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英语复习 26-40

2012-10-09 14:38 204 查看
你星期天通常做什么? What do you usually do on Sundays?

梳头 comb [kəʊm] hair 吃早饭 eat breakfast

他六点整听收音机播报的新闻 He listens to the news on radio at exactly six o'clock.

我父亲有很规律的习惯。 My father has very regular habits

杰克很少与朋友在一起.他通常跟他的爱犬乐奇待在家里。Jack seldom gets toether with his friends,he usually stays at home with his pet dog

迪克不想要便宜的鞋子 Dick doesn't want cheap shoes.

因为他的鞋子有破洞,所以没有人给他工作 No one wants to give hime a job,because his shoes have holes in them.

机智 witty 袜子socks [sɔks]

The price is high

我为什么不能有辆新车呢? 妈妈:因为钱不会长在树上嘛(喻挣钱足很辛苦的) Why can't i have a new bike?Because money doesn't grow on trees

可怜的艾米真地很沮丧 Poor Amy is really depressed.

房东 landlord

小气 stingy

值得去学英语 It pays to learn English.

我的父母都不喜欢音乐 neither of my parents likes music

ing 令人 ed 感到

我想要些硬币打投币电话。 I want some coins for the pay phone.

不用找了 keep the change.

我有两块的零钱 I have two dollars in change.

you're welcome , you bet. don't mention it

她想穿正式的衣服 She want to wear something formal

朱迪正在寻找求职面试时要穿的一件好衣服 Judy is looking for something nice to wear for a job interview.

不幸的是,她除了休闲的以外,没别的衣服。 Unfortunatly,she doesn't have anything except casual clothes.

她面试去了 She goes to the interview.

我申请了工作 I apply for a job

这是个正式场合 This is a formal occasion.

使举止规矩 behave oneself

释放我们的感情 let out our emotions

你有什么想法没有 Do you have some idea in mind?let's go to

弗雷德在开宴会,但是他觉得很不好事思,菜很少,饭也不够多 Fred is having a party,but he is very embarrassed,there is very little food.,there

isn't much rice ,either.

只有几罐可乐和一些橙汁。不过,因为啤酒很多, There are a few cans of coke and a little orange juice.but there is plenty of beer

我需要借点钱。 苏 :怎么回事? 艾尔:这个月我有许多帐单要付。 I need to borrow some money.what's the matter?I have a lot of bills to pay

this month.

能借给我10块吗? can you lend me ten Dollars?

我带她到一家舒适 的餐厅吃晚饭 I took her to a cozy restaurant .

附近的咖啡厅a nearby cafe

在我们分手前 just before we parted.

我打了好几次电话给你。没人接电话。 I call you many times,Nobody answered the phone.

妈可能又忘了付电话费了。Mom probably forgot to pay the phone bill again.

我娶车站 送彼得 i went to the station to see peter off.

她可怜的父亲今早去世了 Her poor father past away this morning.

铃响了 The bell is ringing
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