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2012-11-23 11:40 253 查看


i have been stranded for 5 years.我被困于此已经5年了

for 5 years ,i have had only one thought,one goal...survive.生存

survive,and one day return home.

the island held many dangers. 岛上危机重重

To live, i had to make myself more than what i was,to forget myself into a weapon.(改造)

has he said anything about what happened?他有说起发生过什么事情么?

No,he has barely said anything.他几乎没有说什么事情。

i would like you to prepare youself.

your room is exactly as you left it.你的房间原封不动

i never had the heart to change a thing.我从不喜欢改变

it's good to see you.

i knew it,i knew you are alive.我就知道,我就知道你还活着。

i miss you so much.我想死你了。

you were with me the whole time.我一直挂念着你。

come on,we are lawyer, not miracle workers.我们是律师,我们不是神。

we can not win this.我们赢不了的。

you and i against an army. i love those odds.我俩对抗一个军团,我喜欢这挑战。

why do you hate me?你那么讨厌我么?

after five years, everything that once familiar is now unrecognizable.5年后,曾经熟悉的一切,现在都变得陌生。

that sounds like a greate idea.这注意不错。

well, there are plenty of time for all that。以后有的是时间。

i did not realize you took Russian at college.我可不记得你上大学学习过俄语。

i did not say anything.我什么也木有说。

she did not have to .她用不着。

i have something for you.我想送给你一个礼物

i kept in hopes that one day,it would reconnect me with you。它会让我们重逢。

Do not let him get you into too much trouble.别让他领着你若麻烦

you just got back take it slow.你刚回来,悠着点。

have you noticed how hot you sister's gotten?你没有注意到你妹妹张得越来越火辣了么

you came back from the dead.你死而复生

what's you miss the most?你最想念什么?

everyone is happy you are live.大家都很高兴,你还活着。

i wanted to ask you not to blame her.我想求你别怪她

how could i possibly blame her for doing the same things that i did.

i could not grieve because i was so angry.我不能太悲伤,因为我太生气了。

Did he tell you anything?把一切都告诉你了么?

he told me ,i am gonna kill you。 他告诉我要杀了你。

you do not have to do this.

nobody can know my secret.木有人能知道我的秘密

your luck never seems to run out,does it?你的运气好像永远用不完,是吗?

Do i really seem different?

you are still a good boy.

i want to be the person you always told me i could be.

i want to introduce you to someome.

what i told the police was true.

the main in the green hool was there in that warehouse.仓库

just tell me what you want.

i am gonna take it,and you will not like how

if i see you again,you are dead.如果我再看到你,你就死定了。

the maniac put two of my men in the hospital. (疯子)

now he said he would be back here by 10PM

make sure you are here first.

i asked somebody to do something,they did not do it.

you always saw the best in me。 Right now, that's what you are doing.


look at me,and you are wondering if that island changed me somehow,if it made me a better person.

i am just gonna hurt you agagin.我只会再次伤害你。

but this time,it will be worse.而这次,会更深。

you are wrong, that island did change you.

at least now you are honest.至少,你现在变诚实了。

something i can help you with.有什么我能效劳的么?

i just wanted a second to myself.我只想自己呆会

stay in the corners and stay alert.隐蔽在角落,保持警惕。

you know anything about that?

i would just be glad you are alive.我很庆幸自己还活着。

what happened to you on that island?你在那个岛屿上遭遇到了什么。

she has no idea how much.但是她根本不知道那对我的改变是多大。

there are more names on the list.名单上面还有很多的名字。

every last one of them will wish i had died on that island.他们每一个都希望我已经死在岛上面了。

the police failed to identify the men i hired to kidnap oliver.警察没有在我雇佣绑架tom的人的身上找到线索。

and they never will.他们永远都不会知道。

there are other ways of finding out what my son knows.还有其他的方法查出我儿子知道什么。

the end!

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