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"MSTest" tools

2012-10-23 14:23 197 查看
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MSTest.exe is the command-line command that is used to run tests. This command has several options you can use to customize your test run. You can use many of these options in conjunction with one another; in fact, you must use certain options in conjunction
with others, as described in the following sections. You can specify these options in any order on the MSTest.exe command line.

MSTest.ext does not interpret the options nor the values you specify for them in a case-sensitive manner.

The following tables list all the options for MSTest.exe and short descriptions of them. You can see a similar summary by typing MSTest /h at a command line.

General Command Line Options

/testcontainer:[ file name ]
Load a file that contains tests.
Example: /testcontainer:tests.dll
For more information, see /testcontainer.
/testmetadata:[ file name ]
Load a file that contains test metadata. For more information, see /testmetadata.
/testlist:[ test list path ]
Specify the test list, as specified in the metadata file, to be run. For more information, see /testlist.
/test:[ test name ]
Specify the name of a test to be run. For more information, see /test .
/runconfig:[ file name ]
Use the specified run configuration file.
Example: /runconfig:localtestrun.Testrunconfig
For more information, see /runconfig.
/resultsfile:[ file name ]
Save the test run results to the specified file.
Example: /resultsfile:testResults.trx
For more information, see /resultsfile.
Run the test only if one unique match is found for any specified /test. For more information, see /unique.
/detail:[ property id ]
Specify the name of a property that you want to show values for, if any, in addition to the test outcome. For more information, see /detail.
Display the MSTest.exe usage message (short form: /? or /h).
Display no startup banner and copyright message.
Command-Line Options for Publishing Test Results

For more information about these options, see Command-Line Options for Publishing Test Results.

/publish:[ server name ]
Publish results to the operational store of the specified server.
/publishresultsfile:[ file name ]
Specify the results file name to be published. If no results file name is specified, use the file produced by the current run.
/publishbuild:[ build id ]
Publish test results using this build ID.
/teamproject:[ team project name ]
Specify the name of the team project to which the build belongs.
/platform:[ platform ]
Specify the platform of the build against which test results should be published.
/flavor:[ flavor ]
Specify the flavor of the build against which test results should be published.

Using MSTest Options

The following sections describe many of the options for MSTest.exe in more detail. The options used for publishing test results are not included here; for information about those options, seeCommand-Line
Options for Publishing Test Results.


/testcontainer:[ file name ]

The test container is a file that contains the tests you want to run. For example, for ordered tests, the test container is the .orderedtest file that defines the ordered test. For unit tests, it is the assembly built from the test
project that contains the unit test source files.

For unit tests, this is the assembly that contains test code, not the assembly that contains the code of the application you are testing. For example, if your solution contains a project named BankAccount and a corresponding test project named BankAccountTest,
specify /testcontainer:BankAccountTest.dll.
Because a test assembly contains the tests for one test project, the number of test containers for a solution matches the number of test projects in the solution.

Because the test metadata file also lists tests that you can run, you must not specify both the /testcontainer and /testmetadata options in a single command line. Doing this would be ambiguous and would produce an error.


/testmetadata:[ file name ]

You can use the /testmetadata option to run tests in multiple test containers.
The test metadata file is created for your solution when you create test lists using the Test Manager window. This file contains information about all the tests listed in the Test Manager window. These are all the tests that exist
in all test projects in your solution.
You can change the test metadata file only by making changes that are reflected in the Test Manager window, such as creating or deleting tests, or changing a test's properties.

Because the test container contains tests that you can run, you must not specify both the /testcontainer and /testmetadata options in a single command line. Doing this would be ambiguous and would produce an error.
The test metadata file is an XML file that is created in the solution folder. This file is shown in Solution Explorer under the Solution Items node. A test metadata file has the extension .vsmdi, and is associated with the Test Manager window;
that is, if you double-click a .vsmdi file in Windows Explorer, the file opens Visual Studio, and its contents. All the tests in a solution's test projects are displayed in the Test Manager window.

