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vip-order and adb shell

2012-11-01 12:50 232 查看
adb logcat -v threadtime > g:/work/loglist/log.txt

adb pull data/anr/

adb shell getprop | grep gsm

adb shell dumpsys media.audio_flinger > d:/dumpsys.txt


adb shell cat proc/kmsg

adb shell logcat -v time | tee logcat.txt

adb shell cat proc/audio

adb shell cat /proc/meminfo

adb shell ls

adb shell service list

adb shell dumpsys media.audio_flinger

adb shell dumpsys media.player

adb shell dumpsys > /home/syh/dumpsys.txt

adb shell dumpstate > /home/syh/dumpstate.txt

adb shell ps

adb shell dmesg 会打印出内核的调试信息

adb devices 取得当前运行的模拟器/设备的实例的列表及每个实例的状态


adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo

adb shell cat /proc/meminfo

adb shell cat /proc/vmallocinfo

adb shell cat /proc/audio

adb shell top -m 5


adb shell setprop streamout_ori.pcm.dump 1 //streamout_ori.pcm.dump 写到驱动的数据

adb shell setprop streamout_ori.pcm.dump 0

adb pull /mnt/sdcard/StreamOut_Ori_Dump.pcm /home/syh/work/work2c/


adb shell setprop streamin.pcm.dump 1 //StreamIn_Dump.pcm

adb shell setprop streamin.pcm.dump 0

adb pull /mnt/sdcard/StreamIn_Dump.pcm /home/syh/work/work2/


placecall: |onnewring|ondisconnect: cause|bbkcallrecorder|acceptcall|internalanswercall


gg; shift v; shift g; =; format code

:wq 保存

:set number 显示行号

cc 进入编辑 或 i

u 撤消上一步操作

dw 删除单词

dd 删除行



:w 保存当前编辑的行 相当CTRL+S

:wq 保存并退出文件,不再编辑

:255 跳到第255行


SW Version: cat mediatek/config/common/ProjectConfig.mk

Modem Version: cat mediatek/custom/common/modem/project_name/modem.info


mv jb_rel-A8064AAAAANLYA161030 jb_rel-A8064AAAAANLYA161030-2085

source insight open an file : project window ---> pitch on the file ----> right-hand button ---->search files --->




出问题时,请抓取modem状态信息(命令: adb shell cat /sys/class/BOOT/BOOT/boot/md > modem_err.txt)把modem_err.txt附在对应bug附件中


出问题时,请抓取audio寄存器信息(命令: adb shell cat /proc/audio > register_err.txt)并把register_err.txt附在对应bug附件中

然后将正常通话时的寄存器也导出一份(命令: adb shell cat /proc/audio > register_ok.txt)并把register_ok.txt附在对应bug附件中


1.进入工程模式->Hardware Testing->Audio->Audio Logger->勾选Audio Stream Input Dump (其余项不要勾选)

2.进行Sound Record录音,复现问题,记录复现问题的时间点和出现问题时对应的PCM数据。(每次录音都会生成对应的PCM数据)

3.再取消勾选Audio Stream Input Dump


(4)进入工程模式->Log and Debugging->MTKLogger->开启ModemLog MobileLog NetworkLog




adb vivoroot

adb remount

adb push libaudio.a2dp.default.so system/lib/

adb push libaudio.primary.default.so system/lib/

adb push hw/audio_policy.default.so system/lib/hw/

adb reboot

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