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while (rs.next()) { String id = rs.getString("country_id"); // Column 1

2012-11-01 11:09 113 查看
import java.sql.*;                                                                                                                  
import org.sqlite.JDBC;                                                                                                             
public class SQLiteTest {                                                                                                           
public static void main(String[] args) {                                                                                            
try {                                                                                                                               
// The SQLite (3.3.8) Database File                                                                                                 
// This database has one table (pmp_countries) with 3 columns (country_id, country_code, country_name)                              
// It has like 237 records of all the countries I could think of.                                                                   
 String fileName = "c:/pmp.db";                                                                                                     
 // Driver to Use                                                                                                                   
 // http://www.zentus.com/sqlitejdbc/index.html                                                                                     
 // Create Connection Object to SQLite Database                                                                                     
 // If you want to only create a database in memory, exclude the +fileName                                                          
 Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:"+fileName);                                                            
 // Create a Statement object for the database connection, dunno what this stuff does though.                                       
 Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();                                                                                           
 // Create a result set object for the statement                                                                                    
 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM pmp_countries ORDER BY country_name ASC");                                         
 // Iterate the result set, printing each column                                                                                    
 // if the column was an int, we could do rs.getInt(column name here) as well, etc.                                                 
 while (rs.next()) {                                                                                                                
 String id = rs.getString("country_id"); // Column 1                                                                                
 String code = rs.getString("country_code"); // Column 2                                                                            
 String name = rs.getString("country_name"); // Column 3                                                                            
 System.out.println("ID: "+id+" Code: "+code+" Name: "+name);                                                                       
 // Close the connection                                                                                                            
 catch (Exception e) {                                                                                                              
 // Print some generic debug info                                                                                                   
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