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2012-11-06 10:04 225 查看
/* http://keith-wood.name/gChart.html Google Chart interface for jQuery v1.2.3.
See API details at http://code.google.com/apis/chart/. Written by Keith Wood (kbwood{at}iinet.com.au) September 2008.
Dual licensed under the GPL (http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/jquery/GPL-LICENSE.txt) and
MIT (http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/jquery/MIT-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
Please attribute the author if you use it. */

/* Request a chart from Google charts.
$('div selector').gchart({type: 'pie', series: [$.gchart.series([101, 84])]});

(function($) { // Hide scope, no $ conflict

/* Google Charting manager. */
function GChart() {
this._defaults = {
width: 0, // Width of the chart 'a'自动'r'相对
height: 0, // Height of the chart
margins: null, // The minimum margins (pixels) around the chart:
// all or [left/right, top/bottom] or [left, right, top, bottom]
title: '', // The title of the chart
titleColor: '', // The colour of the title
titleSize: 0, // The font size of the title
backgroundColor: null, // The background colour for the entire image
chartColor: null, // The background colour for the chart area
legend: '', // The location of the legend: top, topVertical,
// bottom, bottomVertical, left, right, or '' for none
legendSize: null, // The minimum size (pixels) of the legend: [width, height]
type: 'pie3D', // Type of chart requested: line, lineXY, sparkline,
// barHoriz, barVert, barHorizGrouped, barVertGrouped, pie, pie3D (default),
// pieConcentric, venn, scatter, radar, radarCurved, map, meter, qrCode
encoding: '', // Type of data encoding: text (default), scaled, simple, extended
series: [this.series('Hello World', [60, 40])], // Details about the values to be plotted
visibleSeries: 0, // The number of series that are directly displayed, 0 for all
dataLabels: [], // Labels for the values across all the series
axes: [], // Definitions for the various axes, each entry is either
// a string of the axis name or a GChartAxis object
ranges: [], // Definitions of ranges for the chart, each entry is an object with
// vertical (boolean), color (string), start (number, 0-1),
// and end (number, 0-1) attributes
markers: [], // Definitions of markers for the chart, each entry is an object with
// shape (arrow, circle, cross, diamond, down, flag, horizontal,
// number, plus, sparkfill, sparkline, square, text, vertical),
// color (string), series (number), item (number), size (number),
// priority (number), text (string), positioned (boolean)
minValue: 0, // The minimum value of the data, $.gchart.calculate to calculate from data
maxValue: 100, // The maximum value of the data, $.gchart.calculate to calculate from data
gridSize: [], // The x and y spacings between grid lines
gridLine: [], // The line and gap lengths for the grid lines
gridOffsets: [], // The x and y offsets for the grid lines
extension: {}, // Any custom extensions to the Google chart parameters
// Bar charts -------------
barWidth: null, // The width of each bar (pixels) or 'a' for automatic or 'r' for relative
barSpacing: null, // The space (pixels) between bars in a group
barGroupSpacing: null, // The space (pixels) between groups of bars
barZeroPoint: null, // The position (0.0 to 1.0) of the zero-line
// Pie charts -------------
pieOrientation: 0, // The angle (degrees) of orientation from the positive x-axis
// Maps -------------------
mapArea: 'world', // The general area to show: world,
// africa, asia, europe, middle_east, south_america, usa
mapRegions: [], // List of country/state codes to plot
mapDefaultColor: 'white', // The colour for non-plotted countries/states
mapColors: ['aaffaa', 'green'], // The colour range for plotted countries/states
// QR Code ----------------
qrECLevel: null, // Error correction level: low, medium, quarter, high
qrMargin: null, // Margin (squares) around QR code, default is 4
// Callback
onLoad: null // Function to call when loaded

/* The name of the data property that holds the instance settings. */
var PROP_NAME = 'gChart';
/* Translations of text colour names into chart values. */
var COLOURS = {aqua: '008080', black: '000000', blue: '0000ff', fuchsia: 'ff00ff',
gray: '808080', green: '008000', lime: '00ff00', maroon: '800000', navy: '000080',
olive: '808000', orange: 'ffa500', purple: '800080', red: 'ff0000', silver: 'c0c0c0',
teal: '008080', transparent: '00000000', white: 'ffffff', yellow: 'ffff00'};
/* Mapping from plugin chart types to Google chart types. */
var CHART_TYPES = {line: 'lc', lineXY: 'lxy', sparkline: 'ls',
barHoriz: 'bhs', barVert: 'bvs', barHorizGrouped: 'bhg', barVertGrouped: 'bvg',
pie: 'p', pie3D: 'p3', pieConcentric: 'pc', venn: 'v', scatter: 's',
radar: 'r', radarCurved: 'rs', map: 't', meter: 'gom', qrCode: 'qr'};
/* Mapping from plugin shape types to Google chart shapes. */
var SHAPES = {arrow: 'a', circle: 'o', cross: 'x', diamond: 'd', down: 'v',
flag: 'f', financial: 'F', horizontal: 'h', number: 'N', plus: 'c',
sparkfill: 'B', sparkline: 'D', square: 's', text: 't', vertical: 'V'};
/* Mapping from plugin priority names to chart priority codes. */
var PRIORITIES = {behind: -1, below: -1, normal: 0, above: 1, inFront: 1};
/* Mapping from plugin gradient names to angles. */
var GRADIENTS = {diagonalDown: -45, diagonalUp: 45, horizontal: 0, vertical: 90};
/* Mapping from plugin alignment names to chart alignment codes. */
var ALIGNMENTS = {left: -1, center: 0, right: 1};
/* Mapping from plugin drawing control names to chart drawing control codes. */
var DRAWING = {line: 'l', ticks: 't', both: 'lt'};

/* Characters to use for encoding schemes. */
var SIMPLE_ENCODING = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
var EXTENDED_ENCODING = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.';

$.extend(GChart.prototype, {
/* Class name added to elements to indicate already configured with Google charting. */
markerClassName: 'hasGChart',