When you use the /testmetadata option, it is recommended that you indicate specific tests to run by using the /test option or the /testlist option, or both.


/testlist:[ test list path ]

The /testlist option is a list of tests, as specified in the test metadata file, to be run. To run the tests contained in multiple test lists, use the /testlist option multiple times.

You can use the /testlist option only if you also use the /testmetadata option.
You can use the /testlist option and the /test option together. This is equivalent to selecting both a test list and one or more individual tests in the Test Manager window and then clickingRun Tests.


/test:[ test name ]

Use the /test option to specify individual tests to run. To run multiple tests, use the /test option multiple times.

You can use the /test option with either the /testcontainer option or with the /testmetadata option, but not with both.
You can use the /testlist option and the /test option together. This is equivalent to selecting both a test list and one or more individual tests in the Test Manager window and then clickingRun Tests.

The string you specify with the /test option is a used to match the names of tests in either a test container or a test metadata file. This means that you can specify multiple tests by using a single value for /test.
For example, specifying /test:ittest would produce matches for tests named DebitTest and CreditTest because both test names contain the substring 'ittest'.

The value you specify with the /test option is tested against not only the name of the test, but also the path to that test, as seen in Solution Explorer, or, with unit tests, to their fully-qualified name.
Two usage examples follow:

Unit-test example: The file UnitTest1.cs in the project TestProject2 contains a unit test named TestMethod1. Specifying a value of 'ittest' for the /test option would also match this test, because the string is tested
against the fully-qualified name "TestProject2.UnitTest1.TestMethod1" and the string 'ittest' also appears in 'UnitTest1'.
Generic-test example: The following command line runs the specified generic test and, in the test results, displays the full path to the test.
mstest /testcontainer:"C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\My Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\TestProject2\TestProject2\generictest1.generic" /test:testproject32\generic


/runconfig:[ file name ]

Use this option to specify a run configuration file. For example: /runconfig:localtestrun.Testrunconfig
You can specify a run configuration file in other ways, such as with the /testmetadata option. The rules that govern the specification of run configuration files are described here.

If you use the /runconfig option, the file it specifies will be used, whether or not you also use the /testmetadata option.

If you use the /testmetadata option to point to a metadata file that specifies the active run configuration file, that run configuration file will be used if you do not use the /runconfigoption.

If you do not use the /runconfig option and you also do not specify a run configuration file in the test metadata file, the test run uses the default run configuration file.


/resultsfile:[ file name ]

Use this option to save the test run results to the named file. For example: /resultsfile:testResults.trx.



Use the /unique option in conjunction with the /test option. The /unique option instructs MSTest.exe to run only a single test whose name matches the value you supply with the /test option.
For example, the test container MyTestProject contains tests named MethodTest1 and MethodTest10.
The command line:
mstest /testcontainer:testproject2.dll /test:MethodTest1
runs both tests, MethodTest1 and MethodTest10, because 'MethodTest1' is a substring of 'MethodTest10'.
But the command line:
mstest /testcontainer:testproject2.dll /test:MethodTest1 /unique
runs only the test MethodTest1.


/detail:[ property id ]

This option is used to display additional test case properties, if they exist. You can pass more than one instance of the /detail option, each with only one property id, in single command line. Valid property id's
for the /detail option follow:


The actual selection of property IDs you can use with the /detail option varies according to test type. Therefore, this list is only an approximation. In particular, if you are using test types other than those that are included in the Team System testing tools,
the selection of properties will be different. To know which propertyIDs you can use, examine the test results file produced by the test run. For more information about test results files, see How
to: Export Test Results.
If a property exists for specified test case, its information is included in the output result summary.

For example, the command line:
mstest /testcontainer:Errors.dll /detail:testtype
produces the following output, that contains test type information:

Results                    Top Level Tests
--------                   -----------------
Inconclusive               TestProject2.BankAccountTest.CreditTest
[testtype] = Unit Test
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