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vim命令 学习总结

2012-12-04 12:12 393 查看
:so % 重新载入.vimrc

= vim


:nohlsearch 去掉选中词

:%s///ig 全部替换

:s/// + & 指定行替换

>> 缩进

<< 反缩进

4>> 缩进4行

J 合并两行

Ctrl+f 下全屏。

Ctrl+b 上全屏

Ctrl+d 下半屏。

Ctrl+u 上半屏。

Ctrl+E 编辑窗口中的文件内容整体上移一行。

Ctrl+Y 编辑窗口中的文件内容整体下移一行。

Ctrl-O 跳转到更早前位置 (Older)

Ctrl-I 跳回到后来停置光标更新的位置 (I在O键盘左边) (与Tab一样效果)

b 光标左移一个字至字首

w 光标右移一个字至字首

e 光标右移一个字至字尾

ge 光标左移一个字至字尾

:set ft=perl 设置文件格式

:set fenc= 设置文件编码

ctrl+w gf 打开选中

== 习题

You are in Normal Mode as default

1. Move cursor down one line


2. Return to Normal mode from Insert mode


3. Exit the editor, discarding any changes


4. Append text at the end of the current line


5. Go forward a screen


6. Go to end of text


7. Go to line 75

:75 or 75G

8. Undo last command


9. Redo last undo


10. Move cursor to next occurrence of character ''c''


11. Delete a line

C/cc=>i or D/dd

12. Open a new line above the cursor's line and enter Insert mode


13. Yank (copy) the selected text


Yank the selected text into buffer a


14. Put (paste) copied text after the cursor


Put (paste) copied text in buffer a after the cursor


15. Get help on command ''cmd''

help cmd

16. Forward find word under cursor 查找单词

* (# over cursor)

17. Match of next brace, bracket 匹配括号


18. Scroll current line to center of window


19. Turn off line numbers

set nonu

20. Move backward to previous unclosed {


21. Open ''file'' in a new tab

:tabnew file

22. Move to previous tab


23. Move to the 3rd tab

:tabn 3 or tabp 3

24. Count number of matches of a pattern 查看替换个数


25. Word completion in insert mode 自动补全


26. What's the location of user's vimrc file


Plus(Maybe not metioned in the section):

1. Open file in new vertical split window


2. Jump to the next window right, left, up, or dow

ctrl+w hjkl

3. Stop highlighting the word that was searched for


4. How to set in vimrc to replace tab with 4 spaces.

set tabstop=4 tab 4

set softtabstop=4 退格删4

Are there other settings about tabs and indent, research and explain the options you want to use.

set cindent 使用c样式缩进 set smartindent 智能缩进

5. Share a key mapping that you think is useful

ctrl+pageup/pagedown 在shell中滚屏

6. Any other tips you want to share

ctrl+s ~~~都卡住了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ctrl+q恢复


set nocompatible

set history=400

set ruler

set showcmd

set number

set hlsearch

set incsearch

set expandtab

set noerrorbells

set novisualbell

set t_vb= "close visual bell

set tabstop=4

set shiftwidth=4

set nobackup

set nowritebackup

set smarttab

set smartindent

set autoindent

set cindent

set wrap

set wildmenu

set autoread

set cmdheight=3

set showtabline=2

set tabpagemax=20

set laststatus=2

set noswapfile

set cursorline

set statusline=\ [File]\ %F%m%r%h\ %w\ \ %h\ \%=[Line]\ %l,%c\ %=\ %P

set whichwrap=b,s,<,>,[,],h,l "Allow move the cursor left/right to move to the previous/next line

set term=xterm

set listchars=tab:>-,trail:_

set list




:map <F5> :tabp<CR>

:map <F6> :tabn<CR>

:imap <F5> <ESC>:tabp<CR>i

:imap <F6> <ESC>:tabn<CR>i

function! CurrectDir()

let curdir = substitute(getcwd(), "", "", "g")

return curdir


:map pp :call AddPerlHeader()<CR>

func AddPerlHeader()

call append(0, "\#!/usr/bin/perl")

call append(1, "use strict;")

call append(2, "use warnings;")


syntax match Trail " +$"

highlight def link Trail Todo
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