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c++ stl library 学习(6)

2012-10-30 11:27 281 查看
Sequence Containers:


vector<int> coll;//初始化时为空,没有元素。



By using the subscript operator [], you can access a single element of a vector:

coll[i ]

random access available

Deques:It is a dynamic array that is implemented so that it can grow in both directions. Thus, inserting elements

at the end and at the beginning is fast. However, inserting elements in the middle takes time because elements must be moved.

deque<float> coll;



random access available

[ ]is available;

list:a doubly linked list of elements//双向链表构成

random access unavailable,so access is slower than vector and deque

insert or remove is faster than vector and deque。

coll.front() //return the first element

coll.pop_front()// erase the first element


不能使用[ ]来获取元素

strings:objects of the C++ string classes,Strings are similar to vectors except that their elements are characters.

(basic_string<>, string, and wstring)

Ordinary Arrays:is not a STL's container,but STL's design allows you to call algorithms for these ordinary arrays. This is especially useful

when you process static arrays of values as an initializer list.

Associative Containers: Associative containers are typically implemented as binary trees.任何节点的左子树元素都小于右子树元素。


By default, the containers compare the elements or the keys with operator



A set is a collection in which elements are sorted according to their own values. Each

element may occur only once, thus duplicates are not allowed.

• Multisets

A multiset is the same as a set except that duplicates are allowed. Thus, a multiset

may contain multiple elements that have the same value.

• Maps//可以使用[ key]操作符构成关联数组。它的key可以使任何类型,

A map contains elements that are key/value pairs. Each element has a key that is the

basis for the sorting criterion and a value. Each key may occur only once, thus duplicate

keys are not allowed. A map can also be used as an associative array, which is an array

that has an arbitrary index type (see page 91 for details).

• Multimaps 不可以使用[ ],因为它的key可以重复存在,你将不知道将其赋值给谁

A multimap is the same as a map except that duplicates are allowed. Thus, a multimap

may contain multiple elements that have the same key. A multimap can also be used as

dictionary. See page 209 for an example


You can consider a set as a special kind of map, in which the value is identical to the key.//set实际是一种特殊的map,它的键值就是它的value。


Container Adapters:Container adapters are historically part of the STL. However, from a programmer's view point,

they are just special containers that use the general framework of the containers, iterators, and

algorithms provided by the STL. Therefore, container adapters are described apart from the STL

• Stacks

The name says it all. A stack is a container that manages its elements by the LIFO (lastin-

first-out) policy.

• Queues

A queue is a container that manages its elements by the FIFO (first-in-first-out) policy.

That is, it is an ordinary buffer.

• Priority Queues

A priority queue is a container in which the elements may have different priorities. The

priority is based on a sorting criterion that the programmer may provide (by default,

operator < is used). A priority queue is, in effect, a buffer in which the next element is

always the element that has the highest priority inside the queue. If more than one

element has the highest priority, the order of these elements is undefined

Iterators:迭代器是一个可以遍历所有序列中元素的一个对象,它指出容器中元素的位置。每一个容器都有2个迭代器:container::iterator 、container: : const_iterator。

• Operator *

Returns the element of the actual position. If the elements have members, you can use

operator -> to access those members directly from the iterator. [5]

[5] In some older environments, operator -> might not work yet for iterators.

• Operator ++

Lets the iterator step forward to the next element. Most iterators also allow stepping

backward by using operator --.

• Operators == and !=

Return whether two iterators represent the same position.

• Operator =

Assigns an iterator (the position of the element to which it refers).


• begin()

Returns an iterator that represents the beginning of the elements in the container. The

beginning is the position of the first element (if any).

• end()

Returns an iterator that represents the end of the elements in the container. The end is

the position behind the last element. Such an iterator is also called a past-the-end


For empty ranges, begin() is equal to end()

Note that the preincrement operator (prefix ++) is used here. This is because it might have better

performance than the postincrement operator. The latter involves a temporary object because it

must return the old position of the iterator. For this reason, it generally is best to prefer ++pos

over pos++.// ++pos 比pos++ 快些。

1. Bidirectional iterator

As the name indicates, bidirectional iterators are able to iterate in two directions: forward,

by using the increment operator, and backward, by using the decrement operator. The

iterators of the container classes list, set, multiset, map, and multimap are

bidirectional iterators.

2. Random access iterator

Random access iterators have all the properties of bidirectional iterators. In addition, they

can perform random access. In particular, they provide operators for "iterator arithmetic"

(in accordance with "pointer arithmetic" of an ordinary pointer). You can add and subtract

offsets, process differences, and compare iterators by using relational operators such as

< and >. The iterators of the container classes vector and deque, and iterators of

strings are random access iterators.
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