OGRE 分析之设计模式------Mythma

// Handle zero pointer gracefully to manage STL containers if(pUseCount) { ++(*pUseCount); } } SharedPtr& operator=(const SharedPtr& r) { if (pRep == r.pRep) return *this; release(); // lock & copy other mutex pointer OGRE_LOCK_MUTEX(*r.OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME)
OGRE_COPY_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX(r.OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX_NAME) pRep = r.pRep; pUseCount = r.pUseCount; if (pUseCount) { ++(*pUseCount); } return *this; } virtual ~SharedPtr() { release(); } inline T& operator*() const { assert(pRep); return *pRep; } inline T* operator->()
const { assert(pRep); return pRep; } inline T* get() const { return pRep; } /** Binds rep to the SharedPtr. @remarks Assumes that the SharedPtr is uninitialised! */ void bind(T* rep) { assert(!pRep && !pUseCount); OGRE_NEW_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX OGRE_LOCK_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX
pUseCount = new unsigned int(1); pRep = rep; } inline bool unique() const { assert(pUseCount); OGRE_LOCK_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX return *pUseCount == 1; }

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OGRE 分析之设计模式------Mythma

inline unsigned int useCount() const { assert(pUseCount); OGRE_LOCK_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX return *pUseCount; } inline unsigned int* useCountPointer() const { return pUseCount; } inline T* getPointer() const { return pRep; } inline bool isNull(void) const { return
pRep == 0; } inline void setNull(void) { if (pRep) { // can't scope lock mutex before release incase deleted release(); pRep = 0; pUseCount = 0; OGRE_COPY_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX(0) } } protected: inline void release(void) { bool destroyThis = false; { // lock own
mutex in limited scope (must unlock before destroy) OGRE_LOCK_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX if (pUseCount) { if (--(*pUseCount) == 0) { destroyThis = true; } } } if (destroyThis) destroy(); } virtual void destroy(void) { // IF YOU GET A CRASH HERE, YOU FORGOT TO FREE
UP POINTERS // BEFORE SHUTTING OGRE DOWN // Use setNull() before shutdown or make sure your pointer goes // out of scope before OGRE shuts down to avoid this.

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OGRE 分析之设计模式------Mythma

delete pRep; delete pUseCount; OGRE_DELETE_AUTO_SHARED_MUTEX } }; template<class T, class U> inline bool operator==(SharedPtr<T> const& a, SharedPtr<U> const& b) { return a.get() == b.get(); } template<class T, class U> inline bool operator!=(SharedPtr<T> const&
a, SharedPtr<U> const& b) { return a.get() != b.get(); }

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