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2012-11-23 21:41 330 查看


the day when i went missing was the day i died.我丢失的那一天就是我死去的那一天。

in his final moments,he told me the truth,临终前,他将实情告诉我。

our family's wealth had been built on the suffering of others.我们家族的财富的积累是建立在别人的痛苦之上的。

i have to be someone else.我得变成另外一个人。

over the past 15 years.在过去的15年里。

five years on an island and you still know who they are.5年呆在一个小岛上面,你还知道他是谁

it's nice to see how much our culture has improved while i was away.看到我离开的日子,民风还有进步,真好。

but the city used to be different. people used to feel safe.

what's the matter? afraid we are gonna be next?怎么了,担心我们就是下一个么?

Do you have anyquestions about today.

the boat went down. i was the only survivor.船沉了,我是唯一的幸存者。

i knew that,i was gonna have to live for both of us.

and in thoes five years,it was that one thought that kept me going.在那5年里,那是支撑我活下来的唯一动力。

now ,onto the offices,Everyone is waiting to meet you there.

can we do that tomorrow?

they were bringing me back from the dead.他们把我从死人堆里面拉出来。

how much is a life worth?一条命值多少钱。

the longer this goes on,the more likely the media is gonna crucify me.

then perhaps you would like to share with me?那也许你愿意跟我说说。

you know,where is you run off to.你跑到那里去了。

i have been alone for five years.

i promise to introduce her if it ever gets to the exchanging first names stage.

there is a maniac out there,hunting the wealthy.

I lost you once, and i am not going through that again. 我不在经受这一切了。

do you think this is what dad would want for you?你觉得爸爸想看到你这个样子么?

clearly,nothing happened here last night.显然,昨晚这里很正常

Are you enjoying yourself?还开心么?

i remember that your father used to bring you here when you were a boy.

you always were so excited.你总是兴奋难耐

Dad let me drink soda in the office。爸爸还让我在这办公室里面喝苏打水。

you said that you wanted to be a different person.

i do not need to be reminded of that。你不必提醒我这点。

Everyone here understands that this transition is really difficult for you.大家都理解这个转变对你来说非常困难。

Everyone fantasizing(幻想) that i got my MBA while i was on the island.大家都认为我在岛上拿到了MBA证书么?

or the fact that my father's CFO now sleeps down the hall from me?

you know,five years ago,your irresponsibilit was somewhat charming.5年前,你不付责任,还算有点可爱。

you know ,spent the first 27 years of my life in the staring city,and the next five in Afghanistan.我在这里度过了生命的头27年。

you want to know what i learned?你想知道我学习到了什么了么?

there is no place like home.那里都没有家里好吗?

maybe after five years alone,

i just want justice for my father.我只是想要爸爸得到公正。

there are a lot of people who do not want this trial to proceed.很多人都不希望这个案子继续下去。

My mother died when i was a baby and my father has been the only family i have ever know.

they are going to have to kill me if they want me to give this up.

i am your father. i live to keep you safe.我是你父亲,我活着就是保护你周全。

you are insistent on doing your job,that's great.你要坚持做你的工作,很好。

these people, they are more dangerous than you are willing to admit.这些人比你想象中的要危险的多。

you have made them angry.你已经惹恼他们了。

thank you for coming. - anything for a friend.谢谢你的到来。-为朋友我两肋插刀。

we are not friends.

you need to take this guy seriously.你得认真的那这家伙当回事情。

i do not want to talk about it.我不想说这个事情。

you never want to talk to me about anything.你从不想跟我说任何事情。

i need to get better at talking about what happened to me on the island.我需要先康复,才能谈论我所经历的事情。

but ,i am not ready yet.但是,我还没有准备好。

Do you have a second?你有空么?

i wanna show you something.

About a month after the funerals,mom stopped going out.

pretty soon,she stopped talking altogether.很快,他不再跟大家聊天。

the house got so quite,so i would come here.房子静悄悄的,所以我就来到这里。
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