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2012-11-23 22:47 555 查看

jxl.jar只支持到office 03版本,如果出现上述的错误,可能是你上传的模板 有 问题,最好用金山办公的execl保存成03以下的版本,不要用office来保存成03版本,具体原因,不是很清楚,不过这方法很有效果


public void productDirectoryDownLoadExecl(HttpServletRequest request,

   HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

  OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();// 取得输出流

  response.reset();// 清空输出流

  response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename="

    + java.net.URLEncoder.encode("产品目录导出.xls", "UTF-8"));// toUtf8String("供应商评估明细模板.xls"));//

                 // 设定输出文件头

  response.setContentType("application/x-msdownload;charset=utf-8");// 定义输出类型

  ArrayList productDirs = new ArrayList();

  productDirs = (ArrayList) DataBaseUtil


    .find("from PlProductDirectoryVOImpl where parentId='0' order by productDirectorySequence");

  File inputFile = new File(


      + "/business/template/download/product_library_product_directoryDB.xls"); // 读取模板

  Workbook wrb = Workbook.getWorkbook(inputFile);

  WritableWorkbook wwb = Workbook.createWorkbook(os, wrb);

  WritableSheet ws = wwb.getSheet(0);

  WritableFont wf = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("宋体"), 12,


  WritableCellFormat wc = new WritableCellFormat(wf);

  WritableCellFeatures wcf = new WritableCellFeatures();

  for (int i = 3; i < 11; i++) {

   ws.setColumnView(i, 16);



  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

   ws.setColumnView(i, 10);




  addCellToSheet(ws, 0, 0, "序号", wc, wcf);

  addCellToSheet(ws, 1, 0, "物资编码", wc, wcf);

  addCellToSheet(ws, 2, 0, "物资类型", wc, wcf);

  addCellToSheet(ws, 3, 0, "产品大类编码", wc, wcf);

  addCellToSheet(ws, 4, 0, "产品大类名称", wc, wcf);

  addCellToSheet(ws, 5, 0, "产品中类编码", wc, wcf);

  addCellToSheet(ws, 6, 0, "产品中类名称", wc, wcf);

  addCellToSheet(ws, 7, 0, "产品小类编码", wc, wcf);

  addCellToSheet(ws, 8, 0, "产品小类名称", wc, wcf);

  addCellToSheet(ws, 9, 0, "产品细类编码", wc, wcf);

  addCellToSheet(ws, 10, 0,"产品细类名称", wc, wcf);

  PlProductDirectoryVOImpl plDir = null;

  int j = 1;

  WritableFont wf0 = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("宋体"), 11,


  WritableCellFormat wc0 = new WritableCellFormat(wf0);



  for (int i = 0; i < productDirs.size(); i++) {

   plDir = productDirs.get(i);

   if (plDir.getProductDirectoryLevel() == 1) {

    WritableFont wf1 = new WritableFont(

      WritableFont.createFont("宋体"), 12, WritableFont.NO_BOLD);

    WritableCellFormat wc1 = new WritableCellFormat(wf1);



    addCellToSheet(ws, 2, j, plDir.getProductDirectoryName(), wc1,


    addCellToSheet(ws, 1, j, plDir.getProductDirectoryNumber(),

      wc1, wcf);

    addCellToSheet(ws, 0, j, j + "", wc0, wcf);


   String sql1 = "select a.product_directory_id from pl_product_directory a start with a.product_directory_id='"

     + plDir.getProductDirectoryId()

     + "' connect  by prior a.product_directory_id=a.parent_id and a.product_directory_id<>'"

     + plDir.getProductDirectoryId()

     + "' order by  product_directory_level ";

   List strList = (List)DataBaseUtil.findBySQL(sql1, null, -1, -1);


   List list1 =this.getPlDir(strList);

   Map> map = getMap(list1);


   List list2 =map.get(2);



    for (int k = 0; k

     PlProductDirectoryVOImpl vo = list2.get(k);

     List temp2 = this.getDirList(list1, vo.getProductDirectoryId());


     addCellToSheet(ws, 4, j, vo.getProductDirectoryName(), wc0,


     addCellToSheet(ws, 3, j, vo.getProductDirectoryNumber(),

       wc0, wcf); 

     addCellToSheet(ws, 0, j, j + "", wc0, wcf);


     //得到二层目录 下的第三层


      for (int l = 0; l

       PlProductDirectoryVOImpl vo1 = temp2.get(l); 

       List temp3 = this.getDirList(list1, vo1.getProductDirectoryId());

       addCellToSheet(ws, 6, j, vo1.getProductDirectoryName(), wc0,


       addCellToSheet(ws, 5, j, vo1.getProductDirectoryNumber(),

         wc0, wcf); 

       addCellToSheet(ws, 0, j, j + "", wc0, wcf);




        for (int m = 0; m < temp3.size(); m++) {

         PlProductDirectoryVOImpl vo2 = temp3.get(m);

         List temp4 = this.getDirList(list1, vo2.getProductDirectoryId());

         addCellToSheet(ws, 8, j, vo2.getProductDirectoryName(), wc0,


         addCellToSheet(ws, 7, j, vo2.getProductDirectoryNumber(),

           wc0, wcf); 

         addCellToSheet(ws, 0, j, j + "", wc0, wcf);




          for (int n = 0; n < temp4.size(); n++) {

           addCellToSheet(ws, 10, j, temp4.get(n).getProductDirectoryName(), wc0,


           addCellToSheet(ws, 9, j, temp4.get(n).getProductDirectoryNumber(),

             wc0, wcf); 

           addCellToSheet(ws, 0, j, j + "", wc0, wcf);



















private List getPlDir(List strList) throws Exception {

  List l = new ArrayList();

  for (int i = 0; i < strList.size(); i++) {



  return l;


// 根据传过来的ID得到该目录下的子目录

 private List getDirList(

   List list2, String parentId) {

  ArrayList l = new ArrayList();

  for (int i = 0; i < list2.size(); i++) {

   PlProductDirectoryVOImpl vo = list2.get(i);

   if (vo.getParentId().equals(parentId)) {




  return l;


private Map> getMap(

   List list) {

  Map> map = new HashMap>();

  List list2 = new ArrayList();

  List list3 = new ArrayList();

  List list4 = new ArrayList();

  List list5 = new ArrayList();

  for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

   PlProductDirectoryVOImpl vo = list.get(i);














  map.put(2, list2);

  map.put(3, list3);

  map.put(4, list4);

  map.put(5, list5);

  return map;


public Label addCellToSheet(WritableSheet wsheet, int col, int row,

   String content, WritableCellFormat wcFM, WritableCellFeatures wcFT)

   throws Exception {

  Label newCell = null;

  if (wcFM != null) {

   newCell = new Label(col, row, content, wcFM);

  } else {

   newCell = new Label(col, row, content);


  if (wcFT != null) {




  return newCell;

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