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2012-11-13 16:58 363 查看
From "Absolute Beginner's Guide to Project Management 2nd Edition"

Managing Project Deliverables BestPractices


Whether you utilize manual or automatedprocesses, here is a list of techniques that should be considered for your configurationmanagement process:

■ Establish central repository
建立集中管理的中央存储库—Firstand foremost, define a central repository for the project where all projectwork documents will be stored. Make sure access to the repository can becontrolled and that the appropriate stakeholders have
access to it.

■ Define review/revision/approval process
定义“审查/修改/批准”流程—Definewhich work products need to be reviewed and approved when any change is made,who can make those changes, who needs
to approve those changes, and theassociated workflow that needs to be followed.

■ Define a
“gatekeeper”定义一名看门人—Experience has shown tremendous value in establishing someone as theofficial librarian for the project repository. This person is responsible forcontrolling access
to the repository, updating the repository, and ensuringthat the configuration management procedures are being followed.

■ Implement access controls
实施访问控制—Ensure thatthe project repository is only accessible to authorized stakeholders and thegranted access level is aligned with their role on the project.

■ Establish common directory structure
建立一般目录结构—To betterorganize work products and to make it easier to find them when you need them,it is recommended that a directory structure be defined that is aligned withthe project phases and workflow process.

■ Establish file-naming conventions
建立文件命名规范—Also in thespirit of better organization of work products, it is recommended that a commonconvention be defined for naming project work products. The convention(s)provide consistency and help improve project
communications and stakeholderexpectations as well.

■ Establish version numbering scheme
建立版本编号规范—If theseguidelines do not exist for your organization already, determine the rules thatwill govern the versioning scheme for each category of work product. Commonelements to consider include version number format,
differences between majorand minor versions, and conventions to be followed.

■ Establish baselines
建立基线—A key best practice, especially before any milestone type event onthe project, such as phase-end, tollgate, start of a testing phase, orreleasing work product to a client. To effectively deal with any quality issuesand
client expectations, you must be able to clearly define (and maintain) theconfiguration of a work product at a given point in time.

■ Use standard document sections
使用标准文档模板—To helpencourage effective configuration management practices, it is recommended thatwork product templates be developed which contain standard document sections.Document sections that are recommended include
the following:

• Title page

• Revision History page

• Approval page

• Standard Header and Footer formats/data

■ Use a Deliverable Tracker
使用交付物跟踪者—A powerfultechnique that can be utilized regardless of the sophistication of yourprocess. Develop a mechanism to identify and track the status of your project workproducts. For lack of a better term, I will
call this your deliverable tracker.This can be done with a simple spreadsheet program. Table 12.1 summarizes thekey recommendations for your Deliverable Tracker.

■ Back it up
备份—Make sure that your project repositories have proper backup proceduresin place and that they are actually working. You will be glad you did.

■ Address needs of different work product types
为不同产品建立不同的配置管理系统—A single configuration management process may not be adequate foryour project. You should develop specific configuration management proceduresfor each type of work product you are managing.

■ Leverage configuration management tools
评估配置管理系统工具—Whileeffective configuration management procedures can be executed using clearlydefined manual procedures—and a fair amount of discipline and a central controlpoint—the process is much easier with configuration
management tools. The toolsallow you to control access to the repository, control the revision process (onlyone person can check out the work product for edit at a time), and provide an automaticaudit trail.

■ Define product configuration build/release process
定义产品配置建立和发布流程—Onany project that deals with a product that is composed of multiple components,a process is needed that properly integrates the components into a finalproduct. This is especially true for any product that
represents a system. Thisprocess allows for a baseline configuration to be established.

■ Develop Configuration Management Plan
建立配置管理计划—Thisis where you document all of the configuration management best practices youare going to utilize for your project. The configuration management plan allowsyou to communicate the procedures and rules that
the project will follow and togain agreement on the plan. We will discuss some recommended sections for theconfiguration management plan in the next section.

■ Leverage archive folders
建立目标物文件夹—A simple butpowerful technique to help you manage (and not lose) project information is toalways create an “archive” folder within a specific project directory to hold anyprevious versions, as illustrated in
Figures 12.1 and 12.2. This is especiallyuseful for digital work items that are not managed by a configurationmanagement tool. This practice also has the added benefits of better organizationand better visibility of the most current work items.
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