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Developing for App Store--Preparing the Development Team--03

2012-10-15 10:06 211 查看

Preparing the Development Team


Most people think of a development team as a group of programmers, designers, and artists who work together to develop an app. That explanation(解释) is also true when you develop for iOS or OS X, but it isn’t complete. A development team takes on the additional meaning of a group created and managed on the Apple Developer website. Some additional tasks during the development process are performed using this development team you’ve created. If you create a team with yourself as the only member, you take on all of these tasks. If you are part of a larger team, the work and the responsibilities may be divided between the group.

[大多数人认为一个开发者团队是由程序员、设计师、美工等组成的一个小组,这些人在一起工作开发一个应用。当你为IOS平台或者OS X平台开发的时候,上面的这个解释仍然是正确的,但是并不完全正确。 苹果开发者网站对开发者团队的解释是:一个开发者团队的含义不仅仅是一组创建和管理的人。 开发过程中的一些额外工作是由你创建的这个开发者团队来执行的。如果你创建的开发者团队仅仅由你一个人组成,那么你就需要承担所有的工作。 如果你是一个庞大团队的一部分,那么,工作和责任也许会在队员之间进行划分]

Each person on the development team has a unique Apple ID, an account used by the developer programs to authenticate that person. Further, access privileges can be configured separately for each person. This flexibility(灵活性) allows your team to restrict critical tasks, such as publishing the app on the App Store, to a small subset of(一部分) its participants.

开发团队中的每一个成员都有一个唯一的 Apple ID,开发人员计划组 使用这个账户为该成员进行授权。 将来,团队中的每个成员的访问权限都将会被单独的配置。 这样的灵活性允许你的团队严格限制重要的任务,比如:发布应用到应用商店或者其中的一个小部分。

This chapter starts by describing the various roles that members of a team may fill. It then provides guidance about how you may want to go about organizing the team. Finally, it describes work the team must do to allow people of the team to sign apps. Figure 2-1 shows all of the required steps.

本个章节从介绍团队中可能包含的所有角色的介绍开始。 在后面将会对你组织、管理团队的方式提供依据。最后,本章将会描述开发团队必须完成的工作从从而使团队能够为应用进行签名。 图片 2-1 展示了所有必须的步骤。

Figure 2-1 Steps to create a development team/创建一个开发团队的所需步骤

Enrolling in an Apple Developer Program


To start, one person must enroll in either the iOS or OS X developer program; this person becomes the team agent for the team. The team agent may enroll in both programs if your team intends to develop apps for both operating systems. During this step, the team agent signs the legal agreements required to become an Apple developer and prepares the financial paperwork so that the team can be paid for purchases from the App Store.

[最初,一个人必须注册为IOS或者OS X的开发者,这个人就是这个团队的代理人。 如果你的团队打算为这个操作系统平台开发应用程序,那么你团队的代理人也可以在两个计划中注册。 在这个阶段,团队的代理人员必须签署所需的法律协议才能成为一个苹果开发者并准备金融文件,这样,当用户从应用商店购买软件的时候,你的团队才能够从苹果那里得到支付]

The team agent is special; he or she has unrestricted access to the team and is legally responsible for the team. The team agent also performs most of the tasks to organize the team. If desired, after others have joined the team, the team agent can delegate some of this authority to other members of the team, allowing those others to perform these tasks instead.


Important: Because the team agent is the person with legal responsibility for the team, the team may not demote(降级) the team agent using the tools on the website, nor can the team agent’s privileges be restricted. To change the person acting as the team agent, you must contact Apple directly.

[重要声明:因为团队的代理人承担着团队的法律责任,所以,团队也许不会降低团队代理人使用网页中的工具并且团队代理人的权限也不会受到限制。 如果想改变团队的代理人,你必须和苹果工作进行直接的联系]

The team agent might need to sign updated or new licensing agreements, particularly when the team wants to incorporate(包括、合并) specific technologies into an app. For example, an app that uses the iAd service requires your team agent to sign a separate agreement.

[团队的代理人也许需要签署更新的或者新的许可协议,尤其是当团队想在应用中使用特殊的技术。 比如:使用iAd服务的应用要求你的团队签署一个单独的协议。]
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