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Tesseract 3 语言数据的训练方法(转)

2012-12-26 15:42 218 查看
说明:本人由于在google code下载了源码,先生成LIB_Debug,再生成DLL_Debug,所以直接从E:\BuildFolder\tesseract-ocr\vs2008\LIB_Debug拷贝出



1.1. Make Box Files

E:\BuildFolder\tesseract-ocr\testing>tesseract-dlld ABC.Roman.exp0.tif ABC.Roman.exp0 -l eng batch.nochop makebox

Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.02 with Leptonica

1.2. Fix Box


1.3. Run Tesseract for Training

E:\BuildFolder\tesseract-ocr\testing>tesseract-dlld ABC.Roman.exp0.tif ABC.Roman.exp0 nobatch box.train

Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.02 with Leptonica


Boxes read from boxfile: 14

Found 14 good blobs.

TRAINING ... Font name = Roman

Generated training data for 2 words

1.4. Compute the Character Set

E:\BuildFolder\tesseract-ocr\testing>unicharset_extractord ABC.Roman.exp0.box

Extracting unicharset from ABC.Roman.exp0.box

Wrote unicharset file ./unicharset.

1.5. Clustering


<fontname> <italic> <bold> <fixed> <serif> <fraktur>

Roman 0 0 0 0 0
E:\BuildFolder\tesseract-ocr\testing>mftrainingd -F font_properties.txt -U unicharset ABC.Roman.exp0.tr

Warning: No shape table file present: shapetable

Reading ABC.Roman.exp0.tr ...

Flat shape table summary: Number of shapes = 12 max unichars = 1 number with multiple unichars = 0


E:\BuildFolder\tesseract-ocr\testing>cntrainingd ABC.Roman.exp0.tr

Reading ABC.Roman.exp0.tr ...

Clustering ...

Writing normproto ...

1.6. Combine

此时,在目录下应该生成若干个文件了,把unicharset, inttemp, normproto, pffmtable这四个文件加上前缀“Roman.”。然后输入命令:

E:\BuildFolder\tesseract-ocr\testing>combine_tessdatad Roman.

Combining tessdata files

TessdataManager combined tesseract data files.

Offset for type 0 is -1

Offset for type 1 is 140

Offset for type 2 is -1

Offset for type 3 is 939

Offset for type 4 is 140232

Offset for type 5 is 140335

Offset for type 6 is -1

Offset for type 7 is -1

Offset for type 8 is -1

Offset for type 9 is -1

Offset for type 10 is -1

Offset for type 11 is -1

Offset for type 12 is -1

Offset for type 13 is 141961

Offset for type 14 is -1

Offset for type 15 is -1

1.7. Test


tesseract ABC.Roman.exp0.tif result -l Roman -psm 7 nobatch


http://www.lixin.me/blog/2012/05/26/29536 http://wenku.baidu.com/view/5eafc201e87101f69e3195f4.html http://www.84kf.com/html/22453.html http://blog.csdn.net/fengbingchun/article/details/7022421



Tesseract 3.00

Tesseract 3.00 Bugfix

CowBoxer 1.01

Universal Extractor 1.61 (非必需)

使用 Universal Extractor 将 Tesseract 的安装包解开,再用 Bugfix 里的 tesseract.exe 覆盖原来的主程序,Tesseract 就可用了。CowBoxer 是用于修改 box 文件的程序。

生成第一个 box 文件

演示中将 Tesseract 解压到了 E:\tesseract-ocr 目录。然后在该目录中建立了一个 build 目录用于存放原始数据和训练过程中生成的文件。原始图片数据一个有 3 个 (test.001.tif - test.003.tif):

首先生成第一个图片 test.001.tif 的 box 文件,这里使用官方的 eng 语言数据进行文字识别:

E:\tesseract-ocr\build>..\tesseract test.001.tif test.001 -l eng batch.nochop makebox

Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine with Leptonica

Number of found pages: 1.

执行完这个命令之后,build 目录下就生成了一个 test.001.box。使用 CowBoxer 打开这个 box 文件,CowBoxer 会自动找到同名的 tif 文件显示出来。

CowBoxer 的使用方法可以看 Help -> About 中的说明。修改完成之后 File -> Save box file 保存文件。

生成初始的 traineddata

接下来使用这一个 box 文件先生成一个 traineddata,在接下来生成其他图片的 box 文件时,使用这个 traineddata 有利于提高识别的正确率,减少修改次数。

..\tesseract test.001.tif test.001 nobatch box.train

..\training\unicharset_extractor test.001.box

..\training\mftraining -U unicharset -O test.unicharset test.001.tr

..\training\cntraining test.001.tr

rename normproto test.normproto

rename Microfeat test.Microfeat

rename inttemp test.inttemp

rename pffmtable test.pffmtable

..\training\combine_tessdata test.

在 build 目录下执行完这一系列命令之后,就生成了可用的 test.traineddata。

生成其余 box 文件

将上一步生成的 test.traineddata 移动到 tesseract-ocr\tessdata 目录中,接下来生成其他 box 文件时就可以通过 -l test 参数使用它了。

..\tesseract test.002.tif test.002 -l test batch.nochop makebox

..\tesseract test.003.tif test.003 -l test batch.nochop makebox

这里仅仅是使用 3 个原始文件作为例子。实际***训练文件时,什么时候生成一个 traineddata 根据情况而定。中途生成 traineddata 的目的只是为了提高文字识别的准确率,使后面生成的 box 文件能少做修改。

生成最终的 traineddata

在所有的 box 都***完成后,就可以生成最终的 traineddata 了。

..\tesseract test.001.tif test.001 nobatch box.train

..\tesseract test.002.tif test.002 nobatch box.train

..\tesseract test.003.tif test.003 nobatch box.train

..\training\unicharset_extractor test.001.box test.002.box test.003.box

..\training\mftraining -U unicharset -O test.unicharset test.001.tr test.002.tr test.003.tr

..\training\cntraining test.001.tr test.002.tr test.003.tr

rename normproto test.normproto

rename Microfeat test.Microfeat

rename inttemp test.inttemp

rename pffmtable test.pffmtable

..\training\combine_tessdata test.

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