/* Marker value to indicate min/max calculation from data. */
calculate: -0.123,

/* Possible values for bar width. */
barWidthAuto: 'a', // Automatic resize to fill
barWidthRelative: 'r', // Spacings are relative to bars (0.0 - 1.0)

/* Possible values for number format. */
formatFloat: 'f',
formatPercent: 'p',
formatScientific: 'e',
formatCurrency: 'c',

/* Override the default settings for all Google chart instances.
@param  options  (object) the new settings to use as defaults */
setDefaults: function(options) {
extendRemove(this._defaults, options || {});

/* Create a new data series.
@param  label       (string, optional) the label for this series
@param  data        (number[]) the data values for this series
@param  colour      (string or string[]) the colour(s) for this series
@param  fillColour  (string, optional) the fill colour for this series
@param  minValue    (number) the minimum value for this series
@param  maxValue    (number) the maximum value for this series
@param  thickness   (number) the thickness (pixels) of the line for this series
@param  segments    (number[2]) the line and gap lengths (pixels) for this series
@return  (object) the new series object */
series: function(label, data, colour, fillColour, minValue, maxValue, thickness, segments) {
if (isArray(label)) { // Optional label
segments = thickness;
thickness = maxValue;
maxValue = minValue;
minValue = fillColour;
fillColour = colour;
colour = data;
data = label;
label = '';
if (typeof colour != 'string' && !isArray(colour)) { // Optional colour/fillColour
segments = maxValue;
thickness = minValue;
maxValue = fillColour;
minValue = colour;
fillColour = null;
colour = null;
else if (fillColour != null && typeof fillColour != 'string') { // Optional fillColour
segments = thickness;
thickness = maxValue;
maxValue = minValue;
minValue = fillColour;
fillColour = null;
if (isArray(maxValue)) { // Optional min/max values
segments = maxValue;
thickness = minValue;
maxValue = null;
minValue = null;
return {label: label, data: data || [], color: colour || '',
fillColor: fillColour, minValue: minValue, maxValue: maxValue,
lineThickness: thickness, lineSegments: segments};

/* Load series data from CSV.
Include a header row if fields other than data required.
Use these names - label, color, fillColor, minValue, maxValue,
lineThickness, lineSegmentLine, lineSegmentGap - for series attributes.
Data columns should be labelled ynn, where nn is a sequential number.
For X-Y line charts, include xnn columns before corresponding ynn.
@param  csv  (string or string[]) the series data in CSV format
@return  (object[]) the series definitions */
seriesFromCsv: function(csv) {
var seriesData = [];
if (!isArray(csv)) {
csv = csv.split('\n');
if (!csv.length) {
return seriesData;
var xyData = false;
var sColumns = [];
var xColumns = [];
var fields = ['label', 'color', 'fillColor', 'minValue', 'maxValue',
'lineThickness', 'lineSegmentLine', 'lineSegmentGap'];
$.each(csv, function(i, line) {
var cols = line.split(',');
if (i == 0 && isNaN(parseFloat(cols[0]))) { // Header row
$.each(cols, function(i, val) {
if ($.inArray(val, fields) > -1) { // Note the positions of the columns
sColumns[i] = val;
else if (val.match(/^x\d+$/)) { // Column with x-coordinate
xColumns[i] = val;
else {
var series = {};
var data = [];
var saveX = null;
$.each(cols, function(i, val) {
if (sColumns[i]) { // Non-data value
var pos = $.inArray(sColumns[i], fields);
series[sColumns[i]] = (pos > 2 ? $.gchart._numeric(val, 0) : val);
else if (xColumns[i]) { // X-coordinate
saveX = (val ? $.gchart._numeric(val, -1) : null);
xyData = true;
else {
var y = $.gchart._numeric(val, -1);
data.push(saveX != null ? [saveX, y] : y);
saveX = null;
if (series.lineSegmentLine != null && series.lineSegmentGap != null) {
series.lineSegments = [series.lineSegmentLine, series.lineSegmentGap];
series.lineSegmentLine = series.lineSegmentGap = null;
seriesData.push($.extend(series, {data: data}));
return (xyData ? this.seriesForXYLines(seriesData) : seriesData);

/* Load series data from XML. All attributes are optional except point/@y.
<series label="" color="" fillColor="" minValue="" maxValue="" lineThickness="" lineSegments="">
<point x="" y=""/>
@param  xml  (string or Document) the XML containing the series data
@return  (object[]) the series definitions */
seriesFromXml: function(xml) {
if ($.browser.msie && typeof xml == 'string') {
var doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
doc.validateOnParse = false;
doc.resolveExternals = false;
xml = doc;
xml = $(xml);
var seriesData = [];
var xyData = false;
try {
xml.find('series').each(function() {
var series = $(this);
var data = [];
series.find('point').each(function() {
var point = $(this);
var x = point.attr('x');
if (x != null) {
xyData = true;
x = $.gchart._numeric(x, -1);
y = $.gchart._numeric(point.attr('y'), -1);
data.push(x ? [x, y] : y);
var segments = series.attr('lineSegments');
if (segments) {
segments = segments.split(',');
seriesData.push({label: series.attr('label'), data: data,
color: series.attr('color'), fillColor: series.attr('fillColor'),
minValue: series.attr('minValue'), maxValue: series.attr('maxValue'),
lineThickness: series.attr('lineThickness'), lineSegments: segments});
catch (e) {
// Ignore
return (xyData ? this.seriesForXYLines(seriesData) : seriesData);

/* Force a value to be numeric.
@param  val      (string) the value to convert
@param  whenNaN  (number) value to use if not numeric
@return  (number) the numeric equivalent or whenNaN if not numeric */
_numeric: function(val, whenNaN) {
val = parseFloat(val);
return (isNaN(val) ? whenNaN : val);

