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2012-10-05 20:32 363 查看
The SGA_MAX_SIZE Initialization Parameter

The SGA comprises a number of memory components, which are pools of memory

used to satisfy a particular class of memory allocation requests. Examples of memory

components include the shared pool (used to allocate memory for SQL and PL/SQL

execution), the java pool (used for java objects and other java execution memory), and

the buffer cache (used for caching disk blocks). All SGA components allocate and

deallocate space in units of granules. Oracle Database tracks SGA memory use in

internal numbers of granules for each SGA component.


存组件包含SHARED POOL(用于分配SQL和PL/SQL执行内存)J***A POOL(用于J***A对象

和其它J***A执行的内存)和BUFFER CACHE(用于缓存磁盘块)。所有SGA组件分配和回收空间


Granule size is determined by total SGA size. On most platforms, the size of a granule

is 4 MB if the total SGA size is less than 1 GB, and granule size is 16MB for larger

SGAs. Some platform dependencies arise. For example, on 32-bit Windows, the

granule size is 8 M for SGAs larger than 1 GB.




Oracle Database can set limits on how much virtual memory the database uses for the

SGA. It can start instances with minimal memory and allow the instance to use more

memory by expanding the memory allocated for SGA components, up to a maximum

determined by the SGA_MAX_SIZE initialization parameter. If the value for SGA_MAX_

SIZE in the initialization parameter file or server parameter file (SPFILE) is less than

the sum the memory allocated for all components, either explicitly in the parameter

file or by default, at the time the instance is initialized, then the database ignores the

setting for SGA_MAX_SIZE.





For optimal performance in most systems, the entire SGA should fit in real memory. If

it does not, and if virtual memory is used to store parts of it, then overall database

system performance can decrease dramatically. The reason for this is that portions of

the SGA are paged (written to and read from disk) by the operating system. The

amount of memory dedicated to all shared areas in the SGA also has performance





The size of the SGA is determined by several initialization parameters. The following

parameters have the greatest effect on SGA size:


DB_CACHE_SIZE The size of the cache of standard blocks.

LOG_BUFFER The number of bytes allocated for the redo log buffer.

SHARED_POOL_SIZE The size in bytes of the area devoted to shared SQL and PL/SQL statements.

LARGE_POOL_SIZE The size of the large pool; the default is 0.

J***A_POOL_SIZE The size of the Java pool
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