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Stack Using a C++ Template:

2012-12-14 13:06 344 查看
This program takes the simple stack given elsewhere, and writes it in a "templated" version, that is, in generic form using C++ templates. In the listings below, code related to templates appears in
red, while parameters to the template are given in
orange. In the implementation, whenever a stack is instantiated, the actual parameters to the template are
textually substituted in for the formal parameters to the stack. Thus below, first
char and 10 are substituted for
Typ and MaxStack. Next
double and 4 are substituted for
Typ and MaxStack. After this substitution, the compiler compiles the resulting code, which contains only references to
specific types, and so can be optimized.
The main function below shows the instantiation of two stacks, the first a stack of up to
10 chars, and the second a stack of up to
4 doubles. The code pushes items on each stack until they are full, and then pops them for printing until the stack is empty. As in the earlier programs, this code is simplified, without even any
checking for underflow or overflow. This version allocated the actual memory locations for the stack on the program stack, so here there is no memory leak.

This version will work for user-defined types also. These C++ features allow the creation of much more complex templated "container" classes in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).

C++ Stack With Template

Three separate files: stack.h, stack.cpp, and stacktest.cpp

// stack.h: header file
template< class Typ, int MaxStack >
class Stack {
int EmptyStack;
Typ items[MaxStack];
int top;
void push(Typ);
Typ pop();
int empty();
int full();
// stacktest.cpp: use templated stack
#include <iostream.h>
#include "stack.h"

int main() {
Stack<char, 10> s; // 10 chars
char ch;
while ((ch = cin.get()) != '\n')
if (!s.full()) s.push(ch);
while (!s.empty())
cout << s.pop();
cout << endl;
Stack<double, 4> ds; // 4 doubles
double d[] =
{1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 0.0};
int i = 0;
while (d[i] != 0.0 && !ds.full())
if (!ds.full()) ds.push(d[i++]);
while (!ds.empty())
cout << ds.pop() << "  ";
cout << endl;
return 0;

// stack.cpp: function definitions
#include "stack.h"

template< class Typ, int MaxStack >
Stack< Typ, MaxStack >::Stack() {
EmptyStack = -1;
top = EmptyStack;

template< class Typ, int MaxStack >
Stack< Typ, MaxStack >::~Stack()
{  delete[] items; }

template< class Typ, int MaxStack >
void Stack< Typ, MaxStack >::push(Typ c)
{  items[ ++top ] = c; }

template< class Typ, int MaxStack >
Typ Stack< Typ, MaxStack >::pop()
{  return items[ top-- ]; }

template< class Typ, int MaxStack >
int Stack< Typ, MaxStack >::full()
{  return top + 1 == MaxStack; }

template< class Typ, int MaxStack >
int Stack< Typ, MaxStack >::empty()
{  return top == EmptyStack; }

% CC -o stack stack.cpp stacktest.cpp
% stack
7  5  3  1

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