/* Prepare series for a line XY chart.
@param  series  (object[]) the details of the points to plot,
each data value may be an array of two points
@return  (object[]) the transformed series
@deprecated  in favour of seriesForXYLines */
lineXYSeries: function(series) {
return this.seriesForXYLines(series);

/* Prepare series for a line XY chart.
@param  series  (object[]) the details of the points to plot,
each data value may be an array of two points
@return  (object[]) the transformed series */
seriesForXYLines: function(series) {
var xySeries = [];
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
var xNull = !isArray(series[i].data[0]);
var xData = (xNull ? [null] : []);
var yData = [];
for (var j = 0; j < series[i].data.length; j++) {
if (xNull) {
else {
xySeries.push($.gchart.series(series[i].label, xData, series[i].color,
series[i].fillColor, series[i].minValue, series[i].maxValue,
series[i].lineThickness, series[i].lineSegments));
xySeries.push($.gchart.series(series[i].label, yData, '',
series[i].fillColor, series[i].minValue, series[i].maxValue,
series[i].lineThickness, series[i].lineSegments));
return xySeries;

/* Prepare options for a scatter chart.
@param  values   (number[][]) the coordinates of the points:
[0] is the x-coord, [1] is the y-coord, [2] is the percentage size
@param  options  (object) additional settings (optional)
@return  (object) the configured options object */
scatter: function(values, options) {
var series = [[], [], []];
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
series[0][i] = values[i][0];
series[1][i] = values[i][1];
series[2][i] = values[i][2] || 100;
return $.extend({}, options || {}, {type: 'scatter',
series: [$.gchart.series('', series[0]),
$.gchart.series('', series[1]),
$.gchart.series('', series[2])]});

/* Prepare options for a Venn diagram.
@param  size1       (number) the relative size of the first circle
@param  size2       (number) the relative size of the second circle
@param  size3       (number) the relative size of the third circle
@param  overlap12   (number) the overlap between circles 1 and 2
@param  overlap13   (number) the overlap between circles 1 and 3
@param  overlap23   (number) the overlap between circles 2 and 3
@param  overlap123  (number) the overlap between all circles
@param  options     (object) additional settings (optional)
@return  (object) the configured options object */
venn: function(size1, size2, size3, overlap12, overlap13, overlap23, overlap123, options) {
return $.extend({}, options || {}, {type: 'venn', series:
[$.gchart.series([size1, size2, size3, overlap12, overlap13, overlap23, overlap123])]});

/* Prepare options for a Google meter.
@param  text      (string) the text to show on the arrow (optional)
@param  value     (number) the position of the arrow
@param  maxValue  (number) the maximum value for the meter (optional, default 100)
@param  colours   (string[]) the colours to use for the band (optional)
@param  options   (object) additional settings (optional)
@return  (object) the configured options object */
meter: function(text, value, maxValue, colours, options) {
if (typeof text != 'string') {
options = colours;
colours = maxValue;
maxValue = value;
value = text;
text = '';
if (typeof maxValue != 'number') {
options = colours;
colours = maxValue;
maxValue = null;
if (!isArray(colours)) {
options = colours;
colours = null;
if (colours) {
var cs = '';
$.each(colours, function(i, v) {
cs += ',' + $.gchart.color(v);
colours = cs.substr(1);
return $.extend({}, options || {}, {type: 'meter', maxValue: maxValue || 100,
dataLabels: [text || ''], series: [$.gchart.series([value])]},
(colours ? {extension: {chco: colours}} : {}));

/* Prepare options for a map chart.
@param  mapArea        (string) the region of the world to show (optional)
@param  values         (object) the countries/states to plot -
attributes are country/state codes and values
@param  defaultColour  (string) the colour for regions without values (optional)
@param  startColour    (string) the starting colour for rendering values (optional)
@param  endColour      (string) the ending colour for rendering values (optional)
@param  options        (object) additional settings (optional)
@return  (object) the configured options object */
map: function(mapArea, values, defaultColour, startColour, endColour, options) {
if (typeof mapArea == 'object') { // Optional mapArea
options = endColour;
endColour = startColour;
startColour = defaultColour;
defaultColour = values;
values = mapArea;
mapArea = 'world';
if (typeof defaultColour == 'object') {
options = defaultColour;
defaultColour = null;
else if (typeof startColour == 'object') {
options = startColour;
startColour = null;
else if (typeof endColour == 'object') {
options = endColour;
endColour = null;
var mapRegions = [];
var data = [];
var i = 0;
for (var name in values) {
mapRegions[i] = name;
data[i] = values[name];
return $.extend({}, options || {}, {type: 'map',
mapArea: mapArea, mapRegions: mapRegions,
mapDefaultColor: defaultColour || $.gchart._defaults.mapDefaultColor,
mapColors: [startColour || $.gchart._defaults.mapColors[0],
endColour || $.gchart._defaults.mapColors[1]],
series: [$.gchart.series('', data)]});

/* Prepare options for generating a QR Code.
@param  text      (object) the QR code settings or
(string) the text to encode
@param  encoding  (string) the encoding scheme (optional)
@param  ecLevel   (string) the error correction level: l, m, q, h (optional)
@param  margin    (number) the margin around the code (optional)
@return  (object) the configured options object */
qrCode: function(text, encoding, ecLevel, margin) {
var options = {};
if (typeof text == 'object') {
options = text;
else { // Individual fields
options = {dataLabels: [text], encoding: encoding,
qrECLevel: ecLevel, qrMargin: margin};
options.type = 'qrCode';
if (options.text) {
options.dataLabels = [options.text];
options.text = null;
return options;

