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2012-11-18 21:53 190 查看
1 Computer Facial Animation


4 Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries; Volume I - Foundations

5 Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries; Volume II - Advanced Libraries

6 Advances in Geometric Modeling and Processing

7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming

8 The Practice of Parallel Programming

9 Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming

10 Geometry and Topology for Mesh Generation

11 lua programing gems

12 Physics Based Animations

13 Game Physics: A Practical Introduction

14 Color Rendering of Human Faces Under Variable Illumination: Image-Based Rendering Approach

15 Introduction to Game Physics with Box2D

16 Cross-Platform Game Programming (Game Development)

17 Combining Attention and Temporal Coherence Models: Learning Invariances from Cluttered Scenes

18 Temporal Coherence in Real-Time Rendering: Practical Approaches for Capitalizing on Temporal Coherence in the Domain of Real-Time Rendering ^^

19 Temporal run-length encoding: Temporal coherence in rendering time-varying volume data

20 3D-TV System with Depth-Image-Based Rendering

21 Free viewpoint video with image-based rendering

22 Image and Geometry Processing for 3-D Cinematography

23 Rethinking Quaternions

24 The Beginner's Guide to the C4 Engine

25 Fundamentals of Math and Physics for Game Programmers

26 ARM System Developer's Guide: Designing and Optimizing System Software

27 ARM System-on-Chip Architecture (2nd Edition)

28 ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques

29 Game Development: Using Unity and C#: with C++ and OpenGL

30 Optimization Algorithms in Physics

31 New Optimization Algorithms in Physics

32 Feature Extraction & Image Processing [Kindle Edition]

35 Evolutionary Optimization in Dynamic Environments (Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation) [Kindle Edition]

36 c++ programming language 4th

37 opengl programming guide 8th

38 game coding complete 4th

39 high performance flash

40 Spieleprogrammierung mit DirectX 11 und C++

41 Real-Time Soft Shadows on the Gpu Via Monte Carlo Sampling

42 DirectX 11 Programmierung: SpieleentwicklungmitC++

43 Direct3D Real Time Rendering für Computerspiele: DirectX Programmierung in C++

44 Effective Concurrency in C++

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