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burst limit /burst Threshold/burst Time 之间的关系

2012-09-18 17:14 393 查看

burst limit /burst Threshold/burst Time[/title2]


HTB (Hierarchical Token Bucket) is a classful queuing discipline that is useful for

applying different handling for different kinds of traffic. Generally, we can set only

one queue for an inte***ce, but in RouterOS queues are attached to the main

Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) and thus have some properties derived from that

parent queue. For example, we can set a maximum data rate for a workgroup and

then distribute that amount of traffic between the members of that workgroup.




Each class in the hierarchy can prioritize and shape traffic. There are 2 main

parameters in RouterOS :

* limit-at - data rate that is guaranteed to a class (CIR)

* max-limit - maximal data rate that is allowed for a class to reach (MIR)


limit-at : 稳定速率

max-limit : 最大速率

* CIR(Committed Information Rate) - the guaranteed data rate. It means that traffic

rate, not exceeding this value should always be delivered

* MIR(Maximal Information Rate) - the maximal data rate router will provide



Each HTB class can be in one of 3 states, depending on data rate that it consumes:


* green - a class the actual rate of which is equal or less than limit-at. At this state,

the class is attached to self slot at the corresponding priority at its level, and is

allowed to satisfy its limit-at limitation regardless of what limitations its parents

have. For example, if we have a leaf class with limit-at=512000 and its parent has

max-limit=limit-at=128000, the class will get its 512kbps!




* yellow - a class the actual rate of which is greater than limit-at and equal or less

than max-limit. At this state, the class is attached to the inner slot of the

corresponding priority of its parent's inner feed, which, in turn, maybe attached

to either its parent's inner slot of the same priority(in case the parent is also yellow),

or to its own level self slot of the same priority (in case the parent is green). Upon

the transition to this state, the class 'disconnects' from self feed of its level,

and 'connects' to its parent's inner feed



* red - a class the actual rate of which exceeds max-limit. This class cannot borrow

rate from its parent class




Bursts are used to allow higher data rates for a short period of time. Every second,

the router calculates the average data rate of each class over the last burst-time

seconds. If this average data rate is less than burst-threshold, burst is enabled

and the actual data rate reaches burst-limit bps, otherwise the actual data rate falls

to max-limit or limit-at.




Let us consider that we have a setup, where max-limit=256000, burst-time=8, burst-

threshold=192000 and burst-limit=512000. When a user is starting to download a

file via HTTP,we can observe such a situation: At the beginning the average data

rate over the last 8 seconds is 0bps because before applying the queue rule no

traffic was passed, using this rule. Since this average data rate is less than burst-

threshold (192kbps), burst is allowed. After the first second, the average data rate

is (0+0+0+0+0+0+0+512)/8 = 64kbps, which is under burst-threshold. After the

second second, average data rate is (0+0+0+0+0+0+512+512)/8 = 128kbps. After

the third second comes the breakpoint when the average data rate becomes larger

than burst-threshold. At this moment burst is disabled and the current data rate falls

down to max-limit(256kbps).










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