/* Generate a Google chart color.
@param  r  (string) colour name or
(number) red value (0-255)
@param  g  (number) green value (0-255) or
(number) alpha value (0-255, optional) if r is name
@param  b  (number) blue value (0-255)
@param  a  (number) alpha value (0-255, optional)
@return  (string) the translated colour */
color: function(r, g, b, a) {
var checkRange = function(value) {
if (typeof value == 'number' && (value < 0 || value > 255)) {
throw 'Value out of range (0-255) ' + value;
var twoDigits = function(value) {
return (value.length == 1 ? '0' : '') + value;
if (typeof r == 'string') {
return (COLOURS[r] || r) + (g ? twoDigits(g.toString(16)) : '');
return twoDigits(r.toString(16)) + twoDigits(g.toString(16)) +
twoDigits(b.toString(16)) + (a ? twoDigits(a.toString(16)) : '');

/* Create a simple linear gradient definition for a background.
@param  angle    (string or number) the angle of the gradient from positive x-axis
@param  colour1  (string[]) an array of colours or
(string) the starting colour
@param  colour2  (string, optional) the ending colour
@return  (object) the gradient definition */
gradient: function(angle, colour1, colour2) {
var colourPoints = [];
if (isArray(colour1)) {
var step = 1 / (colour1.length - 1);
for (var i = 0; i < colour1.length; i++) {
colourPoints.push([colour1[i], Math.round(i * step * 100) / 100]);
else {
colourPoints = [[colour1, 0], [colour2, 1]];
return {angle: angle, colorPoints: colourPoints};

/* Create a colour striping definition for a background.
@param  angle    (string or number) the angle of the stripes from positive x-axis
@param  colours  (string[]) the colours to stripe
@return  (object) the stripe definition */
stripe: function(angle, colours) {
var colourPoints = [];
var width = Math.round(100 / colours.length) / 100;
for (var i = 0; i < colours.length; i++) {
colourPoints.push([colours[i], width]);
return {angle: angle, striped: true, colorPoints: colourPoints};

/* Create a range definition.
@param  vertical  (boolean, optional) true if vertical, false if horizontal
@param  colour    (string) the marker's colour
@param  start     (number) the starting point for the range (0.0 to 1.0)
@param  end       (number, optional) the ending point for the range (0.0 to 1.0)
@return  (object) the range definition */
range: function(vertical, colour, start, end) {
if (typeof vertical == 'string') { // Optional vertical
end = start;
start = colour;
colour = vertical;
vertical = false;
return {vertical: vertical, color: colour, start: start, end: end};

/* Create a marker definition.
@param  shape       (string) the marker shape
@param  colour      (string) the marker's colour
@param  series      (number) the series to which the marker applies
@param  item        (number or string or number[2 or 3], optional)
the item in the series to which it applies or 'all' or
'everyn' or 'everyn[s:e]' or [start, end, every]
@param  size        (number, optional) the size (pixels) of the marker
@param  priority    (string or number, optional) the rendering priority
@param  text        (string, optional) the display text for a text type marker
@param  positioned  (boolean, optional) true to absolutely position the marker
@return  (object) the marker definition */
marker: function(shape, colour, series, item, size, priority, text, positioned) {
if (typeof size == 'string') { // Optional size/priority
positioned = priority;
text = size;
priority = null;
size = null;
return {shape: shape, color: colour, series: series,
item: (item || item == 0 ? item : -1), size: size || 10,
priority: (priority != null ? priority : 0), text: text,
positioned: positioned};

/* Create a number format for a marker.
@param  type        (string) 'f' for floating point, 'p' for percentage,
'e' for scientific notation, 'c<CUR>' for currency (as specified by CUR)
@param  prefix      (string, optional) text appearing before the number
@param  suffix      (string, optional - can only be present if prefix is present)
text appearing after the number
@param  precision   (number, optional) the number of decimal places
@param  showX       (boolean, optional) true to show the x-value, false for the y-value
@param  zeroes      (boolean, optional - can only be present if showX is present)
true to display trailing zeroes
@param  separators  (boolean, optional - can only be present if showX and zeroes are present)
true to display group separators
@return  (string) the format definition */
numberFormat: function(type, prefix, suffix, precision, showX, zeroes, separators) {
if (typeof prefix == 'number') {
separators = showX;
zeroes = precision;
showX = suffix;
precision = prefix;
suffix = '';
prefix = '';
if (typeof prefix == 'boolean') {
separators = precision;
zeroes = suffix;
showX = prefix;
precision = 0;
suffix = '';
prefix = '';
if (typeof suffix == 'number') {
separators = zeroes;
zeroes = showX;
showX = precision;
precision = suffix;
suffix = '';
if (typeof suffix == 'boolean') {
separators = showX;
zeroes = precision;
showX = suffix;
precision = 0;
suffix = '';
if (typeof precision == 'boolean') {
separators = zeroes;
zeroes = showX;
showX = precision;
precision = 0;
return (prefix || '') + '*' + type + (precision || '') + (zeroes ? 'z' : '') +
(separators ? 's' : '') + (showX ? 'x' : '') + '*' + (suffix || '');

/* Create an axis definition.
@param  axis           (string) the axis position: top, bottom, left, right
@param  labels         (string[]) the labels for this axis
@param  positions      (number[], optional) the positions of the labels
@param  rangeStart     (number, optional with next two) start of range
@param  rangeEnd       (number, optional with above) end of range
@param  rangeInterval  (number, optional with above) interval between values in the range
@param  colour         (string, optional) the axis colour
@param  alignment      (string, optional) the labels' alignment
@param  size           (number, optional) the labels' size
@return  (object) the axis definition */
axis: function(axis, labels, positions, rangeStart,
rangeEnd, rangeInterval, colour, alignment, size) {
return new GChartAxis(axis, labels, positions, rangeStart,
rangeEnd, rangeInterval, colour, alignment, size);

/* Attach the Google chart functionality to a div.
@param  target   (element) the containing division
@param  options  (object) the settings for this Google chart instance (optional) */
_attachGChart: function(target, options) {
target = $(target);
if (target.is('.' + this.markerClassName)) {
options = options || {};
var width = options.width || parseInt(target.css('width'), 10);
var height = options.height || parseInt(target.css('height'), 10);
var allOptions = $.extend({}, this._defaults, options,
{width: width, height: height});
$.data(target[0], PROP_NAME, allOptions);
this._updateChart(target[0], allOptions);

/* Reconfigure the settings for a Google charting div.
@param  target   (element) the containing division
@param  options  (object) the new settings for this Google chart instance */
_changeGChart: function(target, options) {
var curOptions = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
extendRemove(curOptions || {}, options || {});
$.data(target, PROP_NAME, curOptions);
this._updateChart(target, curOptions);

/* Remove the Google charting functionality from a div.
@param  target  (element) the containing division */
_destroyGChart: function(target) {
target = $(target);
if (!target.is('.' + this.markerClassName)) {
$.removeData(target[0], PROP_NAME);

/* Generate the Google charting request with the new settings.
@param  options  (object) the new settings for this Google chart instance
@return  (string) the Google chart URL */
_generateChart: function(options) {
var type = CHART_TYPES[options.type] || 'p3';
var encoding = this['_' + options.encoding + 'Encoding'] ||
var labels = '';
for (var i = 0; i < options.dataLabels.length; i++) {
labels += '|' + encodeURIComponent(options.dataLabels[i] || '');
labels = (labels.length == options.dataLabels.length ? '' : labels);
var legends = '';
var colours = '';
var hasColour = false;
var lines = '';
for (var i = 0; i < options.series.length; i++) {
legends += '|' + encodeURIComponent(options.series[i].label || '');
var clrs = '';
if (type != 'lxy' || i % 2 == 0) {
var sep = ',';
$.each((isArray(options.series[i].color) ? options.series[i].color :
[options.series[i].color]), function(i, v) {
var colour = $.gchart.color(v || '');
if (colour) {
hasColour = true;
clrs += sep + (colour || '000000');
sep = '|';
colours += (hasColour ? clrs : '');
if (type.substr(0, 1) == 'l' && options.series[i].lineThickness &&
isArray(options.series[i].lineSegments)) {
lines += '|' + options.series[i].lineThickness + ',' +
var include = function(name, value) {
return (value ? name + value : '');
var addSize = function() {
options.width = Math.max(10, Math.min(options.width, 1000));
options.height = Math.max(10, Math.min(options.height, 1000));
if (type != 't' && options.width * options.height > 300000) {
options.height = Math.floor(300000 / options.width);
return (type != 't' ? '&chs=' + options.width + 'x' + options.height :
'&chs=' + Math.min(440, options.width) + 'x' + Math.min(220, options.height));
var addMargins = function() {
var margins = options.margins;
margins = (margins == null ? null :
(typeof margins == 'number' ? [margins, margins, margins, margins] :
(!isArray(margins) ? null :
(margins.length == 4 ? margins :
(margins.length == 2 ? [margins[0], margins[0], margins[1], margins[1]] : null)))));
return (!margins ? '' : '&chma=' + margins.join(',') +
(!options.legendSize || options.legendSize.length != 2 ? '' :
'|' + options.legendSize.join(',')));
var qrOptions = function() {
return include('&choe=', options.encoding) +
(options.qrECLevel || options.qrMargin ?
'&chld=' + (options.qrECLevel ? options.qrECLevel.charAt(0) : 'l') +
(options.qrMargin != null ? '|' + options.qrMargin : '') : '') +
(labels ? '&chl=' + labels.substr(1) : '');
var mapOptions = function() {
return '&chtm=' + (options.mapArea || 'world') +
'&chd=' + encoding.apply($.gchart, [options]) +
(options.mapRegions && options.mapRegions.length ?
'&chld=' + options.mapRegions.join('') : '') +
'&chco=' + $.gchart.color(options.mapDefaultColor) + ',' +
$.gchart.color(options.mapColors[0] || 'aaffaa') + ',' +
$.gchart.color(options.mapColors[1] || 'green');
var pieOptions = function() {
return (options.pieOrientation ?
'&chp=' + (options.pieOrientation / 180 * Math.PI) : '') +
var standardOptions = function() {
return '&chd=' + encoding.apply($.gchart, [options]) +
(labels ? '&chl=' + labels.substr(1) : '');
var addBarSizings = function() {
return (type.substr(0, 1) != 'b' ? '' : (options.barWidth == null ? '' :
'&chbh=' + options.barWidth +
(options.barSpacing == null ? '' : ',' + (options.barWidth == $.gchart.barWidthRelative ?
Math.min(Math.max(options.barSpacing, 0.0), 1.0) : options.barSpacing) +
(options.barGroupSpacing == null ? '' : ',' + (options.barWidth == $.gchart.barWidthRelative ?
Math.min(Math.max(options.barGroupSpacing, 0.0), 1.0) : options.barGroupSpacing)))) +
(options.barZeroPoint == null ? '' : '&chp=' + options.barZeroPoint));
var addLineStyles = function() {
return (type.charAt(0) == 'l' && lines ? '&chls=' + lines.substr(1) : '');
var addColours = function() {
return (colours.length > options.series.length ? '&chco=' + colours.substr(1) : '');
var addTitle = function() {
return include('&chtt=', encodeURIComponent(options.title)) +
(options.titleColor || options.titleSize ?
'&chts=' + ($.gchart.color(options.titleColor) || '000000') + ',' +
(options.titleSize || 20) : '');
var addBackground = function(area, background) {
if (background == null) {
return '';
if (typeof background == 'string') {
return area + ',s,' + $.gchart.color(background);
var bg = area + ',l' + (background.striped ? 's' : 'g') + ',' +
(GRADIENTS[background.angle] != null ?
GRADIENTS[background.angle] : background.angle);
for (var i = 0; i < background.colorPoints.length; i++) {
bg += ',' + $.gchart.color(background.colorPoints[i][0]) +
',' + background.colorPoints[i][1];
return bg;
var addBackgrounds = function() {
var backgrounds = addBackground('|bg', options.backgroundColor) +
addBackground('|c', options.chartColor);
return (backgrounds ? '&chf=' + backgrounds.substr(1) : '');
var addGrids = function() {
return (options.gridSize.length == 0 ? '' :
'&chg=' + options.gridSize[0] + ',' + options.gridSize[1] +
(options.gridLine.length == 0 ? '' :
',' + options.gridLine[0] + ',' + options.gridLine[1] +
(options.gridOffsets.length == 0 ? '' :
',' + options.gridOffsets[0] + ',' + options.gridOffsets[1])));
var addLegends = function() {
return (!options.legend || legends.length <= options.series.length ? '' :
'&chdl=' + legends.substr(1) + include('&chdlp=',
options.legend.charAt(0) + (options.legend.indexOf('V') > -1 ? 'v' : '')));
var addExtensions = function() {
var params = '';
for (var name in options.extension) {
params += '&' + name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(options.extension[name]);
return params;
return 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=' + type +
addSize() + addMargins() +
(type == 'qr' ? qrOptions() : (type == 't' ? mapOptions() :
(type.charAt(0) == 'p' ? pieOptions() : standardOptions()))) +
addBarSizings() + addLineStyles() + addColours() + addTitle() +
this._addAxes(options) + addBackgrounds() + addGrids() +
this._addMarkers(options) + addLegends() + addExtensions();

/* Generate axes parameters.
@param  options  (object) the current instance settings
@return  (string) the axes parameters */
_addAxes: function(options) {
var axes = '';
var axesLabels = '';
var axesPositions = '';
var axesRanges = '';
var axesStyles = '';
var axesTicks = '';
for (var i = 0; i < options.axes.length; i++) {
var axisDef = (typeof options.axes[i] == 'string' ?
new GChartAxis(options.axes[i]) : options.axes[i]);
var axis = axisDef.axis().charAt(0);
axes += ',' + (axis == 'b' ? 'x' : (axis == 'l' ? 'y' : axis));
if (axisDef.labels()) {
var labels = '';
for (var j = 0; j < axisDef.labels().length; j++) {
labels += '|' + encodeURIComponent(axisDef.labels()[j] || '');
axesLabels += (labels ? '|' + i + ':' + labels : '');
if (axisDef.positions()) {
var positions = '';
for (var j = 0; j < axisDef.positions().length; j++) {
positions += ',' + axisDef.positions()[j];
axesPositions += (positions ? '|' + i + positions : '');
if (axisDef.range()) {
var range = axisDef.range();
axesRanges += '|' + i + ',' + range[0] + ',' + range[1] +
(range[2] ? ',' + range[2] : '');
if (axisDef.style() || axisDef.drawing() || axisDef.ticks()) {
var style = axisDef.style() || {};
var ticks = axisDef.ticks() || {};
axesStyles += '|' + i + ',' +
$.gchart.color(style.color || 'gray') + ',' +
(style.size || 10) + ',' +
(ALIGNMENTS[style.alignment] || style.alignment || 0) +
(!axisDef.drawing() && !ticks.color ? '' : ',' +
(DRAWING[axisDef.drawing()] || axisDef.drawing() || 'lt') +
(ticks.color ? ',' + $.gchart.color(ticks.color) : ''));
if (axisDef.ticks() && axisDef.ticks().length) {
axesTicks += '|' + i + ',' + axisDef.ticks().length;
return (!axes ? '' : '&chxt=' + axes.substr(1) +
(!axesLabels ? '' : '&chxl=' + axesLabels.substr(1)) +
(!axesPositions ? '' : '&chxp=' + axesPositions.substr(1)) +
(!axesRanges ? '' : '&chxr=' + axesRanges.substr(1)) +
(!axesStyles ? '' : '&chxs=' + axesStyles.substr(1)) +
(!axesTicks ? '' : '&chxtc=' + axesTicks.substr(1)));

/* Generate markers parameters.
@param  options  (object) the current instance settings
@return  (string) the markers parameters */
_addMarkers: function(options) {
var markers = '';
var decodeItem = function(item, positioned) {
if (item == 'all') {
return -1;
if (typeof item == 'string') {
var matches = /^every(\d+)(?:\[(\d+):(\d+)\])?$/.exec(item);
if (matches) {
var every = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
return (matches[2] && matches[3] ?
(positioned ? Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1.0, matches[2])) : matches[2]) + ':' +
(positioned ? Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1.0, matches[3])) : matches[3]) + ':' +
every : -every);
if (isArray(item)) {
$.map(item, function(v, i) {
return (positioned ? Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1.0, v)) : v);
return item.join(':');
return item;
for (var i = 0; i < options.markers.length; i++) {
var marker = options.markers[i];
var shape = SHAPES[marker.shape] || marker.shape;
markers += '|' + (marker.positioned ? '@' : '') + shape +
('fNt'.indexOf(shape) > -1 ? marker.text || '' : '') + ',' +
$.gchart.color(marker.color) + ',' +
marker.series + ',' + decodeItem(marker.item, marker.positioned) +
',' + marker.size + ',' + (PRIORITIES[marker.priority] != null ?
PRIORITIES[marker.priority] : marker.priority);
for (var i = 0; i < options.ranges.length; i++) {
markers += '|' + (options.ranges[i].vertical ? 'R' : 'r') + ',' +
$.gchart.color(options.ranges[i].color) + ',0,' +
options.ranges[i].start + ',' +
(options.ranges[i].end || options.ranges[i].start + 0.005);
for (var i = 0; i < options.series.length; i++) {
markers += (!options.series[i].fillColor ? '' :
'|b,' + $.gchart.color(options.series[i].fillColor) +
',' + i + ',' + (i + 1) + ',0');
return (markers ? '&chm=' + markers.substr(1) : '');

/* Update the Google charting div with the new settings.
@param  target   (element) the containing division
@param  options  (object) the new settings for this Google chart instance */
_updateChart: function(target, options) {
var img = $(new Image()); // Prepare to load chart image in background
img.load(function() { // Once loaded...
if (options.onLoad) {
options.onLoad.apply(target, []);
options._src = this._generateChart(options);
$(img).attr('src', options._src);

/* Encode all series with text encoding.
@param  options  (object) the settings for this Google chart instance
@return  (string) the encoded series data */
_textEncoding: function(options) {
var minValue = (options.minValue == $.gchart.calculate ?
this._calculateMinValue(options.series) : options.minValue);
var maxValue = (options.maxValue == $.gchart.calculate ?
this._calculateMaxValue(options.series) : options.maxValue);
var data = '';
for (var i = 0; i < options.series.length; i++) {
data += '|' + this._textEncode(options.series[i], minValue, maxValue);
return 't' + (options.visibleSeries || '') + ':' + data.substr(1);

/* Encode values in text format: numeric 0.0 to 100.0, comma separated, -1 for null
@param  series    (object) details about the data values to encode
@param  minValue  (number) the minimum possible data value
@param  maxValue  (number) the maximum possible data value
@return  (string) the encoded data values */
_textEncode: function(series, minValue, maxValue) {
minValue = (series.minValue != null ? series.minValue : minValue);
maxValue = (series.maxValue != null ? series.maxValue : maxValue);
var factor = 100 / (maxValue - minValue);
var data = '';
for (var i = 0; i < series.data.length; i++) {
data += ',' + (series.data[i] == null || isNaN(series.data[i]) ? '-1' :
Math.round(factor * (series.data[i] - minValue) * 100) / 100);
return data.substr(1);

/* Encode all series with scaled text encoding.
@param  options  (object) the settings for this Google chart instance
@return  (string) the encoded series data */
_scaledEncoding: function(options) {
var minValue = (options.minValue == $.gchart.calculate ?
this._calculateMinValue(options.series) : options.minValue);
var maxValue = (options.maxValue == $.gchart.calculate ?
this._calculateMaxValue(options.series) : options.maxValue);
var data = '';
var minMax = '';
for (var i = 0; i < options.series.length; i++) {
data += '|' + this._scaledEncode(options.series[i], minValue);
minMax += ',' + (options.series[i].minValue != null ?
options.series[i].minValue : minValue) +
',' + (options.series[i].maxValue != null ?
options.series[i].maxValue : maxValue);
return 't' + (options.visibleSeries || '') + ':' + data.substr(1) +
'&chds=' + minMax.substr(1);

/* Encode values in text format: numeric min to max, comma separated, min - 1 for null
@param  series    (object) details about the data values to encode
@param  minValue  (number) the minimum possible data value
@return  (string) the encoded data values */
_scaledEncode: function(series, minValue) {
minValue = (series.minValue != null ? series.minValue : minValue);
var data = '';
for (var i = 0; i < series.data.length; i++) {
data += ',' + (series.data[i] == null || isNaN(series.data[i]) ?
(minValue - 1) : series.data[i]);
return data.substr(1);

/* Encode all series with simple encoding.
@param  options  (object) the settings for this Google chart instance
@return  (string) the encoded series data */
_simpleEncoding: function(options) {
var minValue = (options.minValue == $.gchart.calculate ?
this._calculateMinValue(options.series) : options.minValue);
var maxValue = (options.maxValue == $.gchart.calculate ?
this._calculateMaxValue(options.series) : options.maxValue);
var data = '';
for (var i = 0; i < options.series.length; i++) {
data += ',' + this._simpleEncode(options.series[i], minValue, maxValue);
return 's' + (options.visibleSeries || '') + ':' + data.substr(1);

/* Encode values in simple format: single character,
banded-62 as A-Za-z0-9, _ for null.
@param  series    (object) details about the data values to encode
@param  minValue  (number) the minimum possible data value
@param  maxValue  (number) the maximum possible data value
@return  (string) the encoded data values */
_simpleEncode: function(series, minValue, maxValue) {
minValue = (series.minValue != null ? series.minValue : minValue);
maxValue = (series.maxValue != null ? series.maxValue : maxValue);
var factor = 61 / (maxValue - minValue);
var data = '';
for (var i = 0; i < series.data.length; i++) {
data += (series.data[i] == null || isNaN(series.data[i]) ? '_' :
SIMPLE_ENCODING.charAt(Math.round(factor * (series.data[i] - minValue))));
return data;

/* Encode all series with extended encoding.
@param  options  (object) the settings for this Google chart instance
@return  (string) the encoded series data */
_extendedEncoding: function(options) {
var minValue = (options.minValue == $.gchart.calculate ?
this._calculateMinValue(options.series) : options.minValue);
var maxValue = (options.maxValue == $.gchart.calculate ?
this._calculateMaxValue(options.series) : options.maxValue);
var data = '';
for (var i = 0; i < options.series.length; i++) {
data += ',' + this._extendedEncode(options.series[i], minValue, maxValue);
return 'e' + (options.visibleSeries || '') + ':' + data.substr(1);

/* Encode values in extended format: double character,
banded-4096 as A-Za-z0-9-., __ for null.
@param  series    (object) details about the data values to encode
@param  minValue  (number) the minimum possible data value
@param  maxValue  (number) the maximum possible data value
@return  (string) the encoded data values */
_extendedEncode: function(series, minValue, maxValue) {
minValue = (series.minValue != null ? series.minValue : minValue);
maxValue = (series.maxValue != null ? series.maxValue : maxValue);
var factor = 4095 / (maxValue - minValue);
var encode = function(value) {
return EXTENDED_ENCODING.charAt(value / 64) +
EXTENDED_ENCODING.charAt(value % 64);
var data = '';
for (var i = 0; i < series.data.length; i++) {
data += (series.data[i] == null || isNaN(series.data[i]) ? '__' :
encode(Math.round(factor * (series.data[i] - minValue))));
return data;

/* Determine the minimum value amongst the data values.
@param  series  (object[]) the series to examine
@return  (number) the minimum value therein */
_calculateMinValue: function(series) {
var minValue = 99999999;
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
var data = series[i].data;
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
minValue = Math.min(minValue, (data[j] == null ? 99999999 : data[j]));
return minValue;

/* Determine the maximum value amongst the data values.
@param  series  (object[]) the series to examine
@return  (number) the maximum value therein */
_calculateMaxValue: function(series) {
var maxValue = -99999999;
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
var data = series[i].data;
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, (data[j] == null ? -99999999 : data[j]));
return maxValue;

/* The definition of a chart axis.
@param  axis           (string) the axis position: top, bottom, left, right
@param  labels         (string[]) the labels for this axis
@param  positions      (number[], optional) the positions of the labels
@param  rangeStart     (number, optional with next two) start of range
@param  rangeEnd       (number, optional with above) end of range
@param  rangeInterval  (number, optional with above) interval between values in the range
@param  colour         (string, optional) the axis colour
@param  alignment      (string, optional) the labels' alignment
@param  size           (number, optional) the labels' size */
function GChartAxis(axis, labels, positions, rangeStart, rangeEnd, rangeInterval, colour, alignment, size) {
if (typeof labels == 'number') { // Range instead of labels/positions
size = colour;
alignment = rangeInterval;
colour = rangeEnd;
rangeInterval = rangeStart;
rangeEnd = positions;
rangeStart = labels;
positions = null;
labels = null;
else if (!isArray(positions)) { // Optional positions
size = alignment;
alignment = colour;
colour = rangeInterval;
rangeInterval = rangeEnd;
rangeEnd = rangeStart;
rangeStart = positions;
positions = null;
if (typeof rangeStart == 'string') { // Optional rangeStart/rangeEnd/rangeInterval
size = rangeInterval;
alignment = rangeEnd;
colour = rangeStart;
rangeInterval = null;
rangeEnd = null;
rangeStart = null;
if (typeof rangeInterval == 'string') { // Optional rangeInterval
size = alignment;
alignment = colour;
colour = rangeInterval;
rangeInterval = null;
if (typeof alignment == 'number') { // Optional alignment
size = alignment;
alignment = null;
this._axis = axis;
this._labels = labels;
this._positions = positions;
this._range = (rangeStart != null ? [rangeStart, rangeEnd, rangeInterval] : null);
this._color = colour;
this._alignment = alignment;
this._size = size;
this._drawing = null;
this._tickColor = null;
this._tickLength = null;

$.extend(GChartAxis.prototype, {

/* Get/set the axis position.
@param  axis  (string) the axis position: top, bottom, left, right
@return  (GChartAxis) the axis object or
(string) the axis position (if no parameters specified) */
axis: function(axis) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
return this._axis;
this._axis = axis;
return this;

/* Get/set the axis labels.
@param  labels  (string[]) the labels for this axis
@return  (GChartAxis) the axis object or
(string[]) the axis labels (if no parameters specified) */
labels: function(labels) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
return this._labels;
this._labels = labels;
return this;

/* Get/set the axis label positions.
@param  positions  (number[]) the positions of the labels
@return  (GChartAxis) the axis object or
(number[]) the axis label positions (if no parameters specified) */
positions: function(positions) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
return this._positions;
this._positions = positions;
return this;

/* Get/set the axis range.
@param  rangeStart     (number) start of range
@param  rangeEnd       (number) end of range
@param  rangeInterval  (number, optional) interval between values in the range
@return  (GChartAxis) the axis object or
(number[3]) the axis range start, end, and interval (if no parameters specified) */
range: function(start, end, interval) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
return this._range;
this._range = [start, end, interval];
return this;

/* Get/set the axis style.
@param  colour     (string) the axis colour
@param  alignment  (string, optional) the labels' alignment
@param  size       (number, optional) the labels' size
@return  (GChartAxis) the axis object or
(object) the axis style with attributes color, alignment, and size
(if no parameters specified) */
style: function(colour, alignment, size) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
return (!this._color && !this._alignment && !this._size ? null :
{color: this._color, alignment: this._alignment, size: this._size});
this._color = colour;
this._alignment = alignment;
this._size = size;
return this;

/* Get/set the axis drawing control.
@param  drawing  (string) the drawing control: line, ticks, both
@return  (GChartAxis) the axis object or
(string) the axis drawing control (if no parameters specified) */
drawing: function(drawing) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
return this._drawing;
this._drawing = drawing;
return this;

/* Get/set the axis tick style.
@param  colour  (string) the colour of the tick marks
@param  length  (number, optional) the length of the tick marks,
negative values draw inside the chart
@return  (GChartAxis) the axis object or
(object) the axis tick style with attributes color and length
(if no parameters specified) */
ticks: function(colour, length) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
return (!this._tickColor && !this._tickLength ? null :
{color: this._tickColor, length: this._tickLength});
this._tickColor = colour;
this._tickLength = length;
return this;

/* jQuery extend now ignores nulls!
@param  target  (object) the object to extend
@param  props   (object) the new attributes to add
@return  (object) the updated object */
function extendRemove(target, props) {
$.extend(target, props);
for (var name in props) {
if (props[name] == null) {
target[name] = null;
return target;

/* Determine whether an object is an array.
@param  a  (object) the object to be tested
@return  (boolean) true if this is an array, false if not */
function isArray(a) {
return (a && a.constructor == Array);

/* Attach the Google chart functionality to a jQuery selection.
@param  command  (string) the command to run (optional, default 'attach')
@param  options  (object) the new settings to use for these Google chart instances
@return  (jQuery object) for chaining further calls */
$.fn.gchart = function(options) {
var otherArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
if (options == 'current') {
return $.gchart['_' + options + 'GChart'].
apply($.gchart, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs));
return this.each(function() {
if (typeof options == 'string') {
$.gchart['_' + options + 'GChart'].
apply($.gchart, [this].concat(otherArgs));
else {
$.gchart._attachGChart(this, options);

/* Initialise the Google chart functionality. */
$.gchart = new GChart(); // singleton instance

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