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关于webbrowser 跨域等问题

2012-11-05 17:28 357 查看

An actual example

Our web application is a set of HTML and JavaScript files installed locally on a client machine and then transactions access our web servers.  In normal circumstances, the domain security will prevent script access from a document in the internet domain
to a document on the local machine.  Our application needs to have all such security restrictions removed and the following example is what worked for us.  Essentially it associates all requests with one “scheme”, which in our case is “file:” since our web
pages are locally installed.  “scheme” appears to be case sensitive at the time of this writing.

The number one issue that I’ve found with examples on the net is the lack of assigning the string length, which is the *pcbSecurityId parameter.  I was not able to get our example to work without doing so. Just speculation, but it appears that IE expects to
find the 4 bytes at the offset of *pcbSecurityId by walking backwards.


Note:  If you changed the scheme to be “http”, you would likely have to change the zone to the internet zone (URLZONE_INTERNET).


STDMETHODIMP MyIInternetSecurityManager::GetSecurityId(LPCWSTR pwszUrl, BYTE *pbSecurityId, DWORD *pcbSecurityId, DWORD_PTR dwReserved)


    #define MY_SECURITY_DOMAIN "file:" 

    int cbSecurityDomain = strlen(MY_SECURITY_DOMAIN);

    if (*pcbSecurityId >= MAX_SIZE_SECURITY_ID)


        memset(pbSecurityId, 0, *pcbSecurityId);

        strcpy((char*)pbSecurityId, MY_SECURITY_DOMAIN);

        // Last 4 bytes are <URLZONE> and then 3 zeros.

        pbSecurityId[ cbSecurityDomain + 1 ] = URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE;

        pbSecurityId[ cbSecurityDomain + 2 ] = 0;

        pbSecurityId[ cbSecurityDomain + 3 ] = 0;

        pbSecurityId[ cbSecurityDomain + 4 ] = 0;

        *pcbSecurityId = (DWORD) cbSecurityDomain + 4; // plus the 4 bytes from above.


    return S_OK;



           在我们用webbrowser控件访问服务器端返回的html 页面的时候,如果遇到框架内嵌的元素等访问。需要internet control和html object libray的支持。否则直接进行 mshtml访问的话,会提示拒绝等异常错误。 

       c#代码:     HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument)webBrowser1.Document.DomDocument;

                           object j;

                            for (int i = 0; i < doc.parentWindow.frames.length; i++)


                                 j = i;

                                 HTMLWindow2Class frame = doc.parentWindow.frames.item(ref j) as HTMLWindow2Class;

                                 if (frame.name == "frame1")






                    Private Function getFrames(ByVal WB As WebBrowser) As Object

                    Dim pContainer As olelib.IOleContainer

                    Dim pEnumerator As olelib.IEnumUnknown

                    Dim pUnk As olelib.IUnknown

                    Dim pBrowser As SHDocVwCtl.WebBrowser_V1


                    Set pContainer = WB.Object.Document

                    If pContainer.EnumObjects(OLECONTF_EMBEDDINGS, pEnumerator) = 0 Then

                    Set pContainer = Nothing

                    Do While pEnumerator.Next(1, pUnk) = 0

                    Set pBrowser = pUnk

                    If Err.Number = 0 Then

                    'Print "Frame: " & pBrowser.LocationURL

                    If pBrowser.LocationURL = "http://www.baidu.com/" Then '可以在这里加条件判断得到指定的frame,基本可以根据url或者innerHTML中的某个关键字符

                   Set getFrames = pBrowser

                   Exit Function

            End If

          End If


       Set pEnumerator = Nothing

    End If

End Function

     以上基本可以访问跨域代码,当然前提是绕过ie的安全限制访问级别。另外以上代码需要Edanmo 的OLE interfaces &functions v1.81组件,VB本身有自带的,不过如果没有也可以下载一个或者CALL我。



    webBrowser1.Document.Window.Frames["baidu_editor_0"].Document.Body.InnerHtml = "abagerfweqfqwfwqfwqe";



An actual example

Our web application is a set of HTML and JavaScript files installed locally on a client machine and then transactions access our web servers.  In normal circumstances, the domain security will prevent script access from a document in the internet domain
to a document on the local machine.  Our application needs to have all such security restrictions removed and the following example is what worked for us.  Essentially it associates all requests with one “scheme”, which in our case is “file:” since our web
pages are locally installed.  “scheme” appears to be case sensitive at the time of this writing.

The number one issue that I’ve found with examples on the net is the lack of assigning the string length, which is the *pcbSecurityId parameter.  I was not able to get our example to work without doing so. Just speculation, but it appears that IE expects to
find the 4 bytes at the offset of *pcbSecurityId by walking backwards.


Note:  If you changed the scheme to be “http”, you would likely have to change the zone to the internet zone (URLZONE_INTERNET).


STDMETHODIMP MyIInternetSecurityManager::GetSecurityId(LPCWSTR pwszUrl, BYTE *pbSecurityId, DWORD *pcbSecurityId, DWORD_PTR dwReserved)


    #define MY_SECURITY_DOMAIN "file:" 

    int cbSecurityDomain = strlen(MY_SECURITY_DOMAIN);

    if (*pcbSecurityId >= MAX_SIZE_SECURITY_ID)


        memset(pbSecurityId, 0, *pcbSecurityId);

        strcpy((char*)pbSecurityId, MY_SECURITY_DOMAIN);

        // Last 4 bytes are <URLZONE> and then 3 zeros.

        pbSecurityId[ cbSecurityDomain + 1 ] = URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE;

        pbSecurityId[ cbSecurityDomain + 2 ] = 0;

        pbSecurityId[ cbSecurityDomain + 3 ] = 0;

        pbSecurityId[ cbSecurityDomain + 4 ] = 0;

        *pcbSecurityId = (DWORD) cbSecurityDomain + 4; // plus the 4 bytes from above.


    return S_OK;

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