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父进程 等待子进程初始化后才使用子进程_waitforinputidle

2012-11-12 18:45 621 查看




// Creates a child process and waits until the child process finishes initialization

STARTUPINFO si = { sizeof(si) };


TCHAR szCommandLine[] = _T(//"notepad.exe//");

BOOL bSuccess = CreateProcess(NULL, szCommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);

if (bSuccess)


::WaitForInputIdle (pi.hProcess, 5000L);

// close the handle if no longer used


// do whatever you want to do

//HWND hBBBWnd = ::FindWindow(NULL, strBBBWindowName);

// ... ...


简单的讲就是: 父进程创建子进程后 要先确定子进程初始化好了后才能使用子进程 。那么有什么方法可以让父进程知道子进程已经准备好了呢 》?那就是父进程调用waitForInputIdle( 子进程id, 超时),如果子进程没初始化好 。那么父进程将悬挂。知道 超时或子进程准备好。



The WaitForInputIdle function waits until the given process is waiting for user input with no input pending, or until the time-out interval has elapsed.

The WaitForInputIdle function only works with GUI applications. If a console application calls the function, it returns immediately, with no wait.

DWORD WaitForInputIdle(
HANDLE hProcess,       // handle to process
  DWORD dwMilliseconds   // time-out interval in milliseconds


hProcessHandle to the process.dwMillisecondsSpecifies the time-out interval, in milliseconds. If dwMilliseconds is INFINITE, the function does not return until the process is idle.

Return Values

The following table shows the possible return values:

0The wait was satisfied successfully.
WAIT_TIMEOUTThe wait was terminated because the time-out interval elapsed.
0xFFFFFFFFAn error occurred. To get extended error information, use the GetLastErrorfunction.


The WaitForInputIdle function enables a thread to suspend its execution until a specified process has finished its initialization and is waiting for user input with no input pending. This can be useful for synchronizing a parent process
and a newly created child process. When a parent process creates a child process, theCreateProcess function returns without waiting for the child process to finish its initialization. Before trying to communicate with the child process, the
parent process can use WaitForInputIdle to determine when the child's initialization has been completed. For example, the parent process should use WaitForInputIdlebefore trying to find a window associated with the child process.

The WaitForInputIdle function can be used at any time, not just during application startup